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风笑天 《社会》2008,28(2):152-152
本文依据对江苏、浙江两省6个县343户三峡外迁农村移民的调查数据,分析了相对集中与完全分散这两种不同的安置方式,以及由此所形成的两种不同的人际交往状况对外迁移民社会适应的影响。研究发现,从总体上看,移民在安置地的人际交往状况对移民的社会适应的影响十分显著。无论是移民之间的交往、还是移民与当地居民之间的交往,都会大大增强移民融入当地社会的程度。  相似文献   

The article aims to shed light on mosque communities in Russia through the example of mosques frequented by Moscovites and by Central Asian migrants. I will make use of Anderson’s theoretical framework of ‘imagined community’ in analysing the material presented in the article. The main argument is that there are no real mosque communities and rather that the sense of community formed around mosques is imagined. There are nevertheless a variety of networks, groups and institutions within and around mosques. The article is based on fieldwork conducted in 2016 and 2017.  相似文献   
海州方言属于江淮方言中的通泰地区海伊小区,其中存在众多的吴方言词语。在《明清吴语词典》里,这些吴方言词语与海州方言词语在词性、词义方面差异不大。这种情况,是明初以来大量江浙人迁至海州地区与当地居民大杂居小聚居后产生的新方言景观。  相似文献   

Drawing on multiple data sources, including key informant interviews, participant observation and archival study, this paper provides an analysis of the civil society’s role in foregrounding the agenda of women migrants in migration and development (M&D) fora, and reflects on its role in realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, the dominant narrative within the state-led Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) tends to be a gender-blind migration for development approach, which emphasises national-level economic growth at the centre of migration processes, while negating the subjectivities of women migrants and neglecting their contributions to the global economy; this approach diverts attention to a narrow focus on macro-economic development through forms of financial remittances. Based on an examination of the GFMD as a site for gender mainstreaming M&D, we reflect on lessons learned as we look forward to achieving the SDGs. We argue that while the SDGs include some significant provisions for women in migration, only critical civil society advocacy and activism networked within grassroots organisations can address the structural changes necessary (such as a re-articulation of the care economy to value economic contributions of women’s reproductive work) to transform and improve the lived realities of women in migration and realise the SDGs in a manner that fosters their empowerment.  相似文献   
西部六城市流动人口调查综合报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自中央实施"西部大开发"发展战略以来,在西部省区基础设施和许多行业的大量投资吸引了大量来自东部和邻近农村的流动人员。我国西部是少数族群聚居区,在发展过程中各民族之间存在相互协作的广阔空间,也存在发展机会和利益分配方面的相互竞争关系。为了调查和分析近年来西部的人口流动及其对当地族群关系的影响,我们在西部六个重要城市开展了流动人口的问卷调查。本文以这次问卷调查的数据为基础,系统地分析了西部大城市中流动人口的基本特征、就业状况、收入与消费情况以及他们与当地居民之间的交往。这些量化分析的研究成果,将便于我们进一步深入分析"西部大开发"过程中人口流动对当地经济建设、社会生活和族际交往所带来的影响。  相似文献   
农民工能否落户城镇对我国的新型城镇化建设有重大的现实影响。利用2013年全国流动人口动态监测数据,从制度性因素和非制度性因素两方面对农民工的落户城镇意愿进行了探讨。实证研究发现:社会保险状况及学龄子女是否在本地就学会显著影响农民工的落户意愿,表明制度性因素的重要;从社会网络视角来看,基于传统的先赋性场域网络如亲属网对农民工的落户意愿无显著影响,而基于现代社会的自致性场域网络如朋友网、行政组织网、工作同事网则显著提高了农民工落户城镇的意愿。  相似文献   
每种语言都为本民族提供了一套阐释范畴,并按照不同的认知图景使人们的情感体验概念化。这些认知图景又与特定语言的词汇范畴联系在一起,因而赋予了特定文化的价值、态度和意义。波兰语义学派的自然语义元语言(NSM)理论从跨语言和跨文化的视角来研究情感概念及其意义。通过梳理前人的有关论述,以自然语义元语言理论为框架,以普遍性语义基元为释义单位,探讨了NSM理论的化简释义方法及其对情感词汇的语义解释力,展示了应用NSM这一用途广泛的释义工具来准确地表征情感概念的意义。普遍的人类概念是构成人类理解情感概念的基石。基于60多个人类普遍概念的NSM研究方法,无疑将有助于我们更好地理解和把握不同文化的人类情感概念。  相似文献   
Most studies on the mobility of highly skilled migrants have been examined with a framework of global talent mobility and under conditions of neoliberal governance and economic globalization. In this study we challenge the notion of the hypermobile knowledge worker. Utilizing mixed methods, we examine the factors that attracted highly skilled migrants to Qatar and the conditions under which they might leave in the future. Rather than finding a group of footloose migrants attracted primarily to high-wage jobs, a lack of taxation or amenities, and with multiple alternative locations of residence, we find that highly skilled migrants exist on a spectrum of immobility. More significantly, this immobility depends on the migrant’s region of origin. For Asian and Western migrants immobility is attributed to the Kafala system or employer sponsorship, which hinders occupational and spatial mobility and ties workers to their sponsors. Arab highly skilled migrants are especially affected by lack of security and stability in their home countries, which makes these workers involuntarily immobile. The former group seem to be willing to accept a reduced level of agency and mobility for high income, whereas for the latter security and stability are more fundamental to their decision to come to Qatar.  相似文献   
农民工政治文化的嬗变与和谐社会构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出政治文化规范一个社会的政治生活,不同的政治文化演化路径直接影响着农民工的政治参与方式;而当前农民工政治参与陷入制度化参与虚置与非制度化参与激增的困境中;这一方面加大了社会的交易费用,降低了社会运行效能,另一方面,侵蚀着政府的合法性基础,影响和谐社会的建设;在研究的基础上,从制度理论创新的视角,提出应进一步促进和完善农民工制度化政治参与生长的物质、制度、组织、社会及农民工内生能力等方面的制度创新。  相似文献   
当前,学界对于人口迁移是否属于适应气候变化的策略有正反两方面的观点。赞成者认为,迁移可以改善移民的生产生活条件和迁出地的生态环境;迁移是移民的生计策略;迁移带来的收入有利于迁出地的社区和家庭适应气候变化。反对者认为,气候变化引起的迁移是应对气候变化的失败,需要采取控制措施;迁移的结果通常是不理想的;强制性违背了受影响人口的意愿;迁移并不是在任何时候都适用的策略。通过对我国气候移民实践的分析发现:气候变化影响人口迁移动因,具有多元性,包括个体与家庭、政府干预和外部环境因素;迁移形式具有多样性,包括自发性、激励性和强制性等;在适应气候变化措施中,迁移与工程、技术性措施同等重要;迁移效果是非线性的,取决于移民政策与规划的制定、资源的整合与互济、工程的实施与管理、政府的移民理念等。为了更好地适应气候变化,需要将气候移民纳入适应气候变化战略规划、强化气候变化风险管理、为人口迁移与安置创造条件,逐步规范和完善迁移与安置政策与行动。  相似文献   
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