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统计打假对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
统计工作是经济管理的重要基础工作 ,统计信息是制定政策和编制、检查计划的基本依据之一。本文对统计工作中造假的成因、危害进行了剖析 ,提出了相应的打假对策  相似文献   
改革开放初期,为了遏制快速增长的犯罪率,我国提出了"严打"刑事政策,不仅未取得明显效果,反而出现了一些消极因素。我国宽严相济刑事政策的提出,其实质就是对纷繁复杂的刑事犯罪情况区别对待,既要做到有力打击,震慑犯罪;又要做到宽严相济,尽可能减少社会对抗,变消极因素为积极因素,实现法律效果和社会效果的统一。  相似文献   
在分析中国共产党革命精神形成的历史环境、原因的基础上,归纳出它们的内涵、突出特征以及内在联系,并客观地评价了它们的历史地位和现实意义。  相似文献   
老子的思想体系潜移默化地影响着中国人的生活方式、思维方式,对中国社会的发展变迁也发挥了不可小视的作用。老子战略思想是老子思想体系的重要组成部分。它秉承老子哲理思考的脉络,涵盖了人本思想、反战慎战、后发制人、“柔胜”、有限目标、内修外与、权力均衡等内容。老子的思想对于我们构建“和谐世界”的理念与实践,有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
百合组织培养生根的初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验以百合继代培养的原球茎为材料,对它的生根进行研究,探索和掌握百合原球茎生根所需的最佳激素种类及其激素配比,为百合的快速繁殖提供技术基础.  相似文献   
清代河州度量衡制钱地亩计算单位及方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清代河州地区的度量衡、制钱、地亩计算单位及方法与内地并不完全一致,如清代河州地区既使用"仓石"仓斗"仓升",又流行当地的"市石"市斗"市升"。在制钱方面,河州地区也有自己的一套比值,与内地的制钱比值并行不紊。除此之外,清代河州地区地亩计算大多是以下籽量的多少为单位,而不是以"亩"为单位。  相似文献   
江泽民的忧患意识是对我国社会主义现代化建设事业所面临世纪之交新的复杂国际形势进行深入思考和理性分析后所形成的,具有鲜明的个性特征。那就是忧党、忧国、忧民的统一,增强全党忧患意识与搞好党的自身建设的统一,强烈的忧患意识与解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,努力寻找根本解决措施的统一。尤其“三个代表”重要思想的提出,是解决中国现实忧患的根本措施,发展了马克思主义。  相似文献   
On 20 October 2000, the longest and most deadly hunger strike in modern history began in prisons throughout Turkey. Organized as a response to the government's plans to develop and construct new so-called ‘F-type’ prisons – in which prisoners are isolated from one another, from legal advocates and from family members – the strike was also intended to challenge several recently-enacted ‘anti-terrorism’ policies that have resulted in thousands of arrests. In a country where political prisoners make up roughly one-sixth of the total prison population, and where a long history of prison torture has been criticized by a wide range of outside human rights groups, the hunger strike sees little chance of achieving its goals: convincing government officials to repeal the official legislation and to reconsider its shift to the F-type prison system. Nonetheless, the Strike has continued for well over two years, and has claimed at least 107 lives. This essay is intended to explore the political effects and performative value of a mode of resistance (1) founded on the eventual death of many, if not all, of its practitioners and (2) ineffective in eventuating its desired changes. By definition, hunger striking is an unsustainable form of resistance; and yet, the Turkish strikers have continued to fast far longer than anticipated, and seem to be willing and able to continue indefinitely. How are cultural meanings and political currencies of Hunger Striking reformulated in such a radically changed temporal context? In a practice that so dramatically fuses the subject and object of state violence into a single body (and at the behest of such a maligned community), what kind of political subject is produced, and how is her/his relationship to the state redefined? And finally, how might political efficacy be redefined in the case of the Turkish strike, and by the performative value of various attempts to represent the strike in the context of European assimilation?  相似文献   
张俭是东汉“党锢之祸”中的重要人物。在对宦官侯览及其家族的斗争中,他敢作敢为,大义凛然。二次“党锢之祸”后,他望门投止,害得数以十计的家庭遭到诛灭。党锢解禁后,他返回故乡,对政治冷漠,言行低调,前后判若两人。原因在于,他喜欢玩政治却没有坚定的信仰,贪恋政治的荣光却不愿为之付出生命的代价。大难临头,选择逃逸;大难之后,也就不再分辨正义与邪恶。与李膺、范滂相比,他是毫无光彩的一?黄土。  相似文献   
美国“先发制人”战略的提出,标志着美国国家安全战略的重大转变,其实质是服务于建立美国“一超独霸”的单极世界;“先发制人”战略的理论和实践,向国际社会安全秩序提出了挑战。  相似文献   
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