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作为英语在亚洲最主要的变体之一,印度英语长期以来不被中国人关注甚至被误解。从印度英语的历史成因和发展趋势出发,剖析英语在南亚的本土化特点,以期能从"世界英语"的视角对印度英语作一些恰如其分的评判,也可以探究印度英语的成功经验对中国英语教育的启示。  相似文献   
英语作为世界语言已变得越来越重要,对于它的研究也已成为语言学领域的一个重要课题。随着中国入世和北京申奥成功,中国人学英语已呈现出前所未有的势头,对于中国英语(China English)这一也许是将来英语中的最大变体的研究也已引起国内外语界的关注。本文就World Englishes和China English相关方面对1261名在校大学生进行了问卷调查。结果显示绝大部分学生对这两个概念知之甚少,这对中国的英语教学,尤其是中国入世后的英语教学有启示意义让学生广泛接触世界英语;研究中国英语,让中国英语逐步规范并走入课堂。  相似文献   
随着英语在全球的广泛使用,出现了许多英语变体,世界英语理论也随之得到发展。世界英语理论认为,英语输出应向标准英语看齐,输入则应能接纳不同的英语变体。以这一理论指导倪瓒诗文翻译实践发现:中国古代诗文的翻译,尤其是其中的文化负载词的翻译处理,可以有两种策略,即诗词中文化负载词的处理应注重源语情志的表达,以更好地引起目标语读者的情感共鸣;散文中文化负载词的处理则可更多使用带源语文化特色的英语变体,以传达源语的文化身份为主。这也恰好符合当今世界文化交流与文化理解的要求。  相似文献   
Schneider's Dynamic Model of Postcolonial English Development (2007) suggests that distinct local identities and their associated varieties of English emerge as a result of British colonization, and reach maturity only when ties to the colonial power are finally severed. While this developmental trajectory is well documented in many of the case studies discussed in, and since, Schneider (2007), a comparison of Hong Kong and Gibraltar shows, in certain cases, that association with Britain can be seen as the best guarantor of these local identities and varieties of English. The present article sketches this alternate developmental trajectory, and examines under what circumstances it may emerge and how widely it might be applied.  相似文献   
通过解释“新英语”的概念,并就新英语的语法特征、词汇特征及标准进行概述和研究,可提出“中国英语”成为“新英语”的可能性。  相似文献   
Apparent time analysis has revealed that the Tyneside face vowel is the site of two intersecting trends: levelling towards the supra‐northern monophthong as well as the gradual incursion of the southern standard closing diphthong. This article investigates the participation of individual speakers across their life‐span in these ongoing changes in the face vowel. We report on a small‐scale panel sample of six speakers who were recorded in 1971 and again, 42 years later, in 2013. The analysis probes the stability of individual speakers’ grammars, relying on longitudinal ethnographic analysis in the community as well as insights gleaned from sociolinguistic interviews about the speakers’ socio‐demographic trajectory and their presentations of self. The article contributes to the growing body of panel research that aims to determine the scope and the limits of linguistic malleability across speakers’ life histories.  相似文献   
Until recently, scholarship on online social networking has mostly focused on issues of social relationship, privacy, identity and literacy. Research on the interface between multilingualism, multimodality and online social networking from a discursive perspective is relatively limited. This ethno‐graphic study draws data from Facebook pages composed and hosted over two years by three economically and educationally privileged undergraduate students in Nepal and uses conceptual constructs of mediascape, convergence culture and global Englishes. The study investigates how the advent of social networking online in Facebook by college youth has influenced their use of the English language and other semiotic resources to index both their local and cosmopolitan identities. Findings suggest that these youth are using social networking to redefine the role of English in relation to their existing social relationships, innovatively mixing English and Nepali in order to construct their bilingual identities, and embedding English with other texts to recontextualize both local and global media content. The paper concludes with a summary of major findings which suggest that online social networking practices have significantly helped to bring about a cultural change among this particular social group in Nepal.   相似文献   
In this paper, we show how the notion of unequal Englishes can be deployed as an alternative way of accounting for the global spread of English. Through our data, we show how call‐center agents in the Philippines espouse conflicting ideologies in the workplace that invoke unequal Englishes. On the one hand, they espouse ideologies of privilege by seeing themselves as being able to exploit the resources of English in the call‐center workplace, thus celebrating themselves as proficient users of the language. On the other hand, they also espouse ideologies of delegitimization borne out of pressures to subscribe to American Standard English and the belief in the inherent superiority of ‘native speaker’ Englishes and their varieties. By mobilizing the paper towards unpacking inequalities of Englishes as invoked in the statements of call‐center agents, we hope to contribute to critically engaged discussions of the role of English in the world today.  相似文献   
作为英语的一种变体,“新英语”在经历了本土化之后,形成了其自身的特征和模式,发音和语用方面与标准英语相比均有很大不同。新英语的发展,使得英语的前途很难预料。  相似文献   
在研究Kachru的英语世界化理论的基础上 ,本文主要研究英语作为全球性语言在世界各国的变化和发展的特点 ,指出世界英语是在多元文化和语言环境中发展并变化着的语言 ,并形成了各种带有不同地域色彩的语言变体。英语不再为所谓的“标准英语”使用者所独有 ,而是属于具有不同语言文化背景的世界各国的使用者。  相似文献   
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