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In the paper, some issues concerned with the determining spring balance weighing designs satisfying the criterion of D-optimality under the assumption measurement errors are uncorrelated and they have the same variances are discussed. In addition, highly D-efficient spring balance weighing designs are also considered. Some conditions under which any spring balance weighing design is regular D-optimal or highly D-efficient are proved. What is more, new construction methods of regular D-optimal and highly D-efficient spring balance weighing designs are presented.  相似文献   
本文针对动态轨道衡应用在矿山特殊环境情况,就矿山动态轨道衡模拟判车问题进行深入研究。分析了判车过程中存在的矿车上下衡、车辆往复以及车辆抖动问题,结合矿山轨道衡的实际,提出了具体的解决算法。该算法通过了实践的检验,证明了该算法的科学性、可行性,具有进一步的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the use of balanced bipartite weighing designs as chemical balance designs when there Is a restriction on the number of objects that can be placed on either pan..The variance of each estimated weight and the covarlance of each pair of estimated weights are worked out.The use of additional weighing when the design matrix is singular is discussed.  相似文献   
The problem of the estimation of the linear combination of weights, c′w, in a singular spring balance weighing design when the error structure takes the form E(ee′) =s?2G has been studied. A lower bound for the variance of the estimated linear combination of weights is obtained and a necessary and sufficient condition for this lower bound to be attained is given. The general results are applied to the case of the total of the weights. For a specified form for G, some optimum spring balance weighing designs for the estimated total weight are found.  相似文献   
从产品功能的两种运动状态着手,论述了产品功能量化为价格的意义,并从开发产品过程中的产品功能量化问题,产品价格形式,产品功能的提高及产品功能价值预估和权衡3个方面进行了探讨,最后对产品功能创新提出了几点意见。  相似文献   
Tomas Cipra 《Statistics》2013,47(4):513-524
The generalization of the simple correlated autoregressive processes introduced by RISAGEE ( 1980, 1981 ) is presented in the paper. The correlation structure of the model is investigated for the purpose of its identification. Various methods of estimation are discussed. Verification of the model is based on the portmanteau statistics whose behaviour is derived using the results for the simple correlated autoregressive processes and the prin¬ciple 0f Box and PIEBCE concerning the relation of estimated residual correlations in auto-regressive and ARMA models.  相似文献   
Disclosure of government information involves the interests of the applicant, third parties and the public. Both systems for assessment of the public interest and the lessening importance of the applicant’s qualifications make public interest the principal driver for disclosure of information. Exemptions to disclosure contain an implicit public interest. In conflicts between opposing interests over disclosure and non-disclosure, public interest is the key to balancing interests. Public interests supporting disclosure are related to such values as the right to know, democracy and public participation, whereas the interests supporting non-disclosure tend to be implicit in the exemptions to disclosure. Multiple interest entities and the two-sidedness of public interest increase the complexity of weighing the interests involved. Full and comprehensive analysis of interests and the exclusion of unrelated considerations are the premise for assessment of interests. Prioritizing the public interest and prioritizing openness are institutional values of the laws on disclosure of information and the fundamental principle for assessing interests.  相似文献   
大型企业并购替代品制造商的福利效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
并购绩效的评价分为宏观和微观两个层次,宏观并购绩效的评价侧重于并购对社会的整体影响.通过对经典威廉姆森模型的适度扩展,将企业在替代品市场的并购与威廉姆森福利权衡模型相结合,是对并购宏观绩效(即社会净福利)进行相关分析的有益尝试.大企业在替代品市场的并购往往不单纯是为介入这一市场,而在于对这一替代品市场拥有一定的市场支配力.当企业在某个市场拥有一定的市场支配力后,便具备一定的价格支配能力.提升替代品市场上的价格很可能影响原产品市场的产品需求,即引起企业原产品市场需求曲线向右上方移动,进而影响社会净福利的大小,对特定条件下社会净福利变动方向等相关问题的研究有助于寻求增加社会福利的新途径.  相似文献   
论环境侵害排除与利益衡量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境侵权是一种新型侵权行为 ,排除侵害是环境侵权的主要救济方式之一 ,由于排除侵害权利的行使往往影响到产业的发展乃至存废 ,因此通常须辅以利益衡量原则的运用。文章分析了排除侵害的意义与适用的困难 ,考察了利益衡量原则在国外环境侵害排除中的运用以及我国环境侵害排除的现状 ,最后对完善我国的相关立法提出几点建议。  相似文献   
文章就我国现行行政权カ运行的外部环境和外部结构进行深入地探讨,着重研究了我国行政权カ运行的外部环境和结构的现状及存在的主要问题,并结合我国实际提出了如何改革和完善我国行政权力运行的外部结构和外部环境的基本架构和对策。包括有效改善行政权力运行的外部架构;加速政治体制改革进程,进一步完善国家宪制;强化人大职能,切实落实内部分权制衡;改革国家司法制度,加强对行政的法律监督;尽快制订国家新闻法,赋予媒体舆论监督权;切实落实人民当家做主的权利,让人民有效监督政府等方面。只有这样,才能真正有效地防止权力滥用和权力腐败,才能提高行政权カ运行的效能,从而造福于国家、人民和整个世界。  相似文献   
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