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通过对父权制和19世纪英国妇女生存状况的阐述,分析了夏洛蒂·勃朗特代表作<简·爱>中女主人公在同表兄约翰·里德和慈善学校校长布洛克赫斯特的斗争中发现自我、寻找自我的成长过程;研究了简在同罗切斯特的爱情关系中的出走和回归,以及拒绝圣约翰·里弗斯的求婚,找到理想中的建立在平等基础上的爱情,最终走向成熟的自我实现过程.  相似文献   
This paper reviews controversies about domestic violence occurring in heterosexual relationships discussed in the Australian context by practitioners and academics and published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy over the past three decades. Controversies arose in relation to the provision of therapeutic interventions for domestic violence, primarily in individual and couple counselling and group programs. After a literature review, the following controversial issues are identified: (1) the role of patriarchy: Is a patriarchal culture the main cause of domestic violence? (2) Systemic family therapy and gendered violence: Does systemic family therapy hide men's responsibility for domestic violence? (3) Therapeutic and educational interventions for domestic violence: Does therapy turn a ‘crime’ into a ‘psychological problem’? (4) Men as victims: Do both men and women perpetrate domestic violence in equal measure? (5) It takes two to tango: What part do women play in eliciting men's violence?  相似文献   
This article uses feminist theory to investigate how the socialization processes used to maintain the clergy community in the Roman Catholic Church contributes to a vulnerability in some clergy for sexually abusing children. This vulnerability is identified first in an examination of the literature on the impact of socialization processes on clergy offenders between the 1960s and 1980s. A comparison is then made with the implications of the apostolic exhortation, Pastores Dabo Vobis, which provides a theological basis to clergy formation. The article argues that the document works to ensure a continuity of socialization processes that not only have been shown to create a vulnerability for committing child sexual abuse but compound existing vulnerabilities. The article concludes that constraints produced by the preservation of a hegemonic masculinity and patriarchy retain a threat of violence against children and require recommended reforms.  相似文献   
简.斯迈利的《一千英亩》的故事框架来自于莎士比亚的《李尔王》,但表现的却是不一样的主题和意义。小说通过女主人公吉妮与三位男性的情感纠葛,揭示出了父权制对女性的压抑和紧闭,同时通过对吉妮女性自我意识觉醒和反叛的描写,表达了新一代美国女性要求摆脱传统束缚、获得独立和自由的心声。  相似文献   
生态女性主义吸收了生态哲学和生态伦理学的养料,以女性主义理论为支撑点,重新审视人类自身的文化系统,关注人类生存与发展的各种问题。从生态女性主义的视角来看,D.H.劳伦斯在《恋爱中的女人》中以生态环境和两性关系为切入点,探索自然和女性在父权社会中同为"他者"的身份地位,进而表达对父权制世界观的否定,以及构建人与自然、男性与女性完全平等、和谐生存的社会理想。  相似文献   
女权与父权在近现代文学作品中并非始终势不两立。英国哥特小说对父权制度及其代表往往表现出既向往又恐惧的暖昧态度,两者关系中对立与依赖常兼而有之。这种矛盾态度实际上是十八九世纪中产阶级对于当时新兴的资本主义的一种批评,反映中产阶级对这种制度与生产方式复杂的认识与感受。  相似文献   
霍桑的《红字》在诞生一个世纪后,进入了生态女性主义文学批评的视野。这一视角的分析指出,以宗教为代表的父权制对人性残酷的压抑不但造成了诸多如海斯特这类女性命运的悲剧,也扭曲了男性生命状态,而回归自然、人性,于母性中汲取力量,是摆脱异化、重获生命和谐的希望与路径。  相似文献   
从女性文学视角来看,方方在她的小说中并没有表现出极力主张、推崇任何一种女性主义理论的倾向。而更为关注的是作为个体的人的命运。《奔跑的火光》就是这样一部小说,它讲述的是一个农村女性爱情婚姻的悲剧故事。但小说无意间为我们揭示了中国新时期农村女性的生存处境和悲剧命运,使我们真实生动地看到了父权制在农村坚不可摧的统治地位,同时,在这篇小说中,我们还可以看到作家方方对女性解放道路问题的思考。  相似文献   
文章通过对比《简爱》和《藻海无边》小说中女主人公的经历,以及她们对待父权制社会和性不同的态度以此发现现代主义视角下的女权主义新的发展变化。  相似文献   
港产肥皂剧《金枝欲孽》权谋斗争的内在逻辑吸引了职场女性的关注,并将这部后宫女人戏解读为“办公室政治教科书”。文章从传统文化的影响、后宫争宠的主题、男性视角的女性形象、男性拯救女性的叙事结构四个方面进行分析,发现这种解读不仅没改变该剧文本的父权制特质,反而加强了这种趋势。  相似文献   
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