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明清之际,戏曲叙事出现了突出的类型化现象。主要表现为离魂—还魂—入梦—画中人/镜中人、误会—错认—冒名、信物—道具等三种模式。戏曲叙事类型化的出现与当时的社会生活现实、戏曲创作实践和戏曲理论批评等因素密切相关。叙事的类型化体现了古典戏曲的艺术精神和创作思维的惰性特征。  相似文献   
Data input errors can potentially affect statistical inferences, but little research has been published to date on this topic. In the present paper, we report the effect of data input errors on the statistical inferences drawn about population parameters in an empirical study involving 280 students from two Polish universities, namely the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW and the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow. We found that 28% of the students committed at least one data error. While some of these errors were small and did not have any real effect, a few of them had substantial effects on the statistical inferences drawn about the population parameters.  相似文献   
生态环境损害救济的公私法规范在损害认定和损害责任适用两方面未能实现有序、高效的协作。其原因在于缺少对生态环境损害的类型化分析,忽视了不同类型损害在规制的经济学原理及法律制度需求上的重要区别。通过梳理生态环境损害救济的司法实践经验和污染控制的环境经济学解释,可以发现生态环境损害无法通过市场实现有效控制的原因在于其高昂的交易成本。而不同类型的生态环境损害,降低交易成本所需的经济学方法和法律制度供给并不相同。局地型生态环境损害可以通过明确和激励求偿权利人的私法路径得到有效救济,而行政命令救济制度仅能在相关法律规范明确规定的有限范围内,为局地型生态环境损害提供更及时、迅速的救济。因而局地型生态环境损害的救济需要并存、互补、协调的公私法协作模式。区域型生态环境损害救济的主要方法是命令控制型管制和经济激励方法,因而区域型生态环境损害的救济只应以公法规范为主导。  相似文献   
本文指出了《训诂学初稿》一书中存在的句读标点误、格式误、打印误、语序误、综合错误等五类引文错误,并对它们进行了辨正。  相似文献   
近年来学界关于流浪乞讨问题研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年的"孙志刚事件"成为收容遣送办法转向救助管理办法的政策拐点,也开始引发学界对流浪乞讨问题研究的全面介入,形成了诸多共识与学术热点。在制度变迁方面,救助管理办法的实施标志着国家由维护稳定到提供服务、由强制救助到自愿受助、由生存救助到关爱救助的理念转型;在乞讨规制方面,禁讨区的设置与禁乞令的出台抹煞了个体乞讨权,容易造成行政权力的滥用以及重新从管理走向强制、从控制走向压制的危险;在救助途径上,原生乞丐与职业乞丐的刻板分型将问题的解决置于规训与宽容的制衡以及公权与私权的对抗中,按年龄、性别、病因进行的特殊群体分类救助则有益于救助管理社会化与专业化的提升。近年来学界对这些热点的探索取得了令人瞩目的成果,但也显露了一些有待加强的薄弱环节,田野调查尚显不足,建构救助体系的可操作性建议不多,未来的研究尚任重道远。  相似文献   
Feminist scholars define ‘postfeminism’ as a set of ideas that both endorse and disavow feminism. Recent work documents postfeminism in interviews of women talking about experiences with gender inequality at work. The present study extends existing theorizations by showing how postfeminism obfuscates ongoing inequality at work. To do this I specify postfeminism in the terms of two mechanisms by which work becomes gender typed: gender essentialization and feminine devaluation. By relating the literature on postfeminism to sociological research on the persistence of gender typing of work, I show how ‘postfeminist ideology’ amounts to a double entanglement with gender typed work. In other words, postfeminist ideology drives distinct stances towards gender essentialization and feminine devaluation. I draw on 40 interviews with product designers in the United States to show this presents empirically. Designers essentialize differences between men and women designers, even mobilizing difference to claim greater inclusion of women designers, who are thought to empathize best with women consumers. Yet when essentialization is accompanied by feminine devaluation, designers deny it and it goes unrecognized. Because of this, the postfeminist ideology celebrates essentialized gendered differences, but insists on overlooking devaluation, which is a key element of ongoing gender inequality.  相似文献   
农民环境抗争的结果不尽相同。依照是否终止污染和是否得到补偿这两项关键行动目标的实现程度以及抗争行动是否结束,将农民环境抗争结果归纳为完全成功型、有限成功型、完全失败型和有限失败型等4种具体类型。对应4种类型,选取了4项农民环境抗争案例并比较不同抗争结果的形成机制,认为在当前顶层制度设计与基层制度实践存在分化的情况下,行动目标是否稳定可行、组织分工是否协调合理、关键资源是否充分可用可较恰当地解释农民环境抗争结果的差异性。此外,在"法治"与"善治"的理念约束下,政府不仅是社会治理的主体,也是农民动员争取的客体,因此更需正视并甄别利益受损农民的合理诉求,避免陷入道义与法理的双重困境。  相似文献   
Hansen P, Ainsworth F. Australian child protection services: A game without end This article argues that Australian child protection services are based on an error of logical typing. Across time, this has led to an over‐reliance on mandatory reporting legislation, a forensic/investigative/prosecutorial model of practice, a risk‐averse organisational culture and zero tolerance of any imperfections in parenting practices which are defined as child abuse and neglect regardless of their severity. All of these positions ignore powerful social stressors that surround complex family situations where abuse and neglect can occur. It is proposed that this error of logical typing is confirmed by the well‐documented fact that Australian child protection services have for more than two decades been unable to prevent or reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect. For this article, New South Wales is used as the exemplar state.  相似文献   
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