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The dominant Euro-American culture is a rape-prone culture, as defined by Sanday. Within that culture, rape is both a tool and a consequence of interlocking systems of oppression based on race, ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation. The impact of rape on an individual survivor can only be fully understood in the context of the survivor's own culture, religious beliefs, and experience as an immigrant or refugee. Issues of race, culture, class, and sexual orientation influence every step in the counseling of a rape survivor. Knowledge about the client's culture is essential if accurate assessment and culturally appropriate service are to be provided. Specific examples of the impact of these issues are presented. Ways in which the cultural values implicit in the crisis counseling model may conflict with the client's values and needs are examined.  相似文献   
接续阶层分化的研究路径,从农民互惠博弈内生视角出发,构建"人际信任-熟人社会"的分析框架,以揭示熟人社会变迁的微观动力机制。研究认为,小农经济的生产形态与农耕文明时期低社会生产力水平以致农民长期面临生存威胁之间的张力,催生了广布于乡村社会的互惠网络,农民人际信任的自我增强与经济互助及道德声誉制度的自我实施相互作用,生成并维系传统熟人社会及其发展。市场性的输入以经济分化和农民离村为着力点打破了这一继替格局。农民摆脱生存威胁后,其互惠付出意愿降低,进而影响博弈双方的行为选择。当信任的自我削弱使农民的制度化信念发生质变时,熟人社会逐步解体趋势难以逆转。流动性社会中,基于连接性社会网络建立新型农村社区,是乡村社会发展的重要方向。  相似文献   
Historically, the news media have engaged in high rates victim blaming in their reporting of sexual assaults. However, in recent years, gains in civil rights and renewed attention to Title IX may mean sexual assault victims are receiving less-biased news coverage. Using a content analysis, we examined the tone and message of all crime stories published in one United States university newspaper from academic year 2015–2016 (n = 99). Comparing attributions of responsibility made to both victims and offenders across several major crime categories (rape, murder, sexual assault, robbery, physical assault, sexual misconduct, and sexual abuse), and consistent with historical trends, we found higher levels of victim blaming in stories on rape and sexual assault than any other crime. We identify rhetorical devices commonly used to discredit the victim and/or absolve the perpetrator. Despite perceived gains achieved by Title IX, news coverage continues to buttress victim blaming culture.  相似文献   
工业化、城市化形塑了人口流动的方向,这使得我国东部乡村与中西部乡村的社会性质产生了巨大分化。在工业化与人口大量流入的背景下,东部地区村庄逐步成为土客杂居的工业型村庄,“类熟人社会”成为工业型村庄社会结构的新形态。学界既有概念“无主体熟人社会”揭示了作为人口流出地的中西部农业型村庄社会结构的新形态,而“类熟人社会”与其相对应,形成对转型期中国乡村社会性质的互补性解释。在东部地区工业型村庄中,通过原生型社会关系与建构型社会关系,人们的“熟悉”感开始建立,但最终却形成了“熟而不亲”的类团体格局。类熟人社会的形成,有赖于人们在流动社会里,通过“区隔化”和“聚类化”的策略,在保障生存安全的前提下,实现生计的维持。过日子的区域差异,也使得各群体之间很难在短时间内实现融合。  相似文献   
Men's relationships to gender-based violence (GBV) have long been an area of sociological inquiry, but until recently men have primarily been framed as perpetrators of violence against women. More recently, research on men and GBV has broadened to include studying men as victims/survivors, as investigators and law enforcement officers, as passive or active bystanders, and as allies in working to address this social problem. We review this research in an effort to bridge these divergent bodies of work; we identify methodological trends and gaps in existing research, make recommendations for improved theoretical and methodological robustness, and suggest that research perspectives on men and GBV have shifted over time as wider understandings of gender and masculinities become more hopeful and more inclusive. While we see optimism and promise in new directions of GBV research, we urge ongoing research to retain the wisdoms and critical perspectives that marked the beginnings of GBV inquiry.  相似文献   
李振钧出身安徽太湖官宦世家,清代道光九年状元.他的诗集《味灯听叶庐诗草》中有59首题画诗.清代题画诗的繁荣,对书画的喜爱以及与画家的广泛交游促使他创作了大量的题画诗.他的题画诗反映了他看重性情、坦率放纵、追求个性自由、热爱艺术的特点,为我们提供了观照他的新角度.诗歌书画是他安顿自己痛苦心灵的处所,也是其解救自己的途径.他的人生经历反映了一个灵魂在现实的挤压和艺术的放纵里挣扎的心路历程.最终,他为了外在的功名放弃了自我,又不能适应官场的倾轧,45岁便抑郁而终.  相似文献   
