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通过对幼儿教师幸福感现状、影响因素及其关系进行调查分析,得出幼儿教师的幸福感水平一般;她们最在意家庭的温馨、身体的健康、精神生活的充实等;感到不幸福的主要因素有家长不理解、薪酬低等;感到幸福的主要因素有幼儿的天真、无邪、家长、领导的支持和肯定等;并且在幼儿园地域、级别、规模和发展机会、工作压力和收入满意度上存在显著差异。最后根据研究的结果提出了合理性的建议。  相似文献   
The 1962–67 High/Scope Perry Preschool Program, a well-known experimental early childhood intervention study that provided quality preschool education to disadvantaged children, has been shown to have had positive impacts on early child development and on a variety of adulthood outcomes. However, most previous analyses have only examined average treatment effects across all program participants without exploring possible effect heterogeneity by children's background characteristics. We investigated this question by first using the 1964–65 Current Population Survey data in combination with the Perry data to construct a scale of child socioeconomic status based on the estimated propensity for inclusion in the Perry program, then analyzing effect heterogeneity within the Perry sample by strata of our socioeconomic scale. We found that the treatment effects of enrollment in the Perry preschool on cognitive and non-cognitive skills were much larger and more persistent among the most disadvantaged children than among others in the Perry program. Furthermore, among the most disadvantaged children, the treatment (i.e., preschool enrollment) affects later outcomes through a reinforcement mechanism of skill development (i.e., early cognitive gain leads to a non-cognitive gain, which in turn leads to later cognitive gain) and a sequential improvement of cognitive skills over time. These findings have important implications for the evaluation of policy interventions in early child development using experimental data.  相似文献   
在追求公平与质量的学前教育时代背景下,推动大型公共学前教育项目以保障弱势儿童群体的受教育权是政府的应尽责任和重要任务。当前我国公共学前教育项目正处于起步阶段,可多方借鉴有效学前教育项目的国际经验。本研究以新泽西州阿博特学前教育项目(Abbott Preschool Program)这一被公认为高效能的项目为对象,重点探讨了该项目在政策保障与政府执行、财政投入与供给模式、多层质量标准体系、高标准教师队伍以及监测系统构建等方面的核心举措,总结了该项目的中短期成效和问题反思,并结合当前我国学前教育项目的实施现状,从支持保障系统、质量提升系统、项目设计核心要素等方面提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、数理统计法,对福建省高校学前体育教育专业人才培养模式进行研究。结果表明:国家教育规划是学前体育教育专业人才培养的重要依据,全面二胎政策是学前体育教育专业人才的需求动力,是高校体育教育专业人才就业对口多样化的重要途径;省内各区域幼儿园数量、入园幼儿人数、专任教师数量逐年增加,亟需学前体育教师人才;高校体育教育专业拥有丰厚的教学优势,有利学前体育教师人才的培养。  相似文献   
摘 要:本研究为个案研究,基于扎根理论研究法,通过访谈12位来自福建省城市与农村的不同教龄的幼儿园园长与教师,探知他们认为有效促进其专业发展的园本教研应具备的核心特征。通过三级编码,67个初始编码,17个子范畴与6个核心范畴被发现,其中,幼儿教师视角下的有效园本教研的核心特征包括:建立共同愿景;支持与共享的领导;实践经验的梳理、分享、学习与运用;强调外部知识的移转;以问题为导向的反思型教研以及提供持续运作的支持。研究发现,园本教研中教与学的权力关系已开始转变;在运用外部知识中矛盾重重;重视结构性支持,忽视关系支持等园本教研现状。最后,研究者提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   
经过多年的实践,广西幼儿师范学"校3+2"学前教育专业课程设计的指导思想基本明确,培养目标逐渐回归现实基础,课程特色鲜明,但也还存在一些值得进一步探讨的问题。  相似文献   
针对陕西学前师范学院学前教育专业《人体解剖生理学》课程,运用雨课堂在课前预习、课堂教学、课后复习和实验教学等方面进行了教学模式的探索。与传统教学模式相比,雨课堂教学模式对于提高学生学习兴趣、考试成绩和降低试题难度等方面具有明显的作用。  相似文献   
以《学前教育研究》近25年(1994—2018)刊登的文章作为分析样本,通过Cite Space绘制有关学前教育文献的关键词共现时区视图、关键词共现知识图谱、高频发文机构、发文作者统计表等,并且根据CNKI文献计量可视化分析软件绘制1994-2018年期间我国学前教育发文量折线图。分析发现,我国学前教育研究经历了持续快速发展、艰难曲折发展、得到一定发展、取得较大进步以及快速发展五个阶段;经历了表层研究阶段、专业性有了一定改善、专业化倾向进一步加强、专业化水平大幅度提升四个阶段;南师大、北师大以及华东师大是学前教育领域的高频发文机构,是该领域专业发展的中坚力量;冯晓霞、庞丽娟、杨晓萍、刘焱、皮军功等是高频核心作者,是我国学前教育研究的主要标志;研究的热点主题主要有:幼儿教师研究、幼儿学习与发展研究、幼儿园课程研究、幼儿园管理研究、幼儿园教学研究、城乡幼儿教育研究、学前教育专业研究、学前家庭教育研究以及早期阅读研究。  相似文献   
从某市146篇幼教参赛论文中,分析出幼儿教师科研意识不强、教科研知识欠缺及教科研能力不足的教科研素养现状。导致这一现状的原因主要有自信心不足、积极性不高等内因和职前职后教科研方法教育缺位、幼教科研不受重视及缺乏指导与合作等外因。通过在培养和培训中夯实幼儿教师的教科研素养基础、在实践和反思中形成幼儿教师教科研素养、在支持与指导下提升幼儿教师的教科研素养有利于循序渐进地提升幼儿教师的教科研素养  相似文献   
Exponential random graph models were used to assess the relevance of reciprocity, popularity, transitivity controlling for effects based upon ego and alter sex, and sex homophily, on the formation of affiliative ties in 19 Portuguese preschool peer groups. The number of times two children were recorded as nearest neighbors in focal samples was used as an indicator of the relationship's strength. Independent parameter estimates of the different models (one for each group) were summarized, separately for the three age groups (“3-year-olds”, “4-year-olds” and “5-year-olds”) using a multi-level approach to meta-analysis. Results showed that affiliative ties between children were sex segregated, highly reciprocal, more likely to be directed to a restricted number of children and with a tendency to create transitive triads. The structural processes underlying the formation of affiliative ties were quite stable between classrooms.  相似文献   
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