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不安抗辩权试析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<中华人民共和国合同法>虽然确立了不安抗辩权制度,但在实践中如何正确贯彻实施,尚有许多需要研究的问题.弄清发生不安抗辩权法定事由的判定标准,弄清难为对待给付的发生原因、发生时间以及不安抗辩权的法律效果,对于正确实施不安抗辩权制度,保护债权人的正当合法权益,稳定社会主义市场经济秩序,都具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
在最初意义上,罪刑法定之"法"仅指刑法。然而,为适应急速变化的社会,同时兼顾刑法的稳定性,当代立法者通过空白罪状和参见罪状的方式,将越来越多的非刑事法律引入刑法领域。因此,当代意义上的罪刑法定之"法"也包含了在刑法具体法条指引下而适用的非刑事法律。  相似文献   
会计盈余信息选拔的不可能定理及其理论深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国等较为成熟的股票市场中,会计盈余信息的主要功能是定价,但是在政府管制较为严格的中国股票市场中,会计盈余信息的首要功能是"选拔".文章对中国证监会和上市公司之间的博弈构建了数学模型,提出了"会计盈余信息选拔的不可能定理":若以下两个条件存在--(1)监管部门设定选拔标准有一个上限,或(2)上市公司通过合法或非法方式虚报盈余的"虚报成本系数"较小,那么单纯依靠会计盈余信息将无法选拔出理想的目标公司.由此得到的可能的理论深化是:度量标准应当与契约形式相配合,如果制度环境本身限制了会计盈余信息作为度量标准的使用,那么改善的要点不应该集中于会计盈余信息本身,而应该在于调整博弈制度的安排.同时也为中国新会计准则执行研究提供了新的理论视角.  相似文献   
我国国有资产流失情况特别严重,但是现实中很难看到对此实行司法保护,其中一个制度上的障碍就是没有规定诉权主体。作为国家和社会公共利益的代表,检察机关应该以诉人身份对国有资产流失案件提起非刑事公诉;同时,立法机关应该从立法上赋予检察机关非刑事公诉权。  相似文献   
Japanese noise music (Japanoise) has strong associations with death. In the early stages of Japanoise’s development, practitioners would often make reference to eroticism, violence and death in their performances and album artwork to help visualise the “excess” of their sound. The discourse of Japanoise also draws on these associations, through concepts such as disembodiment, to help frame this transgressive enterprise. Death becomes a way of visualising and conceptualising a subversive style of music that attempts to leave the world of limits and meaning. Paul Hegarty and Eugene Thacker both account for Japanoise in these terms. Although death is only implicit in their writing, it will be argued that this understanding of death is essential to what Hegarty means by failure and what Thacker means by disembodiment. This paper will show how, for both theorists, death names a paradoxical yet extreme form of possibility that enables Japanoise to test limits. However, the problem with this understanding is that it holds Japanoise to a limited framework. It essentialises the concepts of negativity and subversion to the economy of Japanoise. This paper will argue that Japanoise cannot be limited to these concepts if it hopes to be more than an oppositional form of music and a tired form of transgression. This requires that its relationship with death not be reduced to a form of production or act of will. By arguing that Hegarty and Thacker’s accounts of noise can be read as Heideggerian, this essay will critique this understanding by drawing on Maurice Blanchot’s account of death. This critique will show how a different understanding of death enables a more nuanced understanding of Japanoise.  相似文献   
自20世纪70年代吉伯德-萨特思韦特防策略不可能性定理确立后,引起了数学、经济学、计算机科学和哲学等诸多领域中学者的广泛关注。然而,在国内外文献中,对吉伯德-萨特思韦特防策略不可能性定理的逻辑研究还比较少。基于此,借助公理化的方法探讨吉伯德-萨特思韦特防策略不可能性定理,并形式化地给出定理的内容和证明,力图把精细的逻辑推理应用于复杂的过程分析中,使防策略投票这一过程形式化、清晰化,以期能指导人们进行合理、有效的决策活动。  相似文献   
加缪戏剧主人公古罗马暴君卡利古拉对于不可能之域的追求,是以对价值领域里的不可能性的突破来代替对事实领域的不可能性的征服,两者的错位进一步凸显了存在的荒诞性。卡利古拉的所有暴行皆意在某种表达,这种表达采取了一贯的纯粹而执著的逻辑形式,以求真去蔽为目的,这一切构成某种关于存在之荒诞真相的暴虐启蒙。  相似文献   
We separate the purely combinatorial component of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem in the theory of collective preference from its decision-theoretic part, and likewise for the closely related result of Blair/Bordes/Kelly/Suzumura. Such a separation provides a particularly elegant proof of the former, via a new splitting theorem.  相似文献   
This paper explores the proposition thatelements of the work of psychiatric services areimpossible. The notion of impossibility is consideredfrom three perspectives: societal, interpersonal, andorganizational.Organizational elements of impossibility areevidenced in attempts to work with madness, a phenomenonthat defies clear definition. Resultant confusion inrole and task boundaries is exacerbated by madinterpersonal interactions. The situation iscompounded by societal conflicts between the mad and thesane. Attempts to house and treat the mad over the past200 years are reviewed, and recent illustrativecase material is presented from two communitytreatment teams. It is argued that primarilysolution-focused approaches to madness have limitedsuccess. To acknowledge impossible elements of the workmay enable psychiatric institutions to be designedin ways that help make individual and collective madnessmore bearable rather than something to be controlled andor denied.  相似文献   
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