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Ali  Syed 《Sociological Forum》2002,17(4):593-620
This article explores how the significance of ethnic identity can vary within a stable population, using caste among Muslims in Hyderabad, India as a case study. While some Hyderabadi Muslims are still embedded in ethnic networks, most now experience ethnicity as elective and do not rely on a corporate caste group for their social connections. This reflects a decline in the value of caste identities, which no longer provide economic or political resources. Increasingly, Muslims seek status through education, profession, or income. Thus, most Muslims in Hyderabad experience caste membership, identity, and networks in a weakened or attenuated way.  相似文献   
当代印度社会正发生着极大的变动,社会各阶层都在极力维护固有地位和宗教传统的稳定,并极力在这种变动中争取着自身社会利益的最大化。其中,南印度婆罗门种姓在逐步丧失传统的各项特权和优势地位的同时,也在努力适应、应对当代社会的新变化和新挑战。英国作家V.S.奈保尔的《印度:百万叛变的今天》一书提供了较为翔实、客观的口述史资料。以书中生活在孟买、班加罗尔、马德拉斯、加尔各达等南印度城市中的当代婆罗门阶层作为个案,可探究出其面对传统社会生活中的各个层面发生变动时的态度与应对及个体内在的深层原因,并在一定程度上考察社会变动与文化传统之间的互动关系。  相似文献   
Non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) and the government of Nepal have made some effort to reduce poverty in Nepal by creating women's affiliation groups, some of which are micro‐credit organizations. Using capabilities as defined by Amartya Sen (Development as freedom, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2000), which includes employment opportunities, women's ownership in productive resources such as land and/or homes, educational opportunities, and women's participation in decision‐making in the family, this study evaluated the extent to which women's ethnic group or caste affiliation affected a woman's likelihood of being empowered by participation in these groups. We analyzed a sample of 8,973 women which was taken from the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey. Previous research has demonstrated that participation in gender‐based groups is correlated with higher economic status. This study adds to the literature on women's affiliation groups by investigating the impact of structural factors, such as caste and ethnicity, on women's self‐help group participation (women's groups and credit groups).  相似文献   
敦煌变文<太子成道经>叙述释迦牟尼从其母"右胁出身胎"、"袖中生"出,这与印度古代的种姓等级制度密切相关,是婆罗门教所谓不同种姓的人从梵天不同部位生出的神话之体现,"右胁"出生主要是秦汉以后"尊右卑左"观念的影响;释迦太子出生后"九龙吐水"洗浴其身,"九龙"是佛教输入后中国化的产物;释迦牟尼娶妻时所问"三从",是借用儒家提倡的妇道,来表明印度古代妇女在宗法家族中的卑微地位.  相似文献   
印度妇女是世界上最为悲惨的妇女,森严的封建礼法制度规定她们处于无权地位———从人格到经济上都得不到独立;而印度特有的封建产物———种姓制度又给她们牢牢地加缚了一条锁链  相似文献   
在研究茶陵和前七子派关系时,近人陈田提出了很有影响的“坛坫下移郎署”说。而之前的明清人则认为两派或是前后相承,或是前正后邪。追索康海父亲墓文写作这一标志性分裂事件,从写作权利“旧例”的被颠覆和前七子派记述者的预设叙事逻辑,可见其实质是争夺世俗文章的书写权利,并影响了中晚明的文学下移大势。然面对前七子的系列“进攻”,茶陵派则多是“虚应”和“暗战”。这与前七子出于茶陵派有关,更与流派论争并不一定流于现实斗争的表现特点有关。  相似文献   
The principle of ‘leaving no one behind’ is strongly emerging as a defining aspect of the new development framework under negotiation in 2015. This stems from an acknowledgement of the failure of the Millennium Development Goals in securing benefits for the most marginalised groups, those suffering from economic deprivation and discrimination as a result of intersecting inequalities. As the new development framework takes shape, national-level experiences of tackling intersecting inequalities can provide lessons on the shifts required in policy and practice to address the specific needs of women experiencing deprivation, violence, and discrimination because of their gender and other identities. This case study illustrates lessons learnt from Christian Aid's programmatic experience in several states of India in support of Dalit women and single women as they individually and collectively struggle to gain dignity and realise their rights.  相似文献   
印度女作家阿兰达蒂·罗伊的写作聚焦于"权力"二字,但权势重压之处也必有反对强权的力量萌发。这种力量在《微物之神》中表现为:即便是"微物"也有其"神"性。展现了底层民众,尤其是贱民,依靠自身的努力和人格魅力发展自己,展示力量。强调了印度底层民众寻求发展、自由和平等地位的主动性和必然性,反映了作者对整个印度社会发展的期待。  相似文献   
Despite much research work on the effect of social capital or the production of social capital along ethno-linguistic or racial dimensions, there is hardly any study in this line along the much fragmented character of Indian ethnicity. This article studies the impact of ethnicity along caste and religious dimensions on the growth of social capital in the Indian context. A simple theoretical model indicates that individual ethnicity formed out of individuals' separate pairwise connections with people, who are either of the same ethnic dimension or of different ethnic dimensions, is the only factor affecting endogenous social capital growth. Empirical results suggest that all forms of individual social capital are higher for people who are of the same caste or religion. It also shows that individuals' ethnicity with the same caste or religion is the only factor influencing high performance on the productivity of aggregate social capital in general and nonstructural form of social capital in particular.  相似文献   
奥尔罕·帕慕克的小说<白色城堡>通过两个不同文化文明背景人物彼此互换身份的寓言性故事,思考了"我为什么如我所是"这个带有强烈哲学意味的文化身份问题,批判了一种文化战胜另一种文化的思想,一种文化优越于另一种文化的谬论,表明不同文化相互借鉴与融合、共同存在与发展的可能性和必要性,表达了作者"杂交化(hybridization)是新生活的模式"的理想.艺术上,<白色城堡>同样杂糅了诸多东西方文学手法,形成了独特的混杂性创作风格.在当代东西方文化冲突与交流日益高涨的全球化时期,<白色城堡>的寓意无疑具有深刻的启示意义.  相似文献   
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