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王亥时期商族的婚姻形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对古文献的考察 ,参之以民族学材料 ,可以得知王亥时期商族的婚姻形态处于对偶婚的居妇家制向一夫一妻制———父系外婚制的过渡阶段  相似文献   
简狄与契不是母子关系。简狄处于原始社会母系氏族公社时期,契处于父权制已根深蒂固的原始社会父系氏族公社时期。简狄时代盛行的婚姻制度是普那路亚婚,契时代盛行的婚姻制度是一夫一妻制。简狄只是有娥部族历史上距契母年代最近且最为杰出的一位女性首领而已。  相似文献   
本文对闹洞房习俗的存在形态、产生原因、文化内涵及诸多功能进行了分析。文章指出,它是原始民众从非个体婚制向个体婚制过渡中产生的一种象征性仪式,以此来完成女子的“赎身”,确立丈夫对妻子绝对占有的社会性认同。随着人类社会的发展及民众生活需求的改变,其原始功能已逐渐退化,而由此衍生的各种习俗惯制却留存下来,并不断适应民众生活,又派生出众多新的功能,如祝福、娱乐、教育、帮助新人建立感情、乞福禳灾、为未婚男女交往了解创造机会、警诫等。  相似文献   
一夫一妻是婚姻法的重要制度,甚至可以说它是婚姻法最为核心、最为重要的制度。婚姻登记制度应服从一夫一妻制度,当登记制度与一夫一妻制度发生冲突的时候.宁可牺牲登记制度也应维护一夫一妻制度。婚姻的效力与重婚的构成要件无关,违反“任何人不得有两个或更多配偶”的规则.就是重婚。我国现有婚姻法过分强调登记,否认非婚同居的违法性,背离了一夫一妻制度的精神.其危害将可能导致否定整个婚姻制度存在的价值,给社会带来灾难性的危害后果。不容否认,一夫一妻被架空是婚姻法面临的最大危机之一,而坚持一夫一妻、禁止各种形式的重婚是婚姻法必须坚守的法律底线。  相似文献   

Some gay men practice polyamory, which results in the formation of stable, complex polyamorous families of choice. These relationships do not fit within the western heterosexual model of the family. They can be understood using concepts from the intergenerational or transgenerational approach to family systems, along with concepts from Enneagram, a personality topology. A polyamorous gay male family is described and future areas for research are discussed.  相似文献   
一、夫妻忠实的含义及立法背景夫妻忠实,主要指夫妻性忠实,在性生活上互守贞操,保持专一,不为婚姻外性生活。“如果将夫妻忠实作广义的解释,也包含夫妻不得恶意遗弃配偶他方,以及不得为第三人利益牺牲、损害配偶他方利益”[1]。笔者在涉及夫妻忠实概念时,使用的是它的狭义,而不  相似文献   
从《共产党宣言》和《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》中关于家庭的论证入手,运用经典理论对家庭的未来进行分析,指出专偶制家庭会在漫长的时间后消失,消失的原因在于原有基础的丧失以及内在否定力量的成长,而最终会真正实现没有其他补充相伴随的单偶形式。  相似文献   

This article examines the issue of dishonesty in dating among college students as it relates to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States. The authors surveyed 171 undergraduates at a large midwestern university in January 1991. They conducted an analysis by gender and found significant differences in responses of male and female students. Of those students involved in monogamous relationships, 36% of the men and 21% of the women reported being sexually unfaithful to their current partner or to any of their previous partners. A greater percentage of women than of men inquired about past sexual histories before engaging in sexual activity. In addition, men admitted they had lied to their sexual partner or partners more often than did women. Because a large portion of HIV/AIDS and STD education involves teaching students to inquire about previous sexual histories, the results of this study should influence the direction and content of behaviorally focused educational programs. The authors also address implications for health educators and clinicians.  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(1):117-139
Assuming isomorphism between heterosexual and homosexual relationships may preclude a contextual understanding of gay male monogamy and extra-dyadic sex that may otherwise remain perfunctory. This study sought to explore the experiences of gay men who engaged in extra-dyadic sex outside their primary relationships. Based on qualitative interviews with eight gay men, this study may shed light on the relational structures and processes of same-sex unions. Several strategies including compartmentalization, boundary affirmation and secretiveness were reported to be utilized to preserve emotional monogamy and primary relationship quality. Such findings may bear relevance to therapeutic practitioners working with this group that may challenge normative relationship conventions.  相似文献   
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