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中国湿地经典--红河哈尼梯田   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
红河哈尼梯田是哀牢山区以哈尼族为代表的各族人民在千百年勤奋劳作中开创的一套梯田文明系统,它是中国山区稻田农耕的最高典范,更是中国人工湿地的不朽经典。它在原先没有湿地的哀牢山区创造了人工湿地梯田,与长江中下游平原和三江平原改变天然湿地为稻田和耕地相比,更显出它保持水土、调节气候、维护生物多样性等湿地功能。  相似文献   
Tidal freshwater marshes have diverse plant communities that vary spatially and temporally due to hydrology, animal activity, and other factors. Development of urban centers along rivers of the U.S. Atlantic coast has reduced the historic extent and quality of these and other coastal wetlands. Because the vegetation of these wetlands is more complex than that of salt and brackish marshes (where restoration of vegetation typical of natural systems has sometimes been successful), restoration of tidal freshwater marsh vegetation is likely to be more difficult, particularly in urban areas. Watershed urbanization alters hydrology, sediment load, propagule availability and composition, nutrient status, and other variables that together create an environment different from that of wetlands in less developed areas, possibly precluding restoration of typical marsh vegetation. Tidal freshwater wetlands were historically extensive along the Anacostia River in Washington, DC, but most of these were lost due to filling, dredging, or hydrologic alteration. Over the last decade, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has implemented projects designed to restore tidal freshwater wetlands along the Anacostia, which involved increasing elevation with dredged river sediment and planting native vegetation. To illustrate some of the mechanisms affecting vegetation development in restored tidal freshwater marshes in urban areas, I present a case study on one of these wetlands, Kingman Marsh, that also includes research at another restored wetland and two natural reference sites. Studies by my research groups indicate that the restored wetlands undergo essentially a planting-modified process of primary succession. Low densities of seeds are initially present in the substrate, and prolific seed dispersal into the restored sites results in high initial plant diversity comprised of plantings and ruderal (i.e. weedy) natives and exotics. Seed banks develop rapidly at the restored sites, probably due to colonization and early reproduction by ruderal species. Hydrology and disturbance by non-native animals (including resident Canada goose) are important variables controlling establishment of vegetation in these systems. Recent literature and the case study indicate that the environmental conditions of urban settings impose constraints in restored wetlands that result in plant communities more like those of urban natural wetlands than those of wetlands in less urbanized watersheds. This suggests that rather than design wetland restoration projects with the goal of creating pristine wetland vegetation, restorationists must identify, accept, and if possible capitalize on the ecological constraints of the urban environment in setting achievable and desirable restoration goals.  相似文献   
Zedler  Joy B.  Leach  Mark K. 《Urban Ecosystems》1998,2(4):189-204
Conservation of urban wetland habitat is challenging, because multiple uses must coexist. We use examples from California and Wisconsin to describe potential synergies among recreation, restoration and research activities (the 3 R's). Allowing passive recreation is often essential to garner public support for habitat protection, restoration, and research. In turn, restoration activities can improve the appearance of degraded sites, and designing the work as a research experiment can serve the scientific community. Two projects at Tijuana Estuary support the 3 R's. (1) Oneonta Tidal Linkage is a 0.7-ha