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有宋一朝,共行明堂大礼48次(北宋17次,南宋31次),嘉祐七年(1042年)三岁一亲郊制度形成完善、固定的制度后,共举行明堂大礼47次(北宋16次,南宋31次),与南郊大礼一起共同组成宋代祭天大礼的主流。  相似文献   
Given the rise of a ‘surveillance society’ or ‘surveillance state’, this article examines the evolution of new surveillant practices which are targeted at children in general, but also particular groups of children who are frequently seen as ‘troublesome’, even threats to the social order. In England for example, there has been an emerging preoccupation with ‘identifying’, ‘profiling’, and ‘tracking’ the potentially criminal young. Furthermore, other major changes are likely to be introduced in the area of child welfare and child protection. Important here is the New Labour administration’s plan to introduce ‘information hubs’ which will electronically log details on children and families. It is argued that social work and the social professions, throughout Europe, need to critically analyse developments such as this and have their responses informed by international discourses founded on civil and human rights.  相似文献   
徐火军 《阅江学刊》2012,4(4):67-74
当今的娱乐脱口秀节目普遍存在过分追求娱乐性、创新普遍乏力等问题,注重文化承载功能必然成为娱乐脱口秀节目的发展趋势。在此背景下,"天天向上"把文化承载作为节目的创作核心,把电视娱乐与传统文化进行结合,开拓以文化为基点的更宽泛的娱乐概念,起用文化气息与娱乐气息相互融合的主持群,采用以文化为起点的传播策略等等,顺应文化全球化的发展趋势,积极传播多元文化,让受众在欢笑声中体验和接受多样性的文化。  相似文献   
This paper critically reviews some key government papers that together largely provide the foundation for the relevant child welfare reforms in England and Wales. The context of this review was to evaluate whether these papers and documents made sufficient reference to improving policies and practices for minority ethnic children and families involved in child welfare matters, given the research evidence from the early 1990s suggesting that such families may experience particular disadvantages or discriminations within the UK child welfare system. The research evidence cited draws upon studies that have considered the experiences of different minority ethnic groups from the point of referrals through to long term services, including those children who have been looked after in local authority care and those families that have been subject to care proceedings. This paper concludes that more is needed under the Every Child Matters agenda to both acknowledge and address the specific needs of minority ethnic children and their families, as identified in the range of studies published post Children Act 1989. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
《型世言》的空间结构和世态万象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《型世言》是明代拟话本中一部长于空间结构的短篇小说集 ,对小说社会内容的开拓尤其出色。它善用概述和场景对小说时代背景、社会情势、市井生活、复杂人物关系作绘声绘色的描写 ,使小说呈现一般短篇小说少见的世态万象。《型世言》的空间结构还善于将社会情势变为展现人物性格的特定情境 ,揭示人物行动逻辑的合理性 ,塑造出性格、心理都较丰满真实的人物形象。  相似文献   
中国竞争思想的演变及其当代思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈绍燕 《文史哲》2002,1(3):60-66
为维持社会人际关系的和谐,中国古代的思想家对竞争多采取排斥的态度。但许多思想家和开明的统治者为了经邦济世、富国强兵,在其社会实践活动中采取了一些鼓励竞争的政策,这主要表现于科举选才和奖励耕战两个方面。这些政策的实施对推动我国古代社会的发展起到了重要的作用。近代,随着西方思想的传入,竞争观念被人们公开接纳。生存竞争一时成为中华民族救亡图存的思想旗帜。许多思想家对竞争进行了多方位的思考,为我们提供了不少宝贵的启示。为了应对目前我国市场经济建设中已经发生和即将发生的各种复杂情况,立足现实、借鉴前贤,树立正确的竞争现念、制定严密的竞争规则以解决竞争中出现的偏差,已是我们的当务之急。  相似文献   
祭天礼中的三岁一亲郊制虽肇端于秦,但宋以前并没有严格执行,其制度内涵亦呈现出多重内容。降及宋代,三岁一亲郊制开始趋向稳定。在制度内容上,宋代的三岁一亲郊制主要包括南郊大礼和明堂大礼。在制度路径上,它开始实施于宋真宗朝,形成定制于宋仁宗朝明道年间,完善于嘉祐末年。三岁一亲郊制能在宋代发展完善,不仅与宋代中央集权的强大、新儒学的理论支撑息息相关,同时,祭典和赏赐的耗费、礼仪的繁冗以及中国古代祭天礼由繁至简日益世俗化的趋向亦构成了三岁一亲郊制逐步稳定的深层动力。  相似文献   
房地产业的发展由于其投入资金巨大、对相关产业的带动性强和关系到全国人民的生活环境和生活质量,所以世界各国政府对其都相当重视,国际经济在进入21世纪的稳步发展,促进了世界各国的房地产发展,通过对日本、美国、俄罗斯和新加坡等国的房地产发展和政府对房价上涨采取的相关调控政策的分析和研究,以求将一些符合市场规律的调控政策和运作思路提供给读者,希望国内相关人士在我国房地产健康和持续发展的过程中作为参考和借签。  相似文献   
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