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金世宗完颜雍在位29年,为了常葆女真全民族骑射武功不衰败,有效地抗击北方鞑靼部族南下攻掠金国,特在黑龙江金源故地山林中,大力倡导女真族以射猎野兽为实战的习武运动.同时颁布有利于生态平衡保护野兽繁衍的法令.对金国北疆世居混同江两岸的乌底改族施以残酷剿杀,以求得金源故地北疆的安全.  相似文献   
在关于电视画面运动的讨论中,有好几个概念都存在彼此牵连、界定不清的问题。为了廓清思路,更好地指导实践,可从拍摄的角度起用一个新概念——“固定拍摄”,以便与传统的“运动摄像”概念形成呼应;从后期剪辑的角度,则可以起用一对新概念——“静态镜头”和“动态镜头”,以适应观众对画面的把握方式;同时,对传统的一对概念“固定镜头”和“运动镜头”相应地需要进行更准确的定位和把握。最后,对与“运动摄像”相关的一系列容易让人误解的传统概念、术语也进行了更为细致的辨别。  相似文献   
明代后期,地处赣东北山区、交通不甚便利的江西景德镇却同经济较发达的苏、淞、嘉、杭地区一样出现资本主义生产关系的萌芽,表现在景德镇制瓷业中出现带有新的经济因素的手工工场和作坊、自由雇佣劳动力的广泛使用和作为商品经济的产物——瓷器拥有国内外广大市场.制瓷业的发展,不仅使景德镇产生了新的生产关系的萌芽,而且使景德镇成为当时"富甲一省"的地区,景德镇瓷器也成为明政府对外贸易、出口创汇的大宗商品,为明政府长期的对外贸易顺差作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   
《Journal of Policy Modeling》2022,44(6):1148-1164
Surges in firearm sales after mass shootings have been well documented in the United States. This study presents three main findings regarding the impact of mass shootings on firearm demand and the moderating roles played by political and regulatory climates. First, mass shootings led to an immediate but temporary increase in gun sales. This effect continued for approximately 3–6 months after the incidents and was larger for shootings with a greater number of fatalities. Second, the association between mass shootings and gun sales was significant only under Democratic presidents. The party affiliation of the state legislature and state-level gun control did not moderate this association. Third, the increased firearm sales after mass shootings did not result in a higher level of firearm ownership. It appeared most purchases were made by current gun owners stockpiling additional firearms, thus indicating the fear of stricter gun control as a likely motivation. This study offers the following policy implications: (a) the public debates concerning gun violence could have the unintended consequence of raising gun demand among current owners, (b) the message of tightening gun control could increase the total stock of firearms in circulation, and (c) the regulations to prevent future mass shootings may be better addressed by the state government as a state-level regulation does not trigger demand response among potential consumers.  相似文献   
弓箭是人类最早所使用的劳动工具之一 .大约近三万年前我国就已经出现了弓箭 .随着社会的发展 ,弓箭从劳动工具逐步演化成军事武器和体育运动器械 .如今在大多数国家 ,弓箭基本上已褪去了劳动和军事武器的本色 ,成为一种纯粹的竞技或娱乐体育的工具  相似文献   
针对园区网络日常运行中网管员要持续关注的机房环境、网络服务状况、链路畅通与性能状况,设计实现了一个综合监测报警系统,首次将机房环境与服务器、链路运行状态及性能监测融于一体,并能依据可自定义的报警策略实施有效的声光、邮件、短信方式报警,充分符合网络运行维护的实际需求.文中描述了整个系统的体系结构、利用面向对象技术实现的关键模块,总结了实际应用的效果.  相似文献   
《诗经》中的典礼仪式乐歌 ,一指祭祖仪式乐歌 ,二指应用于燕乐、乡乐、大射诸礼中的乐歌。本文依据出土文献与传世文献对诸种乐歌形态做了细致的分析 ,认为《诗经》的编排明显受到典礼仪式的影响 ,诗乐礼有先后之别而统一于仪式之中 ,典礼仪式具有宗教、伦理和艺术表现诸种功能  相似文献   
作为“六艺”之一的“射”艺在儒家哲学中被赋予了丰富的内涵,通过对乡射礼的具体描述,表明了“射中正鹄”要身与心同时修养及内正方能外直的思想。射箭竞技必然会带来输赢的判定,从而引起纷争,儒家将射箭过程充分地礼仪化,在“不争”中去化解“争”,从而提倡“君子之争”。  相似文献   
吴镇烽新著《商周青铜器铭文暨图像集成续编》中收录了一件贤鼎,据形制、纹饰等因素考量,当为西周早期后段康昭时器。铭文涉及西周大射之事,虽记载与其他器铭不合,但并非伪铭。其所记当是由周王亲自主持并参与的大规模军事演习。这是彼时军事战争频仍的现实反映,也是早期射礼起源于军事训练的鲜明例证。而透过贤鼎大射之事来简拔军事将领,也与射礼具备"择士"的政治目的相吻合。  相似文献   
Although some sources have observed an increase in the number of gun purchases following mass shootings, empirical research investigating this pattern is limited. Appraisal Theory suggests that mass shootings contribute to fear of victimization through media exposure. Desire for self-protection is the primary reason many individuals own and purchase guns. This paper examines this link by assessing the effects of six mass shootings that took place in the 2000–2010 time period. This study examines effects for gun acquisition nationally and regionally as well as timing-specific patterns in gun acquisition following these events. Gun acquisition counts are approximated from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Results indicate a positive but delayed association between mass shootings and the number of NICS background checks. Implications of this finding for violence and possibilities for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
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