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实行行为观念之提倡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实行行为是指刑法分则条文类型性规定的具有法益侵害现实危险性的行为,它除具有刑法中行为的一般特征外,还具有规范性和定型性的特征。实行行为是犯罪构成的核心要素,因而本文提倡刑法立法及司法实践应当树立实行行为的观念,即刑罚发动以实行行为为限,没有实行行为就不得动用刑罚。在此观念指导下,我国刑法应当修订犯罪预备行为的处罚原则和范围,设立独立教唆罪,限制刑法中“等”、“其他”等不明确的规定。  相似文献   
A common risk among adolescents is sexual solicitation, in which an adolescent is asked to provide sexual information, engage in sexual talk, or in sexual activities. Although scholars increasingly address this topic from an intrapersonal perspective, there is little attention to factors of language use and message content. In two focus group studies, we investigated whether adolescent girls consider themselves capable of assessing whether an online stranger is an adult or a peer, the extent to which adolescent girls actually succeed in making this assessment, the strategies they apply to do so, and the content- and language-related cues focused on. Our findings suggest that most of the adolescent girls are confident in their ability to assess whether the stranger is a peer or an adult with possible sexual intentions. However, we also found that only 43% were able to correctly make this assessment. Most of the adolescents seem to apply the passive strategy of uncertainty reduction: They scan the profile page of the stranger, check contact information, and the profile picture. They may choose to apply the interactive strategy to find out more about the online stranger. Important content-related cues that alarm adolescent girls are: ignoring personal questions, showing an exaggerated amount of interest, acting as a friend, and being sexually oriented. Language cues mentioned related to word usage, abbreviations, sentence length, and tone.  相似文献   
股东委托书征集制度是股份公司股权分散化、流动化的必然产物,它涉及委托代理行为和征集行为。我国现行有关委托书征集的立法主要是委托授权的内容,而征集行为欠明确和详细的规定。在考察我国资本市场现状和今后发展趋势的基础上,借鉴国外相关的立法,完善我国有关委托书征集的规则。  相似文献   
共同教唆犯不同于传统共犯理论中的共犯教唆犯,其构成要件有三:教唆犯主体为二人以上;各主体有教唆他人犯罪的共同故意;各主体有共同的教唆他人犯罪的行为。对共同教唆犯的定罪处罚,应以刑法分则中单独规定教唆罪为基础,井以各教唆主体在共同教唆犯罪中所起的作用大小而论。  相似文献   
英美法系教唆犯罪主、客观要件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英美法系认为教唆犯罪的本质是试图引诱他人实施犯罪。与大陆法系和中国刑法中的教唆犯不同,英美法系中的教唆犯罪并不是共同犯罪研究范畴内的问题,而是不完整犯罪研究范畴内的问题,因此英美法系中的教唆犯罪的主、客观要件有很多独特的问题。   相似文献   
教材的质量主要取决于作者的学术水平和写作水平,同时,也与编辑的组稿工作有直接关系.就高校教材选题来讲,编辑大多采用教师集稿的方式进行.文章立足于编辑的职责,从前期准备、中期沟通和后期落实三方面阐述了做好集稿工作的主要程序、活动内容和应注意的问题.  相似文献   
期刊组稿样式的多样性,导致期刊组稿策划的微观复杂性。本文从宏观上探讨了期刊组稿策划的三要素,即紧扣办刊特色,把握读者阅读心理,探求难点、热点问题。  相似文献   
农地征用过程中农民权益保护问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在农地征用过程中,农民作为弱势群体,其利益必须受到保护。而我国现行的农地征用制度很不合理,这是导致被征地农民权益得不到有效保护的根本原因。为了保护被征地农民的合法权益,建议从以下几个方面来完善农地征用制度,即严格控制土地征用的范围;完善土地征用补偿机制;完善征地程序,赋予被征地农民知情权、参与权和起诉权;建立健全失地农民社会保障制度。  相似文献   
教唆行为的错综复杂,无疑将教唆犯问题变成了刑法理论界极具争议的话题。我国《刑法》第29条规定:“教唆他人犯罪的,应当按照他在共同犯罪中所起的作用处罚。教唆不满十八周岁的人犯罪,应当从重处罚。如果被教唆的人没有犯被教唆的罪,对于教唆犯,可以从轻或者减轻处罚。”此种立法例存在明显欠妥之处,将两种不同类型的教唆犯规定在同一刑法条文当中,无疑会致使学界在研究教唆犯问题时分不清两者的界限。应采用比较研究的方法,将共犯教唆犯与非共犯教唆犯区分开来。由于目前教唆犯问题在立法上和实践中都存在诸多矛盾,应将非共犯教唆犯从刑法总则中的“共同犯罪”一章中独立出来,单独设立教唆罪,置于分则当中。  相似文献   
This study explored adolescents' experiences of being under pressure to sext (sending nude images), offering insights into what situations adolescents view as pressuring, how adolescents react to the pressure, and what counter-strategies they use. Written statements from 225 adolescents (age 13–16 years, M = 14.4 years, SD = 0.93) were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results indicated a range of situations including both explicit and implicit pressure. The pressure elicited different emotional responses, including severe physical and psychological reactions, becoming distressed, and being seemingly unconcerned. A majority of the adolescents reported successful strategies on how to ward off the unwanted sexual requests. This study provides insight into how young people cope with potentially harmful situations online.  相似文献   
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