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库切作为"后殖民主义"的代表作家,其文学作品无论在表现内容还是在叙事技巧上大都有别于传统文学。其小说《耻》重视心理描写和意识流动,运用了象征性描写,文体新颖但主题晦涩,表现了与以往写实主义文学作品截然不同的创作风格,即运用象征主义与意识流创作手法来揭露殖民主义的罪恶,使形式和内容在这部小说中得到了完美结合,因而受到了世界文坛的瞩目。  相似文献   
为库切赢得诺贝尔文学奖奠定基础的《耻》是一部思想深刻的作品,小说以后种族隔离时代的南非为背景,讲述了白人卢里和露茜父女深陷生存困境的故事。他们的遭遇如实地展现了生活在新南非的白人如何一步步丧失话语权,陷入生存“耻”境,最终难逃历史性悲剧宿命的图景。故事背后隐藏着作者对人性的思索和对个体生命历史宿命的感悟。  相似文献   
J.M. Coetzee’s fiction has, from its inception, parodied language which claims to speak as the public use of reason. Diary of a Bad Year departs from this position to some degree by offering a series of public reflections on the times; however, these reflections are embedded within a narrative structure which disallows us from taking them at face value. Such narrative framing raises the question of authority: not only the authority of the reflections themselves, but the authority of the voice and the voice in the text. The relationship between fiction and the public sphere is such that fiction foregrounds the problem of authority in public discourse and seeks to capture the position of authority through heightened forms of mimesis and self‐consciousness.  相似文献   
库切的小说《迈克尔·K的生活和时代》讲述了一个南非黑人在战争中不断逃离各种残暴势力的压迫和掌控的故事。小说主人公迈克尔·K的沉默是最显著的特征。通过分析这个人物形象的塑造,探索沉默的意义,揭示了库切的叙事策略:保持殖民地他者的他者性,使得他者的沉默能够超越语言而存在,这样他就能够游走于语言的定义之外,也就逃离了通过语言暴力掌控人们思想的权力系统。他者的沉默是无声的语言,是抵抗和消解殖民话语的力量。最后迈克尔·K与大地融为一体昭示了人类获得自由的可能性。  相似文献   
在布克奖获奖小说《迈克尔·K的生活和时代》中,库切借助风景这种动态的存在深刻探讨了有关沉默与逃避的问题。沉默的风景呼应着主人公迈克尔内心的创伤,它是历史和现实的表征,同时也受制于权力的规训和破坏。风景最终以想象的方式成为了迈克尔的精神庇护所和梦想中的家园,让他得以一次次逃避压迫和强权,小说至此也陷入了逃跑与被捕的无望循环。库切通过风景集中反映了殖民的历史与内战给普通南非人民造成的不可愈合的伤痛,而人文地理学也为解读库切笔下的自然世界提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
The oppressors and men complicit with oppression in J.M. Coetzee’s Dusklands, Nadine Gordimer’s The Conservationist and Breyten Breytenbach’s The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist have markedly different personalities, occupy diverse social settings and become alive to the reader through different literary techniques, but they strikingly resemble each other, because they are paranoid, delusional and plagued by repressed feelings of guilt. The article identifies this approach to the oppressor’s mind as one that is typical of white writers writing against apartheid, and analyses the representations and functions of paranoia in Coetzee’s, Gordimer’s and Breytenbach’s texts as well as possible reasons for the strikingly similar portrayal of the oppressor’s mind.  相似文献   
析J.M.库切小说《耻》中超越种族的生存困惑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
库切的代表作<耻>是一部寓意丰富、思想深刻的小说,从不同角度解读会获得不同的启示.本文以小说揭示新南非新旧交替时代种族问题为出发点,深层剖析作品所反映的人类共同的生存境遇,展示作家对人类苦难的深切同情和其人道主义的终极关怀.  相似文献   
This paper interrogates the work performed by the figure of the terrorist in J.M. Coetzee’s novel The Master of Petersburg (1994), a fictionalised account of the events prompting Fyodor Dostoevsky’s writing of the novel Demons. It does so to illustrate the waning of the cultural signs of revolt and revolution in the ways that they were valorised by the avant-garde movements of the twentieth century. The idea that writing is able to enact a revolt against the representational and epistemic violence of the symbolic order, is, I argue, one that Coetzee rejects. In denying writing revolutionary power, what emerges instead is the idea of art as itself terroristic: an act of violence rather than one of redemption.  相似文献   
2003年诺贝尔文学奖得主J.M.库切在《凶年纪事》中采用C先生的不可靠叙述,文章从事实/事件轴的错误报道,到价值/判断轴的错误判断,再到知识/感知轴的错误解读,旨在打消读者寻求"道德权威"的念头,调动读者的阅读积极性,引发读者的深刻思考。  相似文献   
《耻》:一种关于“性别困惑”的伦理叙事   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J.M.库切在当代欧美文坛是最具理解张力同时也是最有阐释争议的社会小说家之一。在他的大多数文学作品中,性别化的种族神话和种族化的性别寓言始终都是读者无法忽视的历史文化课题。本文运用当代女性主义理论,以性别批评的伦理视角重新解读他的代表作小说《耻》,探讨种族身份与性别叙事的隐性伦理关系,在合理评价库切文学经验的同时,揭露并批判其作品的父权意识与性别政治。  相似文献   
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