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20世纪70年代到80年代末,中日关系迎来了两国复交以来最好的发展阶段。这一时期,中日首脑互访频繁,互访次数位居大国之首,极大地推动了双方在资金、技术和管理方面的合作,中日首脑在发展两国关系上发挥了显著的管道作用。可以说,这一阶段中日关系迅猛发展,首脑外交是双方关系得以实现的重要推进器。  相似文献   
2006年八国首脑会议在俄罗斯举行,八国集团在能源安全、传染病防控、教育和非洲发展等问题上达成了共识,取得了突破。但是八国集团难以解决中东危机,八国集团进行全球治理的合法性日益受到广泛的质疑。  相似文献   
"首脑外交"在国际危机处理中扮演着重要的角色.1962年"古巴导弹危机"的成功解决堪称是通过首脑外交处理危机的典范.这种作法对当代国际社会处理重大国际危机与缓和地区紧张局势仍具有重要的现实指导意义.  相似文献   
崇高作为一个美学范畴,既是对审美对象特征或艺术品味、风尚的抽绎,同时也积淀着人们特定的文化——心理感受和精神指向。近代西方主体性哲学的诞生,使崇高的文化内涵逐渐丰富起来,它在康德那里不但与优美一并成为解析判断力的两大范畴,更在其“以人为最高目的”的人类学哲学中扮演着重要角色。在人类学哲学的理论视野下,崇高这一文化美学的有机元素,或可在纯粹精神领域里化作各种人生目的和理想,并在实际的生活实践中,激励着我们不断追寻有限生命的意义和境界。  相似文献   
无名氏在他的小说创作中表现了宗教哲学的溶解和整合的文化态势,尤其是代表作《无名书初稿》,通过印蒂一生之追求,探寻生命与宗教精神融通的至境。但由于先行理念和认识论的局限,无名氏所建构的在儒文化调和下的"释耶相融"文化理想发生了偏离,实质上只导向道家或道教文化的东方古典哲学精神。无名氏的小说创作虽然对宗教文化及其教义有着某种程度的曲解,但其艺术独创性终究在中国现代小说史上独树一帜。  相似文献   
This article analyzes the ways that Pittsburgh anarchist activists, politicians, and journalists framed the 2009 G‐20 meetings and protests through a content analysis of newspaper articles and activist documents. Our analysis found that cosmopolitanism was a central discourse, but it was also contested. Pittsburgh anarchists introduced an open‐community cosmopolitanism that prioritizes the local over the global as a site of struggle and also embraces expansion of rights and commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Somewhat unexpectedly, this open‐community cosmopolitanism was successfully transmitted beyond activist discourse into the public and the local media. The anarchist activist open‐community framing challenged Pittsburgh residents to question whether increased global corporate investments were best for Pittsburgh and, in doing so, fostered connections between local anarchist activists, local journalists, and local Pittsburgh residents. To reflect on the ways that activists contribute to ideas of cosmopolitanism, this article presents a theoretical model that incorporates individual and collective dispositions and multiple ideological standpoints. We also show how movement groups may strategically draw on these shared cosmopolitan dispositions to expand their movement base, communicate their messages, and challenge the hegemony of global capitalism.  相似文献   
从南北朝有大批文人诗出现以来,人们就试图给诗坛作者的创作成就作出高低层次的定位。但六朝的诗人品第论受政治等级观的影响,唐宋的诗人层次论出现长期复杂混乱状况。刘克庄最后对这一理论领域作全面纠正和系统总结,把诗坛分为高峰诗人、开创诗人、大诗人、特色诗人、缺陷诗人等部分,形成最合理、最系统的诗人层次论。  相似文献   
纪念屈原诞辰2350周年汨罗高峰论坛,有来自全国的六十余位专家学者参加,会议收到论文五十余篇。专家们围绕屈原与汨罗、屈原与和谐社会建设、屈子文化园的规划、屈原作品的思想内容与艺术特色等问题进行了广泛而深入的探讨和交流。  相似文献   
《憩园》《寒夜》:巴金走向绝望的文学巅峰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《憩园》《寒夜》是巴金的人生理想屡遭重挫之后走向绝望的无奈选择,在走向绝望的过程中,巴金成就了自己文学创作的又一巅峰。《憩园》《寒夜》的巅峰意义不仅表现在艺术上的炉火纯青,更表现在其剔除急近的功利观念之后对人性弱点的深刻揭示和对小人物命运的理解与同情。  相似文献   
How do transnational summit protests affect local activists and the internal dynamics of organizations and movements in a host city? This paper uses Sewell’s concept of ‘eventful temporality’ to explore the impacts of the G20 summit protests in Pittsburgh (2009) and Toronto (2010) Interviews, and field notes are analyzed to show how the mobilizations enhanced the skills of local activists, increased connections between their movements, changed local tactical preferences, stirred emotions, and spawned and shaped new campaigns. The summit protests mobilized new activists, but also exhausted and demobilized some existing protesters. The findings suggest the need for a more nuanced and temporally sensitive framework for understanding outcomes.  相似文献   
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