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风笑天 《社会》2008,28(2):152-152
本文依据对江苏、浙江两省6个县343户三峡外迁农村移民的调查数据,分析了相对集中与完全分散这两种不同的安置方式,以及由此所形成的两种不同的人际交往状况对外迁移民社会适应的影响。研究发现,从总体上看,移民在安置地的人际交往状况对移民的社会适应的影响十分显著。无论是移民之间的交往、还是移民与当地居民之间的交往,都会大大增强移民融入当地社会的程度。  相似文献   
碎屑岩储层孔隙演化受有机-无机成岩作用的影响,在埋藏成岩阶段,有机质成熟过程中脱羧作用产生的有机酸对碎屑岩中的方解石、长石等溶蚀所形成的次生扎隙,是深部储层中高孔渗段发育的重要原因,随埋深增加,成岩阶段由早-晚发展,有机质由未成熟-成熟演化,在此期间,储层孔隙经历了消亡与新生的发展过程。在同一盆地中,不同层位储层经历的最大埋深如果相近,所处成岩阶段也相近,其孔隙演化史亦趋于相似;反之,同一层位的储层所处的最大埋深不同,成岩阶段不同,其孔隙特征也就不同。  相似文献   
This paper deals with techniques for obtaining random point samples from spatial databases. We seek random points from a continuous domain (usually 2) which satisfy a spatial predicate that is represented in the database as a collection of polygons. Several applications of spatial sampling (e.g. environmental monitoring, agronomy, forestry, etc) are described. Sampling problems are characterized in terms of two key parameters: coverage (selectivity), and expected stabbing number (overlap). We discuss two fundamental approaches to sampling with spatial predicates, depending on whether we sample first or evaluate the predicate first. The approaches are described in the context of both quadtrees and R-trees, detailing the sample first, acceptance/rejection tree, and partial area tree algorithms. A sequential algorithm, the one-pass spatial reservoir algorithm is also described. The relative performance of the various sampling algorithms is compared and choice of preferred algorithms is suggested. We conclude with a short discussion of possible extensions.  相似文献   
水库移民分享水电工程效益旨在促成显性工程效益和隐性发展机遇实现跨地域、跨组织、跨主体的公平配置。 作为水库移民的应然权利,利益分享既符合公正补偿的制度逻辑,更彰显共商共建共赢的发展理念,但目前补偿救济色彩较重、市场导向偏弱,并存在后靠移民发展权利及机遇隐性被动减损、外迁移民脱嵌于迁出地及受益地发展红利、非农移民缺乏系统保障等实践困境,其原因在于水电工程综合效益量化难度大、参与主体关系地位不对等、执行管理机构人员配置短缺。 因此应健全水电工程效益分享协同管理机制,鼓励水电企业履行社会责任,优先助力贫困水库移民脱贫,灵活渐进地实现水库移民分享工程效益实践机制的稳步定型和有序推广。  相似文献   

The article aims to shed light on mosque communities in Russia through the example of mosques frequented by Moscovites and by Central Asian migrants. I will make use of Anderson’s theoretical framework of ‘imagined community’ in analysing the material presented in the article. The main argument is that there are no real mosque communities and rather that the sense of community formed around mosques is imagined. There are nevertheless a variety of networks, groups and institutions within and around mosques. The article is based on fieldwork conducted in 2016 and 2017.  相似文献   
以长期水驱实验为基础,建立了等效水驱砂岩储层孔喉结构变化的三维网络模拟模型,结合三维微粒运移机制和有限差分求解方法,得到了长期水驱砂岩油藏孔喉结构变化规律:(1) 冲刷后喉道半径呈增加趋势,喉道半径变化范围变大,极小喉道半径呈微弱减小趋势;(2) 孔隙网络模型中冲刷半径扩大的孔道分布形式与原始孔隙网络结构密切相关,并非所有的大孔道都串联起来贯穿岩芯孔隙网络的两个端面,但入口端和出口端部分大孔道相互连通,形成端面上的大孔道网络群。网络模拟注水结果结合采油井测试,可为注水剖面的调整提供更加可靠的依据。  相似文献   
针对大庆外围油田特低渗透油藏剩余油潜力大、井网加密效益差、水驱采收率低等问题,提出了特低渗透油藏 CO2驱技术。通过细管实验和天然岩芯 CO2 驱油实验,确定了 CO2 与高台子油田原油的最小混相压力,评价了特低渗透砂岩油藏 CO2 驱油效果。实验结果表明,CO2 驱可以应用于高台子油田,并取得较好的驱油效果。当天然岩芯空气渗透率为0.58 mD 时,在水驱基础上,气驱可以进一步提高采收率 8% 以上,特低渗透油藏实施 CO2 驱油技术是可行的。  相似文献   
海州方言属于江淮方言中的通泰地区海伊小区,其中存在众多的吴方言词语。在《明清吴语词典》里,这些吴方言词语与海州方言词语在词性、词义方面差异不大。这种情况,是明初以来大量江浙人迁至海州地区与当地居民大杂居小聚居后产生的新方言景观。  相似文献   
华庆地区长6深水沉积低渗透砂岩储层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大量岩芯、铸体薄片、扫面电镜及物性资料分析,对鄂尔多斯盆地华庆地区长6段砂岩的沉积特征、岩石学特征、孔渗特征、成岩作用类型、孔隙结构及孔隙类型等进行了深入研究。研究表明,以深水浊积砂体为主的长6储层具有沉积物粒度偏细、成分成熟度较低、结构成熟度中等的岩石学特点;储集空间主要是原生粒间孔隙和次生溶蚀孔隙,孔隙结构以中、小孔细喉型为主。研究区孔隙度与渗透率具有较好的正相关性,为一套典型的低孔、低渗到特低孔、特低渗的储层。  相似文献   

Drawing on multiple data sources, including key informant interviews, participant observation and archival study, this paper provides an analysis of the civil society’s role in foregrounding the agenda of women migrants in migration and development (M&D) fora, and reflects on its role in realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, the dominant narrative within the state-led Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) tends to be a gender-blind migration for development approach, which emphasises national-level economic growth at the centre of migration processes, while negating the subjectivities of women migrants and neglecting their contributions to the global economy; this approach diverts attention to a narrow focus on macro-economic development through forms of financial remittances. Based on an examination of the GFMD as a site for gender mainstreaming M&D, we reflect on lessons learned as we look forward to achieving the SDGs. We argue that while the SDGs include some significant provisions for women in migration, only critical civil society advocacy and activism networked within grassroots organisations can address the structural changes necessary (such as a re-articulation of the care economy to value economic contributions of women’s reproductive work) to transform and improve the lived realities of women in migration and realise the SDGs in a manner that fosters their empowerment.  相似文献   
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