tidal channel and salt marsh that was excavated from disturbed upland to bring wetland habitat closer to the Visitor Center (thereby reducing visitor intrusion into natural marsh habitat, where endangered species would be disturbed). It supports an ambitious field experiment that is testing the importance of species diversity in restoration; it also includes a bridge that serves the interpretive program, and it adds 0.7 ha of wetland habitat that helps restore regional biodiversity. (2) A larger excavation (8 ha) of former tidal wetland will soon add wetland habitat, while testing the importance of tidal creek networks in ecosystem functioning and offering views and interpretive opportunities. A third situation, at the 485-ha University of Wisconsin–Madison Arboretum, concerns restored wet prairies, which provide habitat for native species and serve many hikers. Urban stormwater flows into and degrades the Henry Greene Prairie, allowing aggressive plants to invade. Research and restoration efforts are planned to sustain the habitat and recreation functions. These three models suggest that recreation, restoration, and research are compatible uses of urban wetland habitats.  相似文献   
长沙市现有湿地42 622 hm2,分河流湿地、湖泊湿地、沼泽湿地和人工湿地四大类型,有被子植物和蕨类植物70科共302种,脊椎动物234种。目前,长沙市湿地面临诸多威胁。在分析这些威胁存在的原因的基础上,有针对性地提出了湿地保护管理的对策建议。  相似文献   
《苏州市湿地保护条例》在借鉴我国已有的湿地保护法规、立法经验的基础上,建立了湿地保护专家委员会;根据所在行政区域湿地的地域性特点,将永久性水稻田纳入湿地保护的范围;总结行之有效的实践经验,确定了湿地生态补偿机制。但从内容上看,它没能彻底解决我国湿地行政管理体制与湿地保护问题综合性之冲突及湿地保护违法成本低的难题。建议设立苏州市湿地保护协调委员会,并将湿地违法行为的处罚额度与苏州市经济水平相结合。  相似文献   
《水经注》是中国古代经典地理学著作,郦道元以出色学者的眼界记述了北魏及以前中国大部分地区的地理人文风貌,保存了大量先秦至北魏的园林及湿地史料,其中占多数的先秦至汉代材料,对史料稀缺零散的先秦园林研究尤为可贵。该书在研究早期园林,尤其是先秦园林与湿地关系、园林环境面貌及园林活动等方面具有重要价值,尚需得到进一步重视,发挥其在园林研究中更加广泛的作用。  相似文献   
通过对沈阳世界园艺博览会人工湿地景观设计的分析,从景观的选址、地形处理和营造、水体空间的设计、驳岸的处理、植物的选择配置及小品、道路的设计等方面阐述了在人工湿地景观中模拟生态空间建设的几点设计要求,并指出了人工模拟生态空间中还要注意生态的保护、生物的需求和引进等问题。  相似文献   
作为生态大省,贵州省并没有针对湿地保护进行专门立法.目前与湿地保护相关的立法多见于地方性法规和规章之中,且存在不少问题.通过对贵州省现有湿地保护立法的评析,对贵州省湿地保护专门立法提出建议.  相似文献   
本研究利用问卷调查的方式,访谈了东中西部11个省份181位国家级自然保护区的管理人员,目的是为了了解管理人员对目前湿地保护现状以及存在问题的认知度。研究发现:东中西部管理人员在湿地生态系统服务功能变化的认知方面:人工湿地面积,供给服务功能以及文化服务功能变化有显著差异(P<0.01);在对湿地保护过程中存在问题的认知方面:水利水电设施建设、生活及生产的面源污染以及放牧业方面有显著差异(P<0.01);法律法规不健全、多部门管理等6个方面是造成湿地保护过程中存在问题的主要成因。管理人员对保护区监测体系及技术手段缺乏、经费短缺以及于周边社区矛盾突出3个方面的认知度在东中西部有着显著的差异(P<0.01),最后本研究从建立国家层面的《湿地法》、理顺管理体系、建立多元化的湿地保护机制以及提升公众对湿地的认知度4个方面有针对性地提出了应对湿地退化的策略。  相似文献   
Evaluating wetlands within an urban context   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
Coastal regions are among the most rapidly urbanizing places on earth. The numerous effects of urbanization on hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology make wetlands in urban regions likely to function differently from wetlands in non-urban lands. Furthermore, wetlands in urban regions may take on human-related values that they lack in non-urban areas, as they provide some contact with nature, and some opportunities for recrea-tions that are otherwise rare in the urban landscape. Evaluations of the success of restorations in urban regions require that criteria first determine the kinds and intensities of urban influence on the site, and then secondly assess functional performance. The development of success criteria, at both levels of assessment, depends on the proper definition of a reference domain (the set of wetlands to which success criteria will apply), and the documentation of a set of reference sites within the domain; both must be based within the urban context appropriate for the region of interest. An example is presented from a study of urban wetlands in New Jersey of a procedure for establishing the reference domain, the reference set of wetlands, and criteria for the assessment of urban influence.  相似文献   
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