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Opinions on social and political issues can be easily polarized in socially mediated contexts. Using an inductive topic modeling and text analytical approach, the study analyzes more than 100,000 original tweets on polarized discussions on Gillette’s controversial campaign addressing toxic masculinity. Results suggest that influencers serve as ideological hyper-prototypes that attract significant attention equally from supporters and detractors, while hashtags and users’ reference of current events span the conversations across multiple contexts. Study results also indicate that horizontal information cascades from external ideologically centered sources that serve users’ identity and ideological signaling are a potential contributor of discourse polarization. Based on the study results, an identity- and representation-based approach to understanding socially mediated discourses is proposed, and four parameters of socially mediated engagement identified to further theorize engagement for public relations research in digital contexts.  相似文献   
本文探讨了在生产分割条件下,汇率对出口绩效的影响。发现出口绩效、汇率、外商直接投资和世界需求之间存在长期稳定均衡关系。国际生产分割导致中国大量进口中间产品并出口同类产品的制成品,这明显削弱了汇率对出口绩效的影响。在生产分割条件下,通过调整汇率来实现抑制出口并不有效。这解释了人民币持续升值的情况下,中国的出口不是减少而是不断增长这个似乎矛盾的现象。  相似文献   
□ A doubly nonstationary cylinder-based model is built to describe the dispersal of a population from a point source. In this model, each cylinder represents a fraction of the population, i.e., a group. Two contexts are considered: The dispersal can occur in a uniform habitat or in a fragmented habitat described by a conditional Boolean model. After the construction of the models, we investigate their properties: the first and second order moments, the probability that the population vanishes, and the distribution of the spatial extent of the population.  相似文献   
We propose a theory of task trade between countries that have similar relative factor endowments and technological capabilities, but may differ in size. Firms produce differentiated goods by performing a continuum of tasks, each of which generates local spillovers. Tasks can be performed at home or abroad, but offshoring entails costs that vary by task. In equilibrium, the tasks with the highest offshoring costs may not be traded. Among the remainder, those with the relatively higher offshoring costs are performed in the country that has the higher wage and the higher aggregate output. We discuss the relationship between equilibrium wages, equilibrium outputs, and relative country size.  相似文献   
本文从底层生态的视角,考察新市民的社会生活。研究发现,由于工作性质、经济收入、个人禀赋、社会网络等因素所致,新市民群体的社会生活呈现出明显的多元化和碎片化特征。重建新市民的社会生活,需要以政府为主导,以社区管理为切入点,缩小新市民与原城市居民两大群体的社会距离,帮助新市民融入城市社会。  相似文献   
We consider the following fragmentation model of the unit interval 𝕀. We start fragmenting 𝕀 into two pieces with uniform random sizes. One of these two subintervals is then chosen at random according to a β-size-biased picking procedure, β ∈ ?. This particular tagged fragment is next broken into two random pieces, one of which is chosen accordingly at random for further splitting; the process is then iterated independently. This model constitutes a recursive β-partitioning procedure where splitting occurs only at one of the two fragments formed in the previous step of fragmentation. We investigate some statistical features of this model.  相似文献   
通常认为,明确农户土地产权和建立土地市场是扩大农户土地规模和减少土地细碎化从而增加农民收入、提高土地利用效率的必要条件.问题在于,为什么在允许乃至鼓励土地流转的情况下没有发生大规模的土地流转?产权和市场制度本身是否能带来大规模土地流转?本研究调查和分析了农地私有的假设前提下农民间土地买卖的意愿,并进一步运用Logit模型考察了农民卖地意愿的主要影响因素,发现现阶段土地具有很强就业保障功能,农民间的土地买卖供给和需求不能匹配,因而产权和市场制度并不必然扩大土地流转数量.  相似文献   
On the Internet, the line between news and opinion becomes blurred in terms of content and form. In this sense, the processes of news diffusion on the Internet and online public opinion formation are integrated. This study selects one Korean example about the private tweet of a judge about government social network service (SNS) regulation and analyzes citation networks from one news/opinion to another news/opinion. By relying on social network analysis (SNA) methods, this study examines how news/opinions diffuse and how they interact and influence each other's ideological frame within agencies sharing the same ideology and between agencies whose ideologies contrast. The results show that public discourse on the Internet is clearly polarized and fragmented along political ideological lines. Additionally, the findings show that the winner is the conservative bloc because it succeeds in achieving within-bloc solidarity and ensures the resonance of news frames with the cultural values of Korean society. Implications for these findings in modern democracy are also discussed.  相似文献   
"碎片化"指向的是政府部门内部各类业务间分割、一级政府各部门间分割以及各地方政府间分割的状况."碎片化"政府管理模式的形成经历了一个较长的历史时期,并有其独特的历史条件和社会背景.以专业分工、功能分割、层级节制为特征的"碎片化"政府管理模式在工业化时代体现了效率和理性,但20世纪90年代后,随着网络信息技术的迅速发展和普遍应用以及服务型政府理念的提出和践行,该管理模式日益暴露出其固有的弊端. "整体型政府"正是针对政府管理模式中日益严重的"碎片化"问题而提出的一种新型治理模式.构建整体型政府需要从机构、信息资源、业务流程、服务与沟通渠道等方面加以整合.  相似文献   
Habitat loss and fragmentation are principal causes for population declines and the loss of biodiversity across the globe. In the United States, tropical hardwood hammock is a threatened forest ecosystem that occurs only in extreme south Florida, primarily on the Florida Keys archipelago. This rare forest type is characterized by high plant diversity that is strongly influenced by tropical, mast-producing trees and shrubs of West Indian origin. Tropical hardwood hammocks in the Florida Keys provide important habitat for resident and migratory birds, particularly Neotropical species that rely on suitable stopover habitat during migration. The Florida Keys are under intense development pressure, particularly in higher elevation sites where tropical hardwood hammock occurs. With exception of a survey completed during 1991 in the Upper Keys, information regarding habitat loss and current coverage, conservation status, and how best to conserve remaining patches of this rare forest habitat are lacking. We used a Geographic Information Systems approach to assess the extent of loss and fragmentation of tropical hardwood hammock in the upper Keys during 1991–2004, quantify area and number of hammock patches under private ownership and in conservation status throughout the Florida Keys as of 2004, and evaluate strategies to most effectively conserve large blocks of remaining tropical hardwood hammock. Total remaining hammock habitat throughout the Keys encompassed 3,712 ha and hammock habitat declined by 31% in the upper Keys during 1991–2004. Hammock habitat in the upper Keys encompassed 1,962 ha among 124 habitat patches (median = 1.5 ha, range = 0.1–205.7 ha), of which 1,066 ha (54%) were under conservation status. Hammock habitat in the lower Keys encompassed 1,750 ha among 102 patches (median = 4.4 ha, range = 0.3–96.3 ha), of which 1,283 ha (73%) were protected under conservation status. Approximately 37% of total remaining hammock habitat remained unprotected. However, our analyses revealed that many unprotected areas >20 ha were contiguous with protected hammocks. Safeguarding 22 partially protected patches >20 ha (17% of remaining patches) would protect an additional 750 ha of hammock habitat, which represents 55% of all remaining unprotected hammock habitat in the Keys, and would increase the mean patch size of these larger forest patches from 55 to 89 ha. Consequently, strategically focusing conservation efforts on remaining forest patches of tropical hardwood hammock >20 ha in size and contiguous to existing protected areas represents the most effective use of conservation dollars and would provide greater ecological benefits than conservation of small patches of highly fragmented habitat.  相似文献   
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