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党内合作,对于国共两党都不是无条件的。孙中山之所以坚持党内合作是惟一的合作形式,前提就是共产党必须服从国民党的领导。中国共产党最终接受这一形式,其原因不仅在于共产国际民主集中制的组织原则,更重要的是在三大前后从理论上也认同国民党的领导地位。在此前提下,中共提出国民党必须是各革命阶级的政治联盟、中共在国民党中必须具有独立性作为党内合作的两个条件。然而,这两个条件并没有得到国民党方面的认可。在苏俄、共产国际的作用下,两党的党内合作是在分歧并不明显的情况下确立的,从一开始便呈现出不稳定性、暂时性的特点。限于当时的历史条件,对党内合作形式不能简单否定。同时,考虑到中共实现其独立性的困难程度,对这一合作形式的肯定不应该绝对化。随着上述合作条件的相继变化,对这一合作形式的肯定评价也不能贯通整个国民革命时期,而只能限于两党合作伊始。  相似文献   
This article is concerned with mapping cross-border social work in Ireland. After a short background section on the nature of the Irish border, it evaluates and assesses the main areas of collaboration in social work. It argues that this type of work has been largely led by special project funding and is dependent on the skills, knowledge and commitment of a small number of individuals who have driven cross-border projects. Whilst there is a clear rationale for collaboration in social work programmes, it is contended that this method of working lacks an overall coherence and is in danger of disappearing when special funding programmes come to an end. The article contends that there is a fundamental desire for close co-operation, but as cross-border social work has not been embedded into the routine business of health boards and trusts the impetus is constantly undermined. It is concluded that cross-border social work programmes will remain marginal and insignificant until they are mainstreamed rather than bolted on as an afterthought to existing programmes.  相似文献   
德国和日本由于缺乏足够的共同利益,加之两国所发动战争的侵略性质,因此德日的军事同盟在二战中实际上是无效的。在战争中,德日两国仅将这一同盟视为威慑各自敌国的工具而已,双方抱着相互利用的态度而自行其是。德日同盟的无效性对反法西斯战争的胜利有着重要的作用,同时也是一个值得思考的国家间合作失败的案例。  相似文献   
This article discusses the originality of European EUREKA consortia. Formed at the initiative of member firms, these consortia generally adopt a decentralised structure. Their main purpose is to conduct applied research, with the ultimate goal of exploiting its commercial opportunities. The consortia strive to ensure collaboration among firms in different countries, and at times, from different industries. Examining the management of R&D consortia, this article focuses primarily on the creation of new knowledge and competencies and on the benefits that member firms can reap from collaboration. Based on 20 interviews with project managers, the article brings to light two main observations: (1) the leader's positioning is a determining factor, and (2) a perfect balance between the firm's technological development and the consortium's strategic orientation facilitates the acquisition of competencies.  相似文献   
经济道德观视阈中的“囚徒困境”博弈论批判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,经济研究领域热衷于"囚徒困境"博弈理论研究.实际上,把"囚徒困境"博弈理论应用于当今经济活动领域,尽管有一定的价值和应用空间,但它是在市场经济条件下极具功利色彩的、信息极不对称的、非合作性的、处于"生人圈"背景中的经济竞争理论.因此,如果将其夸大为经济活动领域的普适性逻辑,用其来代表当今经济竞争和博弈行为的典型案例,不仅有违特殊不能代替一般的基本哲学逻辑,恐怕也极易陷入道德功利主义的陷阱之中.只有以集体理性代替功利计算的个人理性,坚持道德人与经济人的统一,在合作基础上展开理性竞争才是走出"囚徒困境"的可能路径.  相似文献   
The authors examine alliances involving inter-firm co-operation which they term ‘multi-point alliances’. These are first defined and considered in varying degrees of complexity. A typology of multi-point alliances is produced, and interviews conducted with French and Spanish corporations followed by a two-stage questionnaire survey of France's largest corporations. The dynamics of multi-point co-operation were then examined. The results include support for the authors' research hypothesis that both business complexity (scope) and organizational complexity (structure) impact the evolution of co-operation: the higher the complexity, the more likely the co-operative arrangement will diverge from its initial objective.  相似文献   
1922年中国共产党第二届中央执行委员会由5人组成,其中就有蔡和森、高君宇。他们5人与张太雷等率先以个人身份加入国民党,这是我党同国民党建立革命统一战线组织工作的始点。《向导》周报创刊标志着我党同国民党建立革命统一战线宣传工作的开始。蔡和森、高君宇分任《向导》周报主编、编辑,并以《向导》为阵地,推动国民党改组。从国民党"一大"到高君宇去世、蔡和森赴苏,中国共产党一直坚持独立批评和对国民党的改造。  相似文献   
刘艳萍 《阴山学刊》2007,20(1):123-128
中日关系的发展演变中既有表现友好和平的经济文化交流合作,又有隐藏在背后的政治安全矛盾。中日矛盾主要责任在日本。不断巩固和扩大共同利益,减少矛盾对抗;以多边合作取代双边合作,加强战略对话构建安全制度框架;摆脱情感式的思维模式,代之以战略性的新思维是改善和发展中日战略关系的有效途径。  相似文献   
农村专业合作组织的形成取决于需求因素、利益因素和制度因素的共同影响。农村专业协会虽取得了一定成效,但总体上是一种较为松散的民间互助组织,因此需进一步建立健全完备的管理制度和运行机制,加大扶持力度,树立指导形象,提高农户的合作、参与意识。  相似文献   
李红杰  严庆 《民族研究》2007,34(2):19-28
欧洲安全与合作组织 55个成员国在经济、政治、文化等方面处于较高的发展水平,各国地缘关系紧密,区域内的民族关系错综复杂,区域以及国家安全面临着来自有关国家少数民族问题的挑战.共同的安全利益,共同的价值取向,催生了欧洲安全与合作组织解决少数民族问题的特殊范式--少数民族高级专员制度.了解和研究这一制度有助于进一步理解世界民族问题的多样性、复杂性,有助于启发我们从多视角着眼和多路径着手,致力于民族问题的解决.  相似文献   
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