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中德电信政策比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在 WTO的背景下 ,我国电信业面临着开放的压力。文章通过对比中德电信的开放过程 ,从中得出启示和借鉴 ,为我国电信业的发展提出一些建议  相似文献   
Of the 324 petroleum refineries operating in the U.S. in 1982, only 149 were still in the hands of their original owners in 2007. Using duration analysis, this paper explores why refineries change ownership or shut down. Plants are more likely to ‘survive’ with their original owners if they are older or larger, but less likely if the owner is a major integrated firm, or the refinery is a more technologically complex one. This latter result differs from existing research on the issue. This paper also presents a split population model to relax the general assumption of the duration model that all refiners will eventually close down; the empirical results show that the split population model converges on a standard hazard model; the log-logistic version fits best. Finally, a multinomial logit model is estimated to analyze the factors that influence the refinery plant's choices of staying open, closing, or changing ownership. Plant size, age and technology usage have positive impacts on the likelihood that a refinery will stay open, or change ownership (rather than close down).  相似文献   
旨在探讨《心经》中独特的女性形象以及张爱玲写此文的深层原因。生活在父权制社会下,男性凝望世界中的女性,渴望直接与男性对话,从而产生异样感情,特殊的母女关系经历了分裂到张扬再到重组的过程,表现出女性在与男性相抗衡的过程中的绝望与疯狂,也隐含作者内心深处的希望。  相似文献   
本次股权分置改革是非流通股股东通过市场交易的方式来购买其所持股票的流通权的过程,然而双方就支付价格进行讨价还价时,流通股股东处于明显的弱势地位。为了推动股权分置改革继续顺利进行,证券监管机构要进一步完善投票表决制度,切实保护流通股股东的权益。  相似文献   
英国作家史蒂文森的代表作《化身博士》描写了一个人格分裂的博士的故事,背后隐藏的缘由可以用弗洛伊德的精神分析理论加以分析。通过这种分析,可以帮助现代人了解人格的构成和特性,帮助现代人培养完美的人格。  相似文献   
以陈染、林白为代表的60年代出生女作家与以卫慧、棉棉为代表的"新新人类"女作家,以她们对私语空间中女性隐秘经验的描写取得了写作姿态上的形似,但却遮掩不住内在的差异。在共同的对性及父亲形象的描写中,"新新人类"写作都缺乏前代女作家深层的对男权文化的精神抗拒与反叛,从而使女性写作发生了断裂甚至倒退,陈染、林白式的女性写作意义也借话语革命得以突显。  相似文献   
Randomized response models deal with stigmatizing variables appearing in health surveys. Additive and subtractive scrambling in split sample and double response yield unbiased mean and sensitivity estimators of high precision. The split sample method is protective of privacy. The double response method is as protective only conditionally. To achieve the maximum efficiency, the scrambling variables must be similar to each other and the probability of obtaining a true response must be as large as possible. The randomized response procedures yield more efficient estimates of the average total number of classes missed by university students.  相似文献   
沈从文文化批评的目的是试图在"古典"和"现代"之外寻求一个第三点来构筑他的文化理想。这样的文化理想不是任何凝固、僵滞的模式,而是要体现出生命的鲜活和流动。但是他的努力失败了,这个第三点是无法实现的。因此在40年代,他转向了"抽象的抒情"。这一转向表明他所用来表达其文化观念的自我、静观、自然、人性、神性等等范畴的内在分裂。  相似文献   
《陆机集》的用韵情况和以“阳夏四谢”为代表的魏晋语音的用韵情况有所不同 ,主要表现在韵部出现了分化合流的情况。可见《陆机集》的用韵具有从汉代到魏晋语音衍变的中间过渡音的地位  相似文献   
股权分裂与国有股流动性溢价:基于流动性的经济学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国有股、法人股的存在降低了二级市场的流动性,导致证券定价缺乏效率,从而降低了社会福利。必须对国有股和法人股进行流动性变革,以合理的方式消除国有股所包含的巨大风险和不确定性,促进经济资源的优化配置。而流动性变革的关键在于国有股的合理定价,因此,在国有股定价过程中,必须充分考虑到非流通股的控制权溢价、非流通股在投资者财富中所占的比重、流通所受限制时间的长短及股价波动性等因素。  相似文献   
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