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晚清小说《花月痕》与《青楼梦》被称为"狭邪小说",其内容主要描写了士人与妓女之间的交往和情感。从而展现了晚清时代士人的宦海沉浮,以及士人对人生价值的追求、对生命与爱情的珍重。表面的狎妓,其实包涵了丰富的人生内容,反映了鲜明的时代特色。  相似文献   
安史之乱后,唐代社会的女性观念和女性地位发生了深刻的变化,这些变化对唐代婚恋题材小说的创作与接受产生了深远的影响。在这种社会背景下,韩翃与柳氏的故事在流传过程中出现了两种不同的叙事版本,两种叙事中柳氏身份的变化显示了中晚唐婚恋小说中女性角色的妓女化倾向。以此为中心,通过同类故事的比较研究,进一步揭示了唐代"才子佳人"小说采用"文士-妓女"模式的社会原因。  相似文献   
在海派狭邪小说中,妓女与嫖客的关系从古典时期的从属关系变为金钱关系,这使得妓女经济开始独立,并且获得相对自由的空间。传统的"才子"在近代上海妓院已经不能成为妓女们的理想对象,反而被她们任意宰割、戏弄;同时,散漫使钱的商人,也未必能受到妓女们的真心对待。妓院男女关系的新变化使得到妓院"寻欢作乐"的男性迫不得已要发生改变,因而,海派狭邪小说构建了全新的男性魅力体系——"功架"。  相似文献   
The current study aims to reveal the experiences of young malestreet prostitutes in Israel, providing a stage for the voiceof this marginal group to be heard, as we believe youth workersneed to know more about these young people’s lives beforewe can offer meaningful responses. The study was guided by twomain questions: (1) What accounts do young men who work as prostitutesprovide for their involvement in the sex industry? and (2) Whatare their experiences as young males engaged in prostitution?Using the life story interview and thematic analysis, four mainthemes were revealed: (a) a life-long path to prostitution;(b) entering prostitution; (c) interpersonal encounters whileengaging in prostitution; and (d) the consequences of workingin prostitution. The results highlight the lack of meaningfulinterpersonal relationships in the lives of these young men.Practical recommendations are made to better inform youth workersassisting this high-risk population.  相似文献   
This paper describes the sexual behaviors of 101 male clients with female street prostitutes. An earlier study (Freund, Leonard, & Lee, 1989) was limited to sexual behaviors of street prostitutes themselves. Interviews were given by 62% of the clients approached. The clients were mature men (mean = 39.8 years), long‐term residents of Camden, NJ (mean = 19.2 years), and currently or previously married (78/101). Racial composition was similar to the general population of the area, 65% white, 33% black, 2% Asian. Clients reported a mean of 5.3 years of using prostitution, with 81% having been clients of Camden prostitutes for more than a year. Most were regular (or repeat) clients; 93% monthly or more frequently, and 63% weekly or more frequently. About one‐half (55%) reported sex with the same prostitute or same small group of prostitutes. The primary meeting place was the street (78/101) and 43% of the sexual encounters took place in the clients' cars. Ejaculation into the vagina was most frequently reported (43/101), followed by ejaculation into the mouth (39/101) Reports of condom use were substantial; 72% for vaginal and 33% for oral intercourse (mean = 58% of encounters).  相似文献   
文人词诞生于文化娱乐畸形繁荣的环境中,词文本以描摹女色、刻画闺闱之事,感发艳情为主,可以说从晚唐到苏轼以前,女性在词文化活动中扮演着至关重要的角色.然而正统文学观却拒绝词这一新型文学样态,论词者称词也必以贬斥为主,词为"艳科"、"作词为末技"、词为"小道"是唐宋文人达成的共识.这一共识基于趋于一致的深层思想倾向和价值取向,而其支点则在于女性在私有制中的附庸地位.  相似文献   
蒲松龄笔下有近百首诗词描写年轻女子的容貌情态和情爱心理,可总称为"女郎诗(词)",有赠妓姬、戏赠友人、代闺怨等三大类,其中以赠顾青霞、戏赠孙蕙的数量最多。从这些诗歌,特别是《梦幻八十韵》中,可以发现蒲松龄一生对于顾青霞最纯洁珍贵的恋情。由于对顾青霞的精神恋爱,蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中塑造了许多芳容髫齿、弱态生娇、充满诗意的女性,进而对男女关系进行思考,发表了"腻友"论,营造出一个关于男女友情和爱情的精神乌托邦。  相似文献   
This paper describes a prospective study of the sexual behaviors of 20 resident street prostitutes and their clients. Prostitutes were long‐term residents of and practiced street prostitution in their community. They worked full‐time and reported averages of four clients per workday, four to five workdays per week, in an eight‐year career. Sexual behaviors with clients on five to eight workdays were recorded over a seven‐month period. Forty‐nine percent of contacts were with repeat clients. A regular client was defined by prostitutes as one who visited at least once a week. The results of the present study indicate that long‐term sexual relationships exist between some clients and prostitutes. Typically, a regular client had one to three sexual encounters per week with the prostitute, spent several hours with her at a motel (or one of their homes), and was more likely (than the occasional client) to engage in vaginal intercourse. Reported condom use was in the range of 39 to 74 percent.  相似文献   
This study addresses a gap in the research literature concerning predictors of culpability attributions towards juvenile female prostitutes (JFPs). Three hundred undergraduate participants read a vignette describing a JFP and responded to a series of measures. Results supported a causal pathway whereby stronger perceiver sexism predicted stronger negative affective evaluations of, and weaker empathic reactions toward, the JFP. Stronger negative affective evaluations and weaker empathic reactions, in turn, predicted stronger culpability attributions toward the JFP. Also, participants who were provided information about the JFP's extensive victimisation history and coercion into the trade, relative to participants who were not provided this information, attributed lesser culpability to the JFP. Finally, stronger culpability attributions toward the JFP related to weaker recommendations of restorative justice (i.e. counselling/mental health services for the JFP) and stronger recommendations of retributive justice (i.e. incarceration for the JFP). Study implications, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Key Practitioner Message
  • Stronger perceiver sexism predicts stronger negative evaluations of, and weaker empathic reactions towards a juvenile female “prostitute.”
  • Stronger negative evaluations of, and weaker empathic reactions towards a girl in the sex trade in turn predict stronger culpability attributions towards her.
  • Provision of information about a prostituted youth's victimisation history and coercion into prostitution mitigates culpability attributions toward her.
  • Public education that highlights juvenile prostitution as a form of child sexual exploitation may be critically important to minimising punitive social cognitions about survivors of the commercial sex trade.
张凡 《南都学坛》2013,33(1):39-44
发生于20世纪50年代初的妓女改造运动是被当代作家反复书写的历史事件之一,他们从不同的角度与层面走进共和国成立之初那场浩荡的运动,用文学语言和浪漫想象去书写经历这场运动的新中国的"旧女性"们的现实世界,从而呈现出当年这些新中国的"旧女性"———妓女们在改造过程中鲜为人知的辛酸与苦涩。这场妓女改造运动的最终完成,依靠的是特定时空下党和政府的劳动教育、她们自身从自我精神层面的"脱胎换骨",以及整个社会从观念上对她们身份及所从事的行当认识的彻底转变。董立勃小说《烈日》、《箫与刀》中关于新中国成立之初那场妓女改造运动的文字呈现和对当时妓女们社会改造的文学叙述,走进了数十年前新疆生产建设兵团的妓女改造运动的历史场域,使人了解了那些女人们曾经生活的世界。  相似文献   
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