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Joost R. Santos 《Risk analysis》2011,31(12):1859-1871
The transportation infrastructure is a vital backbone of any regional economy as it supports workforce mobility, tourism, and a host of socioeconomic activities. In this article, we specifically examine the incident management function of the transportation infrastructure. In many metropolitan regions, incident management is handled primarily by safety service patrols (SSPs), which monitor and resolve roadway incidents. In Virginia, SSP allocation across highway networks is based typically on average vehicle speeds and incident volumes. This article implements a probabilistic network model that partitions “business as usual” traffic flow with extreme‐event scenarios. Results of simulated network scenarios reveal that flexible SSP configurations can improve incident resolution times relative to predetermined SSP assignments.  相似文献   
检察巡视工作的开展强化了上级检察机关对下级检察机关领导干部廉洁从检和执法办案真实情况的监督,及时发现并有效解决了检察领导干部工作中存在的违法违纪问题。由于存在巡视事项较为繁杂、巡视成员数量过少、巡视时间短暂以及工作形式相对单调等问题,检察巡视的效果难以得到保障。因此,应当合理确定巡视工作范围、积极创新工作形式以及科学制定配套制度等,确保检察巡视工作水平的不断提升。  相似文献   
本文主要讨论在电力信息化中如何建立和完善数字巡检系统.通过对电厂巡检系统的充分调研。针对电厂目前普遍存在的问题.在进行需求分析后,提出了系统巡检管理和点检管理应当实现的功能和设计方案,为进一步的实施奠定基础.  相似文献   
An efficient police patrol schedule must ensure the allocation of an appropriate number of officers sufficient to respond to the danger of criminal incidents, particularly in an urban environment, even when the available number of personnel is limited. This study proposes a framework that incorporates two game theory models designed for the allocation of police officers to patrol shifts. In the first step, the interactions of three factors between the criminal and the operation captain are modeled as a zero-sum, noncooperative game, after which a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium method is used to derive the risk value for each district to be patrolled. In the second step, the risk values are used to compute the Shapley value for all 10 districts, for three different threat levels. A fair allocation of police personnel based on the Shapley value is made with a minimum set of personnel deployment costs. The efficacy of the proposed method is verified using openly available data from the San Francisco City Police detailing incidents from the year 2016. The experimental results show that police planners can use this framework to quantitatively evaluate the criminal threat in each district when deciding upon the deployment of patrol officers for three shifts per day.  相似文献   
清政府对东北"龙兴之地"极为重视,为防御沙俄侵略、保卫东北边疆,采取了一系列措施来加强边防建设。编入新满洲的东北各部族责无旁贷地承担着守卡巡边等职责。在开发东北边疆的同时,新满洲又成为东北边疆的保卫者,为维护国家领土完整、保障边疆地区稳定,恪尽职守地履行自己的职责,完成国家赋予的历史使命。  相似文献   
We review queueing‐theory methods for setting staffing requirements in service systems where customer demand varies in a predictable pattern over the day. Analyzing these systems is not straightforward, because standard queueing theory focuses on the long‐run steady‐state behavior of stationary models. We show how to adapt stationary queueing models for use in nonstationary environments so that time‐dependent performance is captured and staffing requirements can be set. Relatively little modification of straightforward stationary analysis applies in systems where service times are short and the targeted quality of service is high. When service times are moderate and the targeted quality of service is still high, time‐lag refinements can improve traditional stationary independent period‐by‐period and peak‐hour approximations. Time‐varying infinite‐server models help develop refinements, because closed‐form expressions exist for their time‐dependent behavior. More difficult cases with very long service times and other complicated features, such as end‐of‐day effects, can often be treated by a modified‐offered‐load approximation, which is based on an associated infinite‐server model. Numerical algorithms and deterministic fluid models are useful when the system is overloaded for an extensive period of time. Our discussion focuses on telephone call centers, but applications to police patrol, banking, and hospital emergency rooms are also mentioned.  相似文献   
从中西城市文化的比较看构建和谐城市管理的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来城管执法遭遇的困境引起了社会各界的广泛关注,许多法学家和社会学家从不同的角度论证了解困的办法。本文试图从比较文化的角度,分析城管陷入困境的深层次的原因,以求从根本上找到解决问题的办法。本文认为,导致城管执法困境的深层次原因是“官本位”的法律文化传统以及由此导致的城市管理模式的陈旧和落后。所以,培养法治精神和创新城市管理模式是解决困境的根本出路。  相似文献   
欧阳修(1007—1072年),北宋著名的文学家、史学家、政治家,“唐宋八大家”之一,不仅在文学和史学上取得了非凡的成就,同时在政治上也颇有建树。欧阳修曾于宋仁宗庆历四年四月至七月奉使河东,尽管其奉使河东时间短暂,但他不负使命,不仅坚持保留了麟州建制,而且尽力减免河东路的冗兵冗费,减轻河东百姓负担,举荐人才,整顿吏治,加强军备,为缓和河东路的社会矛盾,巩固边防做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
党的十八大以来,巡视监察制度在巩固和提高共产党执政能力、权力监督、惩治腐败、依法治国等方面发挥着重要作用。瑞典自1809年建立了Ombudsman(翁巴其曼)制度即议会监察制度后,此制度为西方多国学习借鉴。比较两国当代巡视监察制度的异同,有利于我国巡视监察制度的完善和功能的发挥。  相似文献   
道光六年至道光十二年期间的两广总督李鸿宾在中英关系中有两个负面记载:一、《清史稿》记述李鸿宾接受英商贿赂滥坏行商制度一事,二、《道光夷艘征抚记》等史书中提到的道光六年李鸿宾设立水师巡船导致鸦片入口数量激增一事。史料考证表明,《清史稿》对李鸿宾接受英商贿赂的记载存在与史实不符和概念错乱之处,值得怀疑;而李鸿宾所设的水师巡船固然腐败,却不是导致鸦片入口激增的主要原因。在长期的历史发展过程中,人们层累地加重了李鸿宾的罪名,夸大了他所应承担的历史责任。  相似文献   
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