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Summary.  Social science applications of sequence analysis have thus far involved the development of a typology on the basis of an analysis of one or two variables which have had a relatively low number of different states. There is a yet unexplored potential for sequence analysis to be applied to a greater number of variables and thereby a much larger state space. The development of a typology of employment experiences, for example, without reference to data on changes in housing, marital and family status is arguably inadequate. The paper demonstrates the use of sequence analysis in the examination of multivariable combinations of status as they change over time and shows that this method can provide insights that are difficult to achieve through other analytic methods. The data that are examined here provide support to intuitive understandings of clusters of common experiences which are both life course specific and related to socio-economic factors. Housing tenure is found to be of key importance in understanding the holistic trajectories that are examined. This suggests that life course trajectories are sharply differentiated by experience of social housing.  相似文献   
目前,家庭暴力已成为越来越不容忽视的社会问题和影响社会稳定的不安定因素。其产生的原因既受到封建专制主义的文化传统和宗法等级制度的影响,也与当前社会竞争加剧给人们造成的巨大心理压力以及其他因素有关。其预防对策是要逐渐消除家庭暴力正常化的观念,鼓励被害人增强抗争意识,更要借助于公安机关的预防和打击。  相似文献   
左思风力之成因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西晋诗人左思的诗风在西晋文坛上独树一帜,称之为“左思风力”,前人对此有较多地论述,然而就诗风形成的原因却缺乏深入地探究。本文试图从社会时代背景、家庭因素、性格特征三个方面对此加以分析,旨在能够更好地把握左思其人及其诗风。  相似文献   
作为一种具有创新意义的语用学理论,顺应论并没有像关联论那样引起语用研究者足够的重视,也没有产生应有的学术效应.它同关联论一样具有较强的理论解释力,因而值得人们深入研究.文章介绍了顺应论的理论要点,重点评述了顺应论四个关键概念做出选择、变异性、商讨性、顺应性,同时也呼吁语用学界应给予顺应论足够的关注.  相似文献   
在中国现代文学史上,不能说张爱玲是伟大的,但可以说她是深刻的.张爱玲的小说创作是富有特色的,她总是善于通过独特的视角去体味人生、阐释生命.她的小说是时代的记录、心灵的感言.她善于捕捉声、色、画、影去刻画人物,其电影化的创作方法很有新意.  相似文献   
北魏孝文帝定姓族制度散论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北魏孝文帝实施定姓族 ,首先 ,它既是北魏汉化政策的继续和发展 ,也是北魏历史发展的客观需要 ,在当时具有一定的现实意义 ;其次 ,姓族制度的实施在消除民族间的隔阂、加强北魏政权的统治以及提高鲜卑人的文化水平等方面也起了一定的积极作用 ;其三 ,姓族制度的实施与北魏政权的政治有密切的关系 ,不同时期所发挥的作用不同 ,应作具体分析 ,不能说姓族制对北魏政权的灭亡起了最直接、最主要的作用。  相似文献   
Family Group Conferencing (FGC) as a solution-focused strategyin child welfare has now been a mandated practice in AotearoaNew Zealand since 1989. This qualitative study examines theexperiences of Care and Protection Coordinators who have beenconvening FGC since the early years of the legislation. Thestudy explores early perceptions of the legislation, what firstattracted them to the role and what keeps them in the job. Inparticular, the study explores the practice tensions that restwithin family-centred child protection models, and the waysin which FGC practice has developed in response to modern imperatives.  相似文献   
中国的计划生育是在计划经济体制下形成的,其特点多数与经济全球化的规则有着较大的差距。因此,经济全球化和中国加入世贸组织对中国计划生育的影响是全面而深刻的。在经济全球化的影响下,中国计划生育的发展趋势主要体现在六个方面。  相似文献   
计划生育村民自治后村级工作职责明显加重,但是,当前村级干部队伍的整体素质尚不能完全适应工作要求,因此,建立一支高素质、与履行职责要求相适应的村级计划生育干部队伍是当务之急。建议在稳定村级干部队伍的基础上,加强培训和作风建设,并切实解决其待遇工资问题。  相似文献   
在历史上,清朝统治中国长达近300年之久,这与清朝统治者重视满族家庭教育有着重要关系。文化、道德、体育、生活等四个方面的内容,支撑起清朝满族家庭教育的整体框架。清代满族家庭教育可以说是中国古代家庭教育的精华部分。  相似文献   
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