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缔约利益是指缔约磋商当事人在合同缔结过程中存在着的一种特殊利益,其具有实存性、绝对性的特点。当缔约利益受到第三人侵害时,利益主体也会产生“利益复位”的诉求。大陆法系既有的理论与制度并不能有效解决第三人侵害缔约利益的问题。《美国侵权法》重述第37章的规定值得我们借鉴。未来的《侵权责任法》应当建立第三人侵害缔约利益制度。  相似文献   
在历史进程上,侵权法从起源到发展历经了从同态复仇到损害赔偿、过错归责到多元归责、绝对责任到相对责任再到绝对责任的演变。近代以后,欧洲大陆的成文法典确立了侵权法的地位,而英美国家的侵权法则在判例法的基础上枝繁叶茂。总体而言,侵权法始终发挥着填补损害和威慑行为的功能,只是在不同时期占据主导地位的功能有所差别。当代侵权法是以救济受害人为中心建构起来的,并彰显填补损害的功能。  相似文献   
This paper draws on a ten month British study completed in April 2001 investigating service responses to women of South Asian background who had attempted suicide or who self-harmed. The scope of the study is briefly outlined and an analysis of perspectives documented in the study is presented, drawing on research interviews with 18 staff from a variety of health and social care disciplines and with seven survivors of attempted suicide/self-harm. The implications of this analysis for improving practice are considered. Attitudes surrounding attempted suicide and self-harm are discussed. The issue of ‘race anxiety’ is also discussed. The factors seen by workers as contributing to South Asian women's attempted suicide are considered, with a particular focus on the difficulties caused in the delivery of services by common-sense accounts of cultural issues. Current approaches to the delivery of services to South Asian women are identified and analysed, showing how their current organisation can lead to circularity in referral systems and consequent non-intentional neglect of the needs of this client group. It is urged that proper consideration be given to the support and professional supervision of staff in this complex area of work.  相似文献   
This article examines how Jewish leaders in post-war Slovakia negotiated the restitution of property with the legislative and executive powers in Bratislava and Prague. The Jewish leaders were affiliated with two Slovak Jewish organisations founded in 1945: the Central Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Slovakia (Ústredný sväz ?idovských nábo?enských obci na Slovensku, ÚS?NO) and the Organisation of Victims of Racial Persecution at the Hands of the Fascist Regime in Bratislava (Sdru?enie fa?istickým re?imom rasovo prenasledovaných v Bratislave, SRP). The Secretary General of the SRP, Dr Vojtech Winterstein, was the main voice negotiating and promoting the interests of the post-war Jewish community. His invaluable collection of documents – the Winterstein collection – provides the source base for this article.  相似文献   
合同法定解除后的损害赔偿问题,不同国家和地区存在着多种调整方式,立法例上主要有选择主义和两立主义两种处理模式。在我国,坚持合同解除与损害赔偿的并存,有其合理性。对于合同法定解除后损害赔偿的范围,我国《合同法》采取了大陆法系的实际损失和可得利益的分类方法,将它界定为债务不履行的损害赔偿。我国《合同法》确立了可预见性原则,合同法定解除后的损害赔偿以补偿性为主,惩罚性为辅,故损害赔偿数额以补偿受害人的损失为上限。因违约而导致合同法定解除,解约权人得向违约方请求履行利益损害赔偿。  相似文献   
恢复原状独立性是指相对损害赔偿来说恢复原状能否为独立责任。否定恢复原状的独立性,即否定将恢复原状与损害赔偿视为割裂存在的观点。通过分析恢复原状与相关法律制度的关系,借鉴德国与日本民法对恢复原状的制度配置,讨论得出否定恢复原状独立性的结论。否定恢复原状独立性,是正确认识恢复原状民事责任的重要理论前提之一。  相似文献   
The Kiev Institute of Jewish (from the early 1930s “Proletarian”) Culture (Institut Evreiskoi Proletarskoi Kul'tury, IEPK), based at the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS), was one of two such organisations in the inter-war period. This article discusses the fate of its archive, a rich source that included material from Leningrad and elsewhere, in the wake of two interventions; firstly, its sudden closure in 1936 by the Soviet authorities and, secondly, the Nazi occupation of Kiev in the Second World War. As a consequence, the archive was scattered to the winds, ending up in two continents.  相似文献   
该文在简要梳理唐代告身学术研究史的基础上重点研究唐代西域告身,指出目前仅知八件出土唐代西域告身。日本学者从公文类别出发,分之为制授、奏授、令书样、版授四种类型。该文从内容出发,分之为官告、勋告和命妇告三种类型。另外,根据现有的资料和勋告的特点,作者认为还可以复原三件唐代西域勋告。此外,该文对官告与勋告格式用语的区别及其原因、告身涉及的一些史实与制度也进行了研究。  相似文献   

Restorative justice is a movement within criminal justice that draws from a conception of justice as personal rather than impersonal. This article offers a definition of restorative justice and describes its hallmark programs: victim offender mediation, conferencing, circles, restitution, and community service. It explores the differences between restorative justice and contemporary criminal justice, including their relative strengths. Whereas criminal justice derives from an impersonal conception of justice, restorative justice draws from a personal understanding. Differences between the two views of justice are described, and a brief survey of history and cultures demonstrates that personal conceptions of justice have played, and continue to play, significant roles in shaping societies' responses to crime.  相似文献   
"华盛顿共识"的式微催生着"中国模式"的日益兴起,学界热议中的"中国模式"正处于一种能指的狂欢状态,这是一种虚假的繁荣。分析还原论的分析方法堵塞了认知"中国模式"的道路,这种方法仅表征了思维的初级阶段。走出目前困境的唯一方法,就是要变革思维方式,用马克思主义的总体性方法研究马克思主义中国化进程中的事物——"中国模式",总体性方法的基本运思理路是面向总体、维护总体与获得总体。  相似文献   
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