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宋元易代之际,家铉翁作为祈请使,被元朝羁縻北方十九年,南归时已年逾八十。今存其创作几乎全作于羁北期间,以抒发故乡之思、故国之念和坚守之志而深切动人,从中体现出深厚的家国情怀。其诗文多以乡国之思蕴涵黍离之悲,以前朝遗民流寓之身,亡国之恨不便于直接表达之故也。  相似文献   

A co-editor of “The Balance Point” column looks back at its twenty-year history, its current function and its future in serving the serials professional and scholarly community. The author examines how the column emerged as an idea by then Serials Review editor Cindy Hepfer in 1988 to be a forum on important serials issues for practitioners who might not otherwise write formally on these topics. The column has continued though the 1990s and 2000s to provide that function, as well as serve as an important place where authors are invited to explore serial issues much in need of a balanced approach. The author shares comments from past “Balance Point” column editors, John Riddick, Mary Beth Clack, Ellen Finnie Duranceau, Karen Cargille, Markel Tumlin, and Kay Johnson on how they regarded the column, the rewards and challenges they faced, and how they see the future of this format in an evolving electronic communication milieu.  相似文献   
《宋论》是王夫之重要的史论著作,对宋代各朝的君主和臣子进行了较为尖刻的评价,从中我们可以看出王夫之对明君和贤臣的要求与评价标准,进而了解他对宋代灭亡的看法。  相似文献   
分析指出,拿破仑是近现代国际关系史上叱咤风云的人物,他凭借出色的军事才能及领导能力,带领法兰西民族建立了一个囊括欧洲大半的法兰西帝国,法国一度达到全盛,得以称雄欧洲。后期,由于种种原因,法兰西帝国走向灭亡。在此背景下,召开了维也纳会议,欧洲国际关系发生重大变化,世界历史的进程也得以改变。  相似文献   
A study of twenty-seven fields in 350 highly ranked universities examines the relationship between reputation and rank. We find that many metrics associated with research prowess significantly correlate to university reputation. However, the next logical step– looking at the relationship that links different academic fields with the reputation of the university–did not always offer the expected results. The phrase “publish or perish” clearly has very different meanings in different fields.  相似文献   
廉政建设,是古今中外所有国家必然面对而又必须解决的政治问题。这问题解决得如何,直接关系到人民的命运和国家的前途,官廉则政举,官贪则政亡,莫有例外。朱元璋虽是600年前的一位封建帝王,但其廉政建设的经验,颇有历史借鉴的意义,很值得后世重视。  相似文献   
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