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本文整合社会网络理论、注意力基础观和新制度主义理论等,通过对282家制造企业的问卷调查,采用多元回归分析方法,探讨了网络密度和高管注意力配置的交互匹配对企业绿色创新的影响机制,以及制度压力在其中的调节作用。研究发现,在高密度网络中,高管采用注意力聚集策略对绿色创新有显著正向影响;而在低密度网络中,高管采用注意力分散策略对绿色创新有显著正向影响。规制压力和模仿压力均正向调节网络密度和高管注意力配置的交互作用对绿色创新的影响,但模仿压力的调节作用更强。通过构建不同制度压力情景下网络密度与高管注意力的交互作用对绿色创新影响的理论框架,本文推动社会网络理论、注意力基础观等成熟的理论成果从一般创新向绿色创新研究领域繁衍,为企业绿色创新加入与主流理论的对话做了努力,为企业在绿色创新过程中根据不同的制度压力,以及所嵌入的组织间网络密度情况,选择合适的注意力配置策略提供理论参考。  相似文献   
传统的形而上学实在论把自然物体作为研究对象,在本体论上提出了独立性论题,认识论上则引申出"无知原理"和"错误原理"。对非独立性实体的考察可以表明,传统实在论的本体论论题和认识论原理都是不适用的。因此,如果要建立一种实在论来说明我们的生活世界,我们只能接受一种弱意义上的实在论。  相似文献   
本文采用部分可观测的Bivariate Probit估计方法,对2001年至2009年中国1729家上市公司进行回归检验,发现机构投资者持股比例降低了公司违规行为倾向,同时增加了公司违规行为被稽查的可能性。该结论在控制了机构投资者变量内生性的因素后仍旧稳健。进一步研究表明,相比公司经营违规,机构投资者对信息披露违规倾向的影响更强。另外,相比证券机构投资者,养老保险基金、社保基金、企业年金持股的公司中违规公司比例更低。除此以外,机构投资者对公司违规的抑制与检举作用并不受其它公司治理变量的影响。本文的研究表明中国机构投资者在预防与打击上市公司违规行为方面发挥了重要的作用,并且也为上市公司与监管部门提供了治理和防范企业违规的线索。  相似文献   
We investigate the possibility of regulatory institutional distance exerting an asymmetric effect on multinational corporations' (MNCs') subsidiary performance depending on the direction of institutional distance. We use the term ‘institutional ladder’ to differentiate between upward distance, referred to as when the subsidiary is operating in a relatively stronger institutional environment than its parent-firm's home country, and downward distance for vice versa. Combining institutional theory with organisational imprinting and learning perspectives, we argue that the implications of regulatory institutional distance on subsidiary performance are relatively more positive (or less negative) when MNCs are climbing down the institutional ladder as compared to when MNCs are climbing up the institutional ladder. We also argue that subsidiary ownership strategy – i.e. the choice of a wholly owned subsidiary (WOS) versus joint venture (JV) – moderates the above-mentioned implications of institutional distance on subsidiary performance. We test these hypotheses based on a panel data-set of 1936 foreign subsidiaries representing 70 host countries and 66 home countries and spanning the 12-year period: 2002–2013.  相似文献   
Much of the existing scholarly works portray institutional voids (IVs) in emerging economies as impeding forces against the development of new ventures. However, little attention has been paid to how such voids generate positive outcomes in emerging market new ventures. Drawing on the institutional theory, we propose IVs as crucial enablers of new venture internationalization. In addition, we investigate both how and when IVs enhance the degree to which new ventures internationalize by examining international learning effort (ILE) as a mediator and two domestic market environmental factors (i.e., environmental dynamism and competitive intensity) as important contingencies. We test our moderated mediation model using primary data gathered from 211 new ventures from Ghana. We found that ILE mediates the relationship between IVs and new venture internationalization and that both environmental dynamism and competitive intensity moderate the indirect relationship between home-country IVs and new venture internationalization. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of this study.  相似文献   
International development agencies believe that by adopting institutional reforms based on the best practices that have proved effective elsewhere, so-called « developing countries » could take their places in the globalised economy. Based on a case study carried out on the implementation challenges of a decentralization project in Tunisia, I will argue by using an interpretive approach that this thesis is not sustained. This article shows that institutions cannot be reduced to their technical functions but that they are based on particular collective imaginaries that ground what is legitimate or not and structure the relationship of individuals to power and the meaning given to their actions. It encourages the consideration of cultural framework of meaning; these local cultural references structure the governance modalities of a society, understood in terms of the modalities of exercise of power in a given group (state, company, local authority, etc.). It advocates the necessity to move from a technic-prone approach in the implementation of institutional changes towards a socio-cultural approach that integrates the local expectations of what “good governance” should be and on which depends the legitimacy of institutions and their appropriation by local populations.  相似文献   
弹性用工是一种灵活的用工方式,是实现人力资源最优配置的有效途径。我国对弹性用工不合理的制度设计,限制了弹性用工效用的发挥,这些制度包括:劳动合同期限制度、劳务派遣制度、特殊工时制度、非全日制用工制度。  相似文献   
近年来,贵州社会管理创新取得了一些成效,其主要经验是强化中国共产党在社会管理创新中的领导地位,发挥政府在社会管理创新中的主导作用,创新内容要关注民生。尽管如此,贵州社会管理创新还存在社会矛盾化解机制不健全、基层政府社会管理力量薄弱、社会组织培育机制不健全等问题,应通过完善源头治理机制、改革基层社会管理体制、优化社会组织培育机制等途径来解决。  相似文献   
在我国能源安全面临的一系列重大问题中,能源领域的政策规划薄弱,法律保障制度建设与管理体制改革滞后,能源供应与能源安全保障体系缺乏相关政策、法律和制度的保障。只有真正做到政策、法律和管理体制“三位一体”,才能确保国家能源安全。本文从能源安全体系建构的理论和实践出发,借鉴西方能源安全战略实践,从政策、法律和管理体制等角度,对我国能源安全体系的内在机制建构进行分析,旨在为我国与中东能源合作提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
本文基于电视心理咨询的真实语料,用语言学谈话分析的方法,考察机构角色、话语角色,话语结构中的话轮转换,相邻语对等特征与之内含的话语权势的关系。通过微观层面的分析,本文指出"心理访谈"有别于一般的日常会话,它是一种具有非对等权势关系的谈话活动。话语权势不仅可以从上至下地实施,且可以通过特定的话语构架隐含其中。这种话语权势通常不被人们察觉,但它卻驾驭著人们的言语行为模式。  相似文献   
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