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中国20年改革开放的历史进程,首先是在实践基础上不断解放思想的进程。以真理标准讨论、邓小平南方谈话和中共十五大为标志的三次思想解放高潮,不仅深刻反映了改革开放20年历史性转变的基本线索,而且也为我们面向21世纪推进全面改革提供了深刻的历史启示:冲破教条主义的禁锢,是解放思想的首要内容;一切从社会主义初级阶段的基本国情出发,是解放思想的客观依据;坚持“三个有利于”标准,是解放思想的根本途径;深化对“什么是社会主义”问题的认识,是解放思想的关键环节;排除右和“左”的干扰,致力于防“左”,是解放思想的主要任务  相似文献   
无论对于人们的思想还是行为,观念都至关重要。观念上的因循守旧必然导致现实中的作茧自缚。欠发达国家或地区思想解放的一个重要方面,是吸收先发国家和地区首先采用的新观念,解除旧观念的束缚,思想解放的关键是通过观念更新,引发思维方式的深刻变革,而后发地区观念更新的首要任务,则是以适合当代发展的思想观念,冲决计划体制和小农经济条件下形成的观念束缚。  相似文献   
梁景和 《文史哲》2005,1(1):63-69
“五四”知识分子否定和批判了性伦偏向、性伦本能、性伦禁忌、性伦杀人等方面的封建性伦文化 ,提倡和主张高尚合理的两性状态、新式道德观和贞操观、进行性教育和生育节制教育等新式性伦文化 ,并开始了初步的实践活动。尽管五四时期性伦文化的变革还存在明显的历史局限性 ,尤其在婚俗变革过程中呈现出曲折性与复杂性 ,但它仍是开启现代文明性伦生活的先导 ,促进了社会解放、思想解放和文化转型。  相似文献   
江泽民对马克思主义精髓理论的新贡献主要表现在:解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进是关乎党和国家兴衰成败的重大政治问题,是我们党认识真理、改造世界的必然要求和思想武器,是引导社会前进的强大力量和基本规律,解放思想永无止境;坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,就是既要坚持自觉地把思想认识从那些不合时宜的观念、做法和体制中解放出来,从对马克思主义的错误的和教条式的理解中解放出来,从主观主义和形而上学的桎梏中解放出来;就是既要坚持马克思主义基本原理,又要谱写新的理论篇章,善于在解放思想中统一思想,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践。  相似文献   
The mission of social work education in Flanders is threefold: to deliver education, to conduct research and to provide services to society. In our opinion social work education has a critical and liberating function towards society and it must stimulate and develop a critical attitude amongst students. In this article we first focus on the educational dimension of social work education as we practise this in one institute. Next we describe how we realise our objectives as a social work education institute in relation to the professional field. The central concept of our vision is social work as a relational practice.  相似文献   
Recognition of the usefulness of critical social analysis for gerontology has been increasing just as a range of new problems, ranging from globalization to the anti-aging movement, are posing fresh questions about ideology, legitimation and inequality for the study of aging. Such problems and questions represent the negative moment of critique in the theory–practice dialectic. As is generally true of critical theory, in critical gerontology it is rare to find research that reflects a positive movement toward emancipatory change. Yet gerontology is one of the fields that offers special opportunities for critiquing the status quo of aging and elders in society, envisioning new possibilities for aging and developing practices that produce positive change. This paper describes the movement of our own thinking and work, away from a primary focus on analysis and critique and toward an embrace of the possibilities of generating and sustaining change in organizational care settings. We argue that principles of critical developmental and social theory can be used to reframe the concept of care, and we describe briefly how the methodology of action research can be applied in efforts to create new opportunities and possibilities in the everyday experience of elders in long-term care. In our work, we are learning how a constructive theory–practice dialectic can be initiated when critical principles are applied to a practical and urgent domain — the domain of interpersonal care within long-term care institutions for elders.  相似文献   
美国内战期间,在面临严重外来干涉的情况下,林肯政府力图阻止英法列强承认南部同盟,对南部同盟进行封锁,杜绝物资流入南方,并阻止英法为南部同盟制造军舰,变相干涉美国内战;为了获得世界人民的同情,还颁布了《解放奴隶宣言》。这些反干涉措施有力地维护了国家的统一,为林肯政府贏得了内战的最后胜利。  相似文献   

An Indigenous social work guided by Indigenous Australians’ participation and experience that has, at its heart, human rights and social justice is in its infancy in Australia. The present paper continues a discussion on Indigenous Australian social work theory and practice developments being generated by those working in this field. Aspects of this “praxis” include recognition of the effects of invasion, colonialism, and paternalistic social policies upon social work practice with Indigenous communities; recognition of the importance of self-determination; contemporary Indigenous and non-Indigenous colleagues working in partnership; the impact of contemporary racist and neocolonialist values; and rethinking contemporary social work values and practices. There is discussion of appropriation and reinterpretation of social work concepts, incorporation of international and local Indigenous theory, and the framing of social work by Indigenous Australians’ views and values.  相似文献   
解放思想对主体条件要求突出表现为:先进的、现代的、丰富的科学文化知识;辩证的、开放的、合乎逻辑的思维方式;敢于冒险、勇于创新、勇于实践的大无畏精神。良好的客观环境是解放思想的物质前提。  相似文献   
马克思主义家庭学说详细体现在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一文中,尤其以恩格斯的婚姻家庭思想为核心。马克思、恩格斯与黑格尔在婚姻观方面具有许多相似之处,黑格尔的婚姻理论为马克思、恩格斯用唯物史观的方法研究婚姻奠定了理论基础。马克思、恩格斯基于历史唯物主义的立场,对婚姻做出新的界定,超越性地阐释了婚姻的缔结基础、实现形式和属性三种婚姻要素。这种理论上的飞越,旨在消除婚姻对妇女的束缚,以此把妇女从病态的婚姻中解放出来,再一次映射出马克思毕生追求人类解放的坚定信念。  相似文献   
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