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This research work analyses the emotional intelligence (EI) and the social cognitive attitudes and strategies in adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age in residential care. The aim of the work is to identify those aspects that hinder their socio-emotional competence, requiring a more urgent intervention. We explore the presence of significant differences between the variables under study according to gender and age range (12–14 and 15–17) and we analyse the relationship between the dimensions of their EI and their social competence. The results show a lack of EI in these adolescents, with all three dimensions being affected: emotional attention, clarity of feelings and emotional repair. As for social competence, it can be seen that the adolescents are characterised by a lack of confidence and firmness in their interactions. Worthy of note is the impulsive cognitive style, as are the rigidity of thought and the tendency towards social mistrust and suspicion. There are many difficulties concerning the strategies for resolving social problems. This research highlights the need to design training programmes for the residential care centres that will favour their socio-emotional development.  相似文献   
我国法律在进行制度设计时 ,采取了将未成年人视为非完全行为能力法律主体的立法技术 ,在未成年人的父母健在并具有监护能力的情况下 ,我国法律并不允许其他人成为未成年人的监护人。但是 ,在诸如在校未成年人校园伤害事故及其赔偿等问题上 ,这种制度的缺陷便完全暴露了出来。因此 ,将监护制度延伸到与未成年人具有特定法律关系的学校便成为一个颇具吸引力的想法———建立学校的临时监护制度仍然是最具吸引力的方案之一  相似文献   
研究表明,在同样的社会阶段,不同地域的未成年人的现代观具有显著的同一性和差异性。同一性表现在:价值意识基本一致、价值取向基本一致、价值选择基本一致。差异性表现在:价值认知的程度不一、价值行为的强度不一、价值发展的跨度不一。基本导因是:接受的成人价值观的影响不同、生存条件的差异、传媒影响力的差异、时尚不同步。  相似文献   
法律面前人人平等是法律适用的一项基本原则,是法治国家的标志.而我国法律对未成年人犯罪的处罚,却明显不同于成年人,专门作出了从轻、减轻、免除处罚的规定.这是从未成年人的生理特点以及社会的根本的、长远的利益来考虑的.这种针对特殊群体的特别规定,并不违背法律面前人人平等的原则,是对这一原则的具体的有效的运用.为贯彻对未成年人犯罪趋轻处罚的立法精神,国家专门机关和社会职能部门应坚持预防为主,建立有效的社会预防未成年人犯罪的工作机制;应坚持教育为主,对未成年人的失范行为准确定罪和量刑,加强改造,热心帮助未成年人解困,促使其重新做人.  相似文献   
近年来,未成年人抽烟喝酒呈现出场合的公开性、程度的严重性和趋势的上升性等特点,造成这种现象的原因有主观方面也有客观方面.要控制和劝说未成年人戒掉烟酒,需要我们加大吸烟喝酒有害健康的宣传力度,开展丰富多彩的活动,政府要出台"无法界定顾客年龄时购买烟酒需出示身份证"的配套规定,家庭和学校应严格管理,媒体要负起社会责任.  相似文献   
‘Looked after’ young people are among the most disadvantaged members of our society. While their disadvantaged status should not be ignored, poor outcomes are often emphasised at the expense of good ones. This article reports a study that adopts the concept of resilience to understand the narratives of the participants’ experience of care and foster care. A total of 15 young mothers, aged 16–19 and mainly from black African backgrounds, were interviewed. Despite lacking a ‘secure base’, informants invested in a sense of moral identity and a source of self‐directedness, which enabled them to move from victim of circumstances to individuals who overcome their circumstances.  相似文献   
武汉市江岸区百步亭花园社区在推进社区文化建设、构建未成年人思想道德教育的新平台等方面积累了初步的经验,为探索开发社区文化资源,推进社区未成年人思想道德教育提供了有益的启示。从未成年人对象的新特点和社区的现实情况出发,因地制宜,创造性地开展社区文化建设,对于未成年人思想道德教育具有重要的现实意义和长远意义。  相似文献   
未成年人违法犯罪是许多国家普遍存在的一种社会现象,也是当今世界十分关注的复杂社会问题。青少年犯罪、吸毒与贩毒、环境污染被世人列为"三大社会公害",青少年犯罪到首位。文章针对我国未成年人违法犯罪数量持续增长、违法犯罪类型多样化、恶性程度加剧暴力型犯罪和财产型犯罪突出的现状,分析了我国未成年人违法犯罪的特有原因,在此基础上提出了相应的矫治对策,并对完善我国已有的违法犯罪未成年人矫治制度提出了相应的建议,以期对解决未成年人违法犯罪问题有所帮助。  相似文献   
Unaccompanied minors looking for asylum in industrialized nations come with a host of psychosocial needs associated with separation and settlement. They are also resourceful, and willing to make the best of themselves in their new environments. This paper reviews literature concerning vulnerability and resilience that has emerged from refugee related studies, and those from social work with children looked after by local authorities. In combining these two areas of enquiry, the paper tests the messages they contain in reference to the work of a young asylum seekers project run in the United Kingdom. It confirms the view that unaccompanied minors are children first and foremost, exhibiting understandable vulnerabilities associated with separation and trauma, as well as being carriers of capacities that can help them to recover and settle after arrival. In this paper, it is proposed that promoting psychosocial well‐being for unaccompanied minors involves entering the young people's inner and outer worlds with therapeutic care, to aid the processes of self‐recovery. It also involves finding ways to regenerate a lost sense of belonging and of being in charge of their lives. Examples from the project's work with the young people are used to illustrate the complexity of helping them find a sense of home within their new territories.  相似文献   
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