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三十多年的耕耘,《红情绿意——〈红楼梦〉点面论》的面世,成为贺信民先生贡献于红学界的又一丰硕成果。书中宏观运幄与微观烛照兼长,用生命体验来感悟红楼,在慧眼洞察的缕缕新意之中折射着贺信民先生“研红”的风雨征程,折射着红学界积火传薪的优良学术传承。  相似文献   
This study examines housing quality among three groups of single-parent women: white, African-American, and Hispanic. Three indicators of housing quality—crowding, affordability, and satisfaction—are used to discover the extent to which these groups experience housing problems. This study also explores differences and similarities in the factors that precipitate problems in housing quality for these three groups of single parents. Findings suggest important differences and similarities in the nature of housing quality problems among white, African-American, and Hispanic single-parent women. The specified variables explained about 20% of the variance in crowding, housing affordability, and housing satisfaction. On measures of objective and subjective housing quality, white single mothers are better housed than their African-American or Hispanic counterparts. Hispanic single mothers have the largest housing cost burden and average more persons per household than the other groups. African-Americans are twice as likely as either group to live in low-quality housing and reported the lowest average satisfaction with their housing. Her research interests include housing and neighborhood assessment and women and public policy issues. She has recently published articles inUrban Affairs Quarterly andHousing and Society on housing and neighborhood assessment criteria among black urban households and the housing cost burden of various groups of female-headed households. She received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Her research interests include the housing adjustment behavior of women and public policy. She has recently completed her thesis on the role of noncustodial parents in determining the quality of life of their children. She is also the recipient of the Tessie Agan Award for research excellence from the American Association of Housing Educators for a paper titled “Unterstanding Constraints and Residential Satisfaction among Low-Income Single-Parent Families.”  相似文献   
编辑意识是指在编辑活动中,编辑人员所具有的观念,也就是引导编辑做好选题策划、审稿编稿、出版发行的指导思想,是从事编辑工作的主导意识。不断增强和优化编辑个体素养与群体意识、社会服务与引领学科发展意识、创新与超前意识、商品与经营意识,对促进刊物品质具有重要意义。  相似文献   
中外合作办学是中国教育国际化战略的重大探索,也是一项教育系统工程。中外合作办学学校作为教育实施的主体,妥善处理与政府教育主管部门、学生及其家长、行业中介组织的关系,是学校健康和谐发展的关键。学校要在政府的宏观调控下承担教育主体的责任;维护受教育者权益,创建学校的教育品牌;并注意适当发挥行业中介的作用。  相似文献   
Since children, particularly daughters, are among the most important sources of help and support for older Americans, it has been suggested that women's increasing employment will affect filial relations. Empirical evidence on this issue is inconsistent, in part due to the use of nonprobability samples. Few studies have measured effects for men. We attempt to broaden the scope of this question beyond help to the frail elderly by asking whether employment affects filial relations in general. We examine effects of hours employed on telephone contact, visiting, feelings of closeness, filial attitudes, and assistance to biological parents, for an area probability sample of men and women over 40. There are no effects of employment for men or women on contact, closeness, or assistance. For the vast majority of this population sample, contact and assistance involve few hours per week, and thus do not seem to conflict with employment.  相似文献   
建立规范而严格的学术评价体系,是构建中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系的重要组成部分。专业的学术著作审查报告作为学术批评的一种,在整个学术评价体系中占有不可或缺的地位。中国近现代学术批评发展过程中,情与理是两个重要的影响因素。二者共同组成中国学术批评的基本内容,构成有别于西方的评价体系和评价标准,具有浓厚的中国特色。就学术研究而言,现代学人对二者的关注并不均衡,其中关于理的层面谈论较多,而情的层面谈论较少,对于二者之间的关系仅有只言片语的涉及。陈寅恪为冯友兰《中国哲学史》上下两册所写的审查报告蕴含着三对情与理的关系,即学人交往之情与奉命审查之理、主观想象之情与客观真实之理、文言表述之情与思想呈现之理。三对情与理相互关联又相对独立,错综复杂地交织在一起,表现出一定的内在张力。这种张力一方面让陈寅恪的学术批评看上去挥洒自如,逸趣横生,充分照顾各种情感因素的同时,为学术界提供了高深的学理阐释,提升了学术批评的层次;另一方面也让陈寅恪在学术批评的情与理之间徘徊游离,文风回环往复,雅训有致,如一种高妙而孤傲的语言游戏,呈现言人人殊的状况。借助个案研究进而阐释不同层次的情与理以及二者之间的关系,有利于加深现代学人对于陈寅恪独特哲思和情怀的认知,也有利于扩展现代学人对于传统人文精神和学术批评意蕴的感悟,从而为构建中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系提供历史营养和理论源泉。  相似文献   
人力资本与教授收入   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
自从建国以来 ,教授收入一直是下降的。改革后 ,教授收入总体上低于其人力资本价值的状况仍未得到扭转。造成这种状况的原因是多方面的 ,但根本原因在于传统的高等教育体制不合理与无效率 ;在于高教领域里缺少激励—约束机制 ;冗员过多 ,而在分配上又向非教学人员倾斜 ;在于高校间缺少竞争与淘汰机制 ,使教育家兼企业家型的校长无法形成 ,也无人对教授的人力资本进行负责的评价。现行职称评定体系存在着严重的弊端 ,导致教授“市场”出现“柠檬市场”。在短期内因退出障碍虽不会出现“劣币逐良币” ,但在长期内 ,教授学术水平下降则是必然的。  相似文献   
任增强 《阅江学刊》2010,(6):136-140
西人早在18、19世纪便接触到中国道家经典《老子》与《庄子》,但对其中美学思想之阐发则是20世纪之事。美国学者对先秦道家美学思想进行了一系列研究,主要围绕以下问题展开:道家美学与浪漫主义、道家美学中的"与道合一"说、"神"的观念、道家言意观、美学思想及其在全球化进程中之意义。其跨学科的研究方法与中西比较的视野有别于国内相关研究。  相似文献   
针对合肥工业大学非英语专业博士生教学时数大幅度减少的现状,提出博士生英语教学应以国际学术交流英语为中心,并展开博士生英语教学改革尝试及实效性研究,以期促进博士生使用英语进行国际学术交流,从而实现其科研创新能力不断提升的教学基本目标。  相似文献   
With the ubiquity of federated search tools as viable solutions for students and researchers to search across external sources and internal repositories, users have become more sophisticated in their application of this technology. With the goal of optimizing the user experience of its newly introduced federated search offering, Endeavor Information Systems employed usability testing to gain insights into the critical requirements of librarians and information professionals for this solution. The results of this analysis, conducted in concert with market research and customer focus groups, and their relevance to Endeavor's federated search technology are the focus of this article.  相似文献   
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