村落空间是村落历史的沉淀。不同于熟人社会研究的关系取向,文章引入空间生产的视角,基于南方村落的空间图式阐释熟人社会的空间秩序。“祠堂-阳宅”的平面空间图式定义了农民自然生命升华为道德生命的日常生活路径,而“庙宇-阴宅”的纵向空间图式定义了农民应对日常生活断裂的宗教生活模式。风水的空间实践镶嵌于村落空间图式,并促进了村落空间的结构化和立体化,而村落空间结构维系了村落熟人社会的公共性。可见,熟人社会的空间秩序是空间结构生产与社会秩序生产的统一。现代性力量逐渐抽离了村落空间的历史底蕴,释放了空间权利意识,导致村落空间结构破裂与熟人社会秩序紊乱。立足村庄社会的空间治理是突破村庄空间利益困局,实现乡村振兴的重要方式。  相似文献   
One of the most pervasive aspects of Delhi’s post-liberalization psychopathology has been everyday violence against women. The city’s rape culture was given an exceptionally sharp global focus after the horrific gang rape of Jyoti Singh on December 16, 2012. Recent Hindi cinema has begun to engage with some aspects of the capital’s misogynist urban ethos. In this paper, I look at how the Delhi subgenre of the “multiplex film” has engaged with rape culture, misogyny, and urban anxiety through a close textual and discursive analysis of two recent films—NH10 (Navdeep Singh, 2015) and Pink (Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, 2016). Specifically, I identify how the December 16 “trigger event” and Delhi’s notorious misogyny are finding newer modes of representation through the interplay of genre and exhibition space. In what ways do these films position and imagine the “multiplex viewer”? New engagements with the figure of the consuming middle-class woman and the public discourses that surround her sexual safety and navigation of space have taken a central position in understanding the present urban psychosis of the capital. I suggest that these films and the forms of spectatorial identification that they privilege are intricately linked to the gendered spatial politics of the multiplex.  相似文献   
Intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV) has been relatively understudied particularly from the perspective of women of color. This study documents the experiences with partner sexual violence of ten Mexican-American women. Qualitative interviews were conducted using snowball sampling with women that had been in abusive marital relationships. A phenomenological approach was used and through a thematic analysis, participant narrative responses were synthesized into themes. All participants reported sexual coercion and violence in their marriages, yet most did not label those experiences as “rape” despite the threatening context in which these incidents occurred. Tacit, but not always explicit acceptance of machismo, patriarchy, and male dominance were common themes possibly increasing IPV risk. Results highlight the complex interaction between upholding cultural values on the one hand, and preserving individual well-being and safety, on the other, underscoring the need for more extensive culturally sensitive research, prevention and intervention efforts for abused Mexican-American women  相似文献   
Objective: Sexual assault is a pervasive crime on our college campuses and many survivors do not seek post-assault resources. This study will explore components of alternative interventions to consider in the development of campus-based interventions for sexual assault survivors. Participants: Three stakeholder groups including survivors (n = 8), healthcare providers (n = 6), and advocates (n = 19) were recruited from May 2014 to December 2014 from two university campus communities using flyers and purposive sampling. Methods: A qualitative study design utilized semi-structured interviews and semi-structured focus groups with survivors, healthcare providers, and advocates. Results: Five themes emerged to consider for future campus-based sexual assault interventions: (a) culture of caring, (b) one-stop shop, (c) validation, (d) survivor control and agency, and (e) confidentiality. Conclusions: Although accessible and effective options for post-assault care do currently exist, participants described alternative future interventions that were either (a) print materials or (b) technology-based.  相似文献   
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