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东方学产生于西方殖民化东方的过程中,其精神实质是西方为统治东方而制造的权力话语。《东方学》一书的主题,一是清理东方学的历史演变,二是揭示东方学的理论要旨。《东方学》的学科方法和基本观点对于当前中国的学科建设和文学批评具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
蒋承勇  马翔 《浙江社会科学》2012,(4):99-104,158
作为一种叙事方式,博尔赫斯小说中的“东方想象”承载了异国情调的符码,其鲜明特征是:用东方主义的话语,讲述和编织以西方世界为视点的故事,将西方中心主义内化于东方式的话语表达机制中;在对“东方”的想象与改写中,作者习惯于用人类学家或种族志学者的视角去看待异质文化,流露出“欧化”知识精英的优越感.博氏的这种东方主义话语具体呈现为三种话语策略:历史虚构、镜式书写、启蒙范式.  相似文献   
This article analyzes a paradoxical feature in post-Soviet Russian literature and film, where an anti-imperial message coexists with colonial tropes. It focuses on two short stories: “Slabye kosti” (“Weak Bones,” 1988) by Liudmila Petrushevskaia and “Kavkazskii plennyi” (“Prisoner of the Caucasus,” 1995) by Vladimir Makanin. Set respectively in Central Asia and the Caucasus, these stories reflect on the troubled Russian and Soviet relationship with these regions. Despite their artistic complexity and anti-imperial messages, these works are trapped by the literary tropes and cultural stereotypes of the past. These stories relate to a broader cultural trend characteristic of post-Soviet Russian culture. On the one hand, Russian culture has remained unreceptive to post-colonial discourses adopted by Western intellectuals. On the other hand, the resurgence of imperial preoccupations in contemporary Russia, as well as the anxiety surrounding Russia’s territorial integrity, preclude the development of Russia’s own discourses on ethnically distinct peripheries and identities. As a result of this discursive silence, even nuanced writers, such as Makanin and Petrushevskaia, rely on the traditional models of representing the Caucasus and Central Asia.  相似文献   
英国19世纪晚期作家罗伯特.斯蒂文森的名作《金银岛》中潜藏着根深蒂固的东方主义思维方式。小说中的金银岛与广义的东方现实世界存在客观联系,而萨义德对东方主义的分析批判可以揭示小说中的东方主义文本性态度和东方主义对东方的对象化现象。总之,《金银岛》体现了东方主义"东方化"和"包容"东方的愿望,金银岛及岛上财宝代表着被东方主义扭曲了的东方形象。  相似文献   
傅斯年具有强烈的民族情感和丰富的民族思想。民族思想是其学术思想的一个重要组成部分,并与他的史学思想、政治思想、教育思想有紧密的联系。对他的民族思想进行研究,是深化傅斯年研究的需要,对全面认识傅斯年的学术思想特别是史学思想具有重要的学术意义。在中华民族危难关头,他坚决反对外敌侵略,力主全民族团结抗战;提出“中华民族是一个”的观点,强调中华民族内各民族平等,热切希望中华民族的复兴。傅氏的民族思想是一份宝贵的学术遗产,需要我们深入挖掘和批判地继承。  相似文献   
庞德在翻译中出现的诸多错译和误译是他为了构建新的诗学、重塑西方文明等原因对中国文字、诗歌和文化进行选择的结果,是他对中国文字、诗歌和文化进行理想化想象的产物,是把中国无限美好的浪漫误读,跟东方主义式的贬抑性误读是截然不同的。我们不能无视东方主义理论在研究对象、研究方法以及研究策略等方面的特殊性,将它生搬硬套、用来看待庞德翻译的错译和误译,这样才不致失于学理的偏颇,避免得出牵强的结论。  相似文献   
中国影像的表达曾是东方主义研究的一个重要话题,本文希望在对其概念阐述的基础上,以窥其叙事动因的变化与更新。在消费主义和经济一体的全球化大趋势下,中国影像的东方主义表达是否具有新的社会含义。  相似文献   
为了纠正白人主流社会霸权话语对美国华裔的种族定型,汤婷婷、赵健秀和徐忠雄等华裔作家试图在作品中颠覆美国的东方主义叙述,建立华美英雄传统。他们运用米歇尔.福柯的“对抗记忆”理论,解构美国社会霸权话语对中国形象的套话,重构曾被静音、扭曲和误现的美国华裔和华美历史,使得华裔在美国争得发言权,以此填补美国历史的“断层”。这就是美国华裔学应该肩负起来的使命。  相似文献   
随着文化全球化的兴起,后殖民主义理论不断涌现,首当其冲的要属赛义德的"东方主义"。该理论较为详尽的讨论东方"自我东方化"的现象,无情的批判了西方文化的霸权主义和强权政治,主要研究一切社会文本和文化文本,为全球化提供一种多元的而非一元的格局。  相似文献   
Political events can serve as an impetus for civic engagement or disengagement. The events of 9/11 have directed attention toward US Muslim communities and occasionally inflamed anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sentiments. This article explores the impact of the 11 September events on hijab-wearing Muslim American women. These events and the negative perception of Islam have paradoxically given rise to Muslim women's public presence and paved the way for their political engagement. Their efforts, however, have been hampered by Orientalist and Islamic fundamentalist ideologies, each advancing its own constructs of Muslim women; one seeking to ‘save’ them and the other to ‘protect’ them. Muslim women have found both ideologies oppressive. As a result, they have been actively challenging these ideologies in American society at large and within their own Muslim communities. Through civic engagement and participation in Muslim organizations, these women have been making efforts to redefine themselves, claim their space, secure their rights and advance the causes of Muslim American communities.  相似文献   
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