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“事实”与“价值”的二分虽业已成为现代西方道德哲学一个很重要的教条,甚至构成了现代西方政治哲学的根本前提,但是这种彻底割裂、极端二分以致二者紧张对峙的做法却不断遭到质疑与反驳.比如普特南就立足于实用主义转向后的基本立场,从认识论、伦理学和科学哲学的角度对事实与价值的二分法予以了激烈的批判.在认识论层面,普特南通过批判古典经验主义和逻辑实证主义的事实观念从而瓦解事实与价值二分法的认知基础;在伦理学层面,其通过对“混杂的”伦理概念的阐扬从而显明事实判断与价值判断之间的缠结;在科学哲学层面,其通过消解科学和伦理学之间的紧张从而揭明科学并非价值无涉,价值判断对于科学实践不可或缺.  相似文献   
One aspect of successful employee assistance program (EAP) implementation is the adoption of a formal, written policy, reflecting company commitment to EAP guidelines and goals. This study of criteria predictive of such policy adoption was conducted at the occupational alcoholism project of a New England health maintenance organization (HMO). Data on nearly 400 organizations contacted by occupational program consultants (OPCs) over a 20-month period were collected by questionnaire and interview. One third of these organizations adopted employee assistance policies and set about establishing formal programs. Stepwise multiple regression is the principal method used to pinpoint the correlates of policy adoption. Two of the most important of these are the attitudes of contact persons within the organization toward alcoholism and employee assistance programs, particularly their admission of alcohol problems within their social networks; and the consultants' persistence and marketing skills. The adopting organizations also had reputations for being progressive, and actively concerned about employee welfare; they tended to be large, their executives autonomous, and their union membership rates high. Inhibiting policy acceptance were fears that a written policy would jeopardize the reputation and image of the organization, and that an employee assistance program would remove internal control of personal procedures. The adequacy of the evaluative data and methods are discussed, and recommendations are offered in the interests of streamlining the efforts of OPCs and of achieving greater penetration of targeted organizations.  相似文献   
通过对普特南关于实在论的两个著名论证的分析,表明这两个论证实际上都是有问题的.“孪生地球”论证不构成对“心理状态决定外延”的反驳;“榆树和山毛榉”论证虽然能够得出“心理状态有时可能不决定外延”的结论,但是在这种情况下(对我而言A和B唯一的不同是:它们是不同的),外延的区别对意义是无关紧要的.  相似文献   
蒯因和怀特反对把命题区分为分析命题和综合命题。蒯因用他的整体论否定了这种区分的合理性。怀特则认为,某些陈述不能简单地被认为是分析的或综合的,二者就如温度高低那样只有程度之分。普特南则用定律簇概念来说明为何某些陈述不能二分。在这方面他们都没有重视句子与命题的区别。按照文化共同体与命题的关系,可将一切命题分为三类。句子也许不能二分,但任何命题原则上都是可以二分的,只要是相对于适当的文化共同体。  相似文献   
This article provides indirect empirical evidence with which to verify whether the logic of collective action maintained by Olson represents a sound theoretical approach to social enterprises. Our hypothesis is that, if a positive effect of participation in social enterprises on pro-social attitudes of members exists, when considering these organizations we should move from the approach proposed by Olson to the one proposed by Putnam, in the Tocqueville tradition. Overall, the existing empirical and experimental evidence seems to suggest that Putnam's approach to voluntary organizations is better able than Olson's to capture the organizational behavior of social enterprises, confirming that initiatives by self-organized citizens should be considered a possible convincing explanation for their emergence.  相似文献   
超越绝对主义与相对主义——普特南哲学的终极命意   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
超越绝对主义与相对主义的对立是普特南哲学的内在追求。普特南在追求这一目标的过程中 ,经历了两次重大的思想转变 ,即由科学实在论向内在实在论转变 ,再由内在实在论向自然实在论转变。每一次转变都是向生活实践的进一步皈依。内在实在论由于尚未真正摆脱形而上学实在论的思维方式 ,故显出自身学理上的不融贯。而自然实在论在生活实践的层面上纠正了传统二元式的思维方式 ,坚持了实在论的追求而又抛弃了实在论的形而上学的包袱 ,在绝对主义和相对主义之间寻得了一条中间道路  相似文献   
美国当代著名哲学家H·普特南作为科学实在论的主要代表人物之一 ,其数学真理观对整个数学真理性问题的研究产生了重大的影响 ,对数学科学的发展具有积极的推动作用。从数学理论的证实问题出发 ,普特南立足于数学与经验科学的统一性 ,深刻阐明数学具有经验性、客观性和必然性。但他并没有将这种必然性绝对化 ,指出数学真理并非仅仅是绝对真理 ,而且也是相对真理 ,是可修正的 ,从而揭示出数学真理的实在论本质  相似文献   
19世纪以来的不可译理论强调不同语言由于文化背景和语言形式的差异而产生了翻译障碍,从而否定不同语言之间完备翻译的可能性.普特南在<理性、真理和历史>中以生活实践为立足点,阐明了其语义外在论观点,从中可窥见其对不同语言间在形式和内容上同时做出完备翻译的不可能性的部分认同,但其出发点却与传统不可译理论大相径庭,结论则是翻译的开放性而非翻译的不可能性.文章试图超越纯粹语言形式之间的关系,从语义外在论的视角来讨论不同语言之间翻译的可能性与开放性.  相似文献   
从普特南哲学对事实与价值、理论和诠释相互依赖的整体论认识观出发,根据普特南合理的可接受性、概念的相对性和观念的可错性三大实用主义哲学原理,深入审视中国传统翻译史、翻译理论和译作文本分析研究。合理的可接受性强调了翻译史研究中事实与价值的不可分;概念的相对性强调了译论研究是事实与理论的不可分;而观念的可错性则强调了译作文本分析研究中事实与诠释的不可分。  相似文献   
内在实在论是美国哲学家普特南所提出的一种很重要的学说。普特南的内在实在论反对传统哲学的主客二分,力图在内部解决实在论问题。由于这种考虑问题的方式容易使人误认为是一种相对主义,这是普特南不愿看到的。所以,普特南着重强调了内在论与相对主义的区分。但是,二者的差别如此模糊,他的辩护并不十分成功,而且普特南对相对主义的理解也存在一些问题。  相似文献   
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