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In Brazil unlike France two very split labour markets co-exist, the formal and the informal. On the formal labor market in Brazil, union rights prevail, and wage-earners are protected unlike in the informal labor market where none of this exists. Raising industry to an international level pushed many wage-earners out of the formal sector during the 1980s. Did they find jobs elsewhere? If so, in which branches of the economy? To provide answers, two files are crossed, their data having been made longitudinal. Dismissed workers’ trajectories from 1989 till 1995 in two branches and two regions are analyzed: the automobile industry in the São Paulo area and the petrochemical industry in the São Salvador (Bahia) area. These career trajectories shed light on how modernization has affected quite different labor markets; it also brings to the foreground the concept of a systemic restructuring of the labor market. — Special issue: Latin America.  相似文献   
施特劳斯与科耶夫关于《论僭政》的争论在20世纪西方思想史上具有非凡的思想意义和政治意义。科耶夫相信哲学就其本性而言具有历史性质,哲人必须通过实现政治性的普遍同质国家才能获得最终的理论真理;施特劳斯坚持古典的哲学理解,反对历史主义和彻底的哲学启蒙。施特劳斯与科耶夫的争论从表面上看是关于哲学与政治关系的争论,从根本上说,这场争论的核心问题是古今思想关于真理观和存在论的分歧。  相似文献   
王芝皓等 《统计研究》2021,38(7):127-139
在实际数据分析中经常会遇到零膨胀计数数据作为响应变量与函数型随机变量和随机向量作为预测变量相关联。本文考虑函数型部分变系数零膨胀模型 (FPVCZIM),模型中无穷维的斜率函数用函数型主成分基逼近,系数函数用B-样条进行拟合。通过EM 算法得到估计量,讨论其理论性质,在一些正则条件下获得了斜率函数和系数函数估计量的收敛速度。有限样本的Monte Carlo 模拟研究和真实数据分析被用来解释本文提出的方法。  相似文献   
近代上海城区中,较之公共租界与华界的南市与闸北,法租界中部地区以街道整洁、环境幽静、文化氛围浓厚著称,是颇负盛名的宜居城区。考其形成原因,是法租界紧跟国际上对城市进行功能分区的时代潮流,对界内工商业进行统一的规划与严格的分类营业管理。近代上海公共租界、法租界与华界这三界中,法租界工商业发展比较滞后,城市规划与改造成本较低,又实行总领事独裁制,这是法租界中部地区能够发展为宜居街区的物质基础与制度因素。  相似文献   
在中国,莫里哀是最早被引进和最受欢迎的西方古典戏剧家之一,但是真正形成对他的研究高潮还是在1978年之后的改革开放年代。此前的研究多半是以历史的社会学的批评方法,着重研究莫里哀作品的社会历史价值,强调其战斗性。1978年以来,中国的莫里哀研究不仅成果超前,而且逐步深入,论者对有关的一些重要问题,诸如莫里哀是反封建的战士还是表现路易十四时代主流意识的戏剧家?莫里哀是古典主义作家还是现实主义作家?如何看待莫里哀喜剧中的悲剧因素?如何认识莫里哀作品中的所谓"扁形人物"?发表了不同的看法。但是研究方法单一,研究力度不够,研究对象过于集中,以至少有突破性的成果。近年来出现研究方法多元化的趋势,有利于研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   
以“货”指人起于近代,是现代汉语中“货”的常用义项。从贬称的“贱货”“蠢货”到“吃货”再到“这货”,指人之“货”借由网络媒介在语义、语用色彩及用法上都发生了明显变化。上述演变不仅与社会背景、交际心理、语言演变规律密切相关,也与该词语本身的高频使用及高频使用带来的“×+货”构式的扩展不无关系。  相似文献   
巴黎外方传教会是17世纪在巴黎形成的一个传教团体。从巴黎外方传教会档案材料分析,巴黎外方传教会直接听命于罗马教廷,肩负协助教廷传信部制衡葡萄牙保教权和建立远东土著教会的使命赶赴远东。巴黎外方传教会入华对天主教中国本土化产生过正面影响,客观上促进了中法文化交流的发展。  相似文献   
In central Europe, the economic and symbolic status of blue-collar workers has considerably declined since the end of Communism. How visible were workers in official statistics and in sociological research under Communism and afterwards? Do workers as a social category gain visibility in scientific research when they have specific conditions of existence and a strong collective identity? For different reasons in Poland and Czechoslovakia, it is hard to talk about a working class under Communism even though authorities grounded their legitimacy on this class. After 1989, workers became invisible in both official statistics and sociology. Owing to the adoption of the International standard classification of occupations (ISCO) in central Europe and the use that national institutes of statistics have made of it in their publications, the boundary of the worker category has blurred. Since 1989, sociologists have shown little interest in workers for reasons that are discussed. A few case studies (mostly by Western academics) are mentioned to draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding this social category in sociology. A comparison between the ISCO and the french scheme Professions et Catégories socioprofessionnelles (PCS) shows the interest (and difficulty) that sociologists have in constructing nomenclatures that satisfy both them and statistical offices.  相似文献   
Even though some areas in Latin America were already industrialized in the 1930s, labor sociology did not appear there till after WW II. Although this discipline followed in the tracks of its North American or European predecessors, the region’s history has affected its development. Three historical phases over the past half century draw attention: industrialization by replacing imported merchandise with goods produced by national firms; the authoritarian governments or military dictatorships that put a halt to the developing homeland economy; and the competitive restructuring that is programming the abandonment of public firms and advocating an export-driven economic model. During each phase, new questions have arisen but without making ideas from the preceding phase obsolete. — Special issue: Latin America.  相似文献   
童话因满足儿童极富想象力的天性而深受孩子们的欢迎。而儿童期是对孩子进行道德教育的重要时期。利用极富教育意义的优秀童话故事对孩子进行潜移默化的道德教育能收到很好的效果。优秀的童话能跨越国界,让不同国家的孩子接受教育。越南的童话历史悠久,其中不乏许多优秀的作品。本文总结了越南童话故事的德育特点,并选择越南童话大师苏怀的代表作《蝼蛄历险记》来赏鉴,以期使读者对越南童话有着较为清楚的认识。  相似文献   
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