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"朝士视察团"考察报告中有关城市社会生活的记载,浓缩了1868-1881年间,明治政府为实现"富国强兵"、"脱亚入欧"和"文明开化"的基本国策,在科学技术、文化教育、思想风尚、生活方式等领域推行的近代化运动和业已取得的斐然成绩,全面展现了日本社会在明治维新之后发生的巨变。此期的日本城市既是日本近代化的产物,又是日本近代化的见证者、亲历者,它从外延和内涵两个方面佐证了日本在近代化道路上的起步、迅跑。该考察报告,实际上是一篇日本近代化的全记录。  相似文献   
浅谈凉山彝文古籍的修复与整理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彝文古籍是深入了解彝族文化和历史的重要资料,具有很高的学术和文化价值。本文以凉山彝文古籍为研究对象,分析其特点,从而探讨彝文古籍的修复与整理。  相似文献   
鸳鸯蝴蝶派小说是我国近代文学史上重要的文学流派,创作丰富,风靡一时。长期以来都因为其创作仅仅追求消闲性、趣味性、娱乐性、商业性等特性受到新文学家的猛烈批评。但从另一个方面看,鸳鸯蝴蝶派作品中保存的鲜活生动的当时社会的风俗、世情,具有极大的历史史料价值,对我们理解当时都市男女的爱情观乃至当时社会风气大有裨益。  相似文献   
Urban biodiversity conservation needs a firm scientific foundation, one that draws upon active and regionally calibrated research programs. Until recently this foundation has not existed. In this paper we examine the way in which the emerging discipline of restoration ecology in an urban context can learn from the experiences of ongoing restoration projects and in turn how novel insights from research of urban soils can help these projects define and reach their goals. Limitations on collaboration between academic researchers and practitioners continues be problematic. We discuss a model whereby this impediment may be removed. A case study of Rhamnus cathartica, an invader of Midwestern woodlands which modifies some important soil ecosystem properties will be used to illustrate the potential for engagement between research and practice.  相似文献   
阶级分析理论起源新探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾銮斋 《齐鲁学刊》2003,28(2):5-10
随着市场经济的发展和社会关系的变化 ,阶级斗争话语在隐退多年之后又呈复归之势 ,此时探讨阶级分析理论的有关问题不仅具有学术意义 ,而且具有重要的现实意义。关于阶级分析理论的起源 ,已有的几种观点都值得商榷。所谓“阶级斗争理论的首创者”维科、阶级斗争的“天才发现者”圣西门以及复辟时期的历史学家梯叶里等人的理论都不是阶级分析理论之源。实际上 ,阶级分析理论早在古希腊业已提出 ,亚里斯多德在《政治学》中已经进行了系统的构建和运用  相似文献   
民国元勋程德全在辛亥革命中主导的苏州“和平光复”模式,与“武昌首义”的暴力革命模式,是民国建立的两大典范模式。正是在苏州和平光复模式的影响下,东南六省五天内宣布光复。同时程德全以苏州之财力组建江浙联军,督师攻克南京,在辛亥革命首义之地---武昌岌岌可危之际,在南京确立了革命的新基地。苏州和平光复使江南财赋不再为清廷所有,清廷失去东南漕粮与财经支持而无法持久。辛亥革命首义于武昌,收功则在江南,转折点在苏州。程德全就是推动这一历史转折的民国元勋。但近百年以来,对程德全的历史评价缺乏公正。“和平光复”是“投机革命”之说盛行。近十多年以来,史学界对程的历史功绩有了比较客观的评价,但对于程主导的苏州“和平光复”于民国创立的重大历史贡献,依然存在认识不足,需要重新加以铨释。  相似文献   
Ecosystem restoration is critically important in urbanized landscapes because habitat degradation is severe and ubiquitous in such areas. Because successful restoration requires specification of desired environmental endpoints, a generally applicable method for valuing and comparing possible restoration endpoints is needed. One method available for comparative valuation is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP allows a suite of alternatives to be valued on a rank scale based on simple, tractable, paired comparisons among all alternatives. Given a sound technical foundation for the paired comparisons, the method yields an objective set of rank values. By incorporating the relative values of various restoration alternatives in a restoration scaling evaluation such as a Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA), restoration programs can be designed effectively both qualitatively (in terms of the kinds of resources or habitats desired) and quantitatively (in terms of the amounts or areas of each). In this study, we develop and apply AHP in the context of a specimen HEA for US Mid-Atlantic coast estuaries. By ranking various habitat types as potential restoration targets based on their value for a suite of key natural resources, a series of restoration ratios is produced, relating relative habitat areas of each type needed to offset specific impairment levels. These ratios provide a basic tool for restoration planning in urbanized estuaries, as these comprise nearly entirely built environments with little or no natural habitat. Under these conditions, restoration planners must specify desired states of the ecosystem, and the restoration ratios allow various permutations of presumed post-restoration environments to be valued and compared.  相似文献   
中日近代化改革是对后发型国家近代化道路进行比较研究的一个富于典型意义的课题。本文以戊戌变法和明治维新为中心,围绕着改革的背景与目标、西方近代思想的导人及其特征、近代教育的创立及其指导思想等三个方面,对起步阶段的中日近代化改革作了宏观性的比较考察,主要试图揭示两国近代化改革的不同特征。  相似文献   
陈伯平是辛亥革命史上的一位杰出的革命人物。他曾经与徐锡麟、秋瑾等光复会员共同策划进行了浙皖起义。由于其英年早逝,加之长期以来学界之研究多侧重在浙皖起义的领导人徐锡麟、秋瑾身上,故对其生平与革命事迹之研究较少。笔者通过对其生平诸事之研究,考证出其出生地所在以及其加入光复会的大致时间与介绍人。  相似文献   
宁夏江 《晋阳学刊》2007,(5):113-116
中法战争爱国诗歌在近代爱国诗歌中"别具一格"。诗歌揭示出"同治中兴"背景下主战派与主和派营垒非常分明,争论异常激烈。由于这次战争中国不败而败,爱国诗篇中极端愤慨之气喷泄而出,与近代其他几次爱国诗潮相比,中法战争爱国诗歌更多地从"哀其不幸"转向"怒其不争"。在战场上取得一些胜利的激励下,鸦片战争以来长期受屈辱的爱国诗人们抒发出一种慷慨激昂的英雄主义气概,一种扬我国威的"天朝中土"情结。这些特点是近代其他爱国诗潮中较少出现的。  相似文献   
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