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由于毒品犯罪案件有其特殊性,其证据的取得、认定、运用等多方面存在诸多困难。新颁布的《刑事诉讼法修正案》增加了电子证据种类,肯定了"控制下交付"的侦查措施,明确了证人出庭保护等制度,为今后查办和认定毒品犯罪案件提供新的保障,当然也提出了新问题。  相似文献   
作为现代史上涉足政治最深的自由主义知识分子, "爱惜羽毛" 的胡适难掩其对政治的浓厚兴趣, 他的政治野心屡受打击, 却百折不挠. "四一二事变" 后, 在客居上海的三年半时间里, 胡适与政治权力之间历经从疏离、 接近、 受挫再到反抗、 放弃和妥协的心路历程. 胡适在上海期间与国民党的话语权冲突, 源于其逼仄的生存空间以及欧美宪政理念与军事强人政治的分歧, 体现了自由主义知识分子对精神自由和人格独立的追求, 是 "叙拉古" 母题下 "知识分子遇到政治" 的典型样本.  相似文献   
本文重点探讨了著名翻译学家钱钟书在其所著的《林纾的翻译》一文中所提出的“诱”、“讹”、“化”的翻译思想,以及其对于中西异质性语言文化之间的互解互译具有的理论上的实践意义。  相似文献   
Despite the attention given to what actors do, identity theorists give virtually no attention to those behaviors in which individuals do not engage, the assumption being that these acts are not influential. In this article, I use the generic case of the virgin identity to demonstrate the social construction of what I term never identities, a subcategory of the various identities based on not engaging in particular acts (simply, not doings). Through the use of fictional genre, it becomes evident that such identities are not based on absence alone, but are more about demonstrated resistance to the trials of temptation and the evaluation of these tests by others. While this article focuses on the construction of such identities under specific historical circumstances, I argue that the findings lay the groundwork for further exploration of a largely overlooked yet critical area of identity research. Future research on never identities should consider the temporal norms of such identities (e.g., the expected stay in such states), the degree of technical purity required, and the issue of directionality (i.e., whether one can return to such identities subsequent to exiting).  相似文献   
《水浒传》中的人物在金钱、利禄面前表现的情感取向和言行态度 ,或多或少反映出其人生价值观的实质性内涵。而他们的情感取向往往又受其本人的情商制约 ,并由此上演了一幕幕人间悲喜剧。为争信赏钱 ,乔冽打死库吏 ,被迫逃亡 ;想赚外快 ,李立险些要了宋江性命。蒋门神贿赂贪官 ,张都监陷害武松 ;施恩上下使钱 ,幸得牢卒手下留情。燕青预感官场险恶 ,及早隐迹埋名 ;柴进不恋权位俸禄 ,抽身辞官还乡。与几个辞官求闲的好汉相比 ,宋江、卢俊义对功名的强烈欲望主宰了他们的情绪大脑 ,影响了理智发挥有效作用并作出明智的决策 ,落了个悲惨的结局。  相似文献   
通过对四部同居题材小说的解读,探析从"五四"到新世纪,是什么诱惑女人冲破时代、家庭与世俗的阻碍走向了同居。《伤逝》中子君以自由的名义同居;《青春之歌》里林道静为革命的信仰同居;《生活边缘》中小苏为留在城市而同居;《新同居时代》中女人因为无聊而同居。通过考察不同时代作家对同居题材的处理,不同时期影响同居书写的因素,借此可管窥在政治、经济的多重影响下百年中国小说史的一幅剪影。  相似文献   
撒旦亚雷的玷污和世俗的冷眼并没有使苔丝走向灭亡,天使克莱的一步步诱惑却是摧毁苔丝心灵的隐形杀手,天使对失去贞洁的苔丝所执行的"公正"则最终使苔丝走向绝望并导致了其悲剧性的命运.  相似文献   
日本诱惑侦查制度的嬗变与理论发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王彬 《兰州学刊》2010,(3):139-141
在日本,根据强制侦查与任意侦查的划分,诱惑侦查属于任意侦查,不受“侦查法定原则”的制约,但应当符合必要性、紧迫性、适当性的要求;立法对诱惑侦查没有系统的规定,仅有个别法规有所涉及,法院判例对诱惑侦查的合法性也有不同的解读;在理论上,对诱惑侦查究竟是合法还是非法、其标准是什么等实质性问题,形成了“主观说”和“客观说”两种具有代表性的理论学说。  相似文献   
We study the optimal trade‐off between commitment and flexibility in a consump‐ tion–savings model. Individuals expect to receive relevant information regarding tastes and thus they value the flexibility provided by larger choice sets. On the other hand, they also expect to suffer from temptation, with or without self‐control, and thus they value the commitment afforded by smaller choice sets. The optimal commitment problem we study is to find the best subset of the individual's budget set. This problem leads to a principal–agent formulation. We find that imposing a minimum level of savings is always a feature of the solution. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for minimum‐savings policies to completely characterize the solution. We also discuss other applications, such as the design of fiscal constitutions, the problem faced by a paternalist, and externalities.  相似文献   
通说认为,现代汉语中所称的“诱惑侦查”在美英刑法中称“entrapment”,美英法系国家对“机会提供型诱惑侦查”手段均持肯定态度,该手段现已成为其对付“无特定被害人刑事案件”的利器.但经深入考察发现,在美英刑法中,“entrapment”只不过是被告人的一种合法辩护理由,并没有被单独列为一种侦查手段,中国学者认为“entrapment”是一种包含合法侦查行为的侦查手段实质上是对该概念的误读,“机会提供型诱惑侦查”概念在美英刑法中其实并不存在.  相似文献   
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