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中古道教仙传中,"食桃修仙"母题的产生有其相应的时代背景和文化背景。在探究该母题产生的基础上,从内外两方面分析了"桃"被仙化的多重原因。就外因而言,桃被仙化与神仙信仰的广泛流传有关。就内因而言,桃被仙化与桃特殊丰富的文化内涵紧密相连。进而以"食王母桃"这一母题为中心梳理"食桃修仙"母题的流变。该母题的流变与桃被赋予的神效和异形密切相关,由此导致"食桃修仙"母题呈现出神异浪漫的美学风格。  相似文献   
食育是饮食行为教育,是对孩子进行包括饮食观念、膳食营养知识和饮食卫生安全等一系列营养学的教育。食育的开展是一项利国利民,值得大力推广的事情。食育应当成为全民的教育,且越早开始越好。目前我国食育还处于萌芽阶段,幼儿食育的推进更是任重而道远,需要幼儿园、家庭、政府、社区乃至全社会的共同参与。  相似文献   
为考察情绪化进食量表在黄山学院中的适用情况,采用EES对600名黄山学院大学生进行施测,同时施测正负性情绪量表(PANAS),采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、相关分析、信度检验、方差分析进行研究。结果表明:(1)情绪化进食量表的正式量表包括17项条目;(2)经探索性因素分析发现中文版EES由4个因子构成,共解释63.934%的方差变异;(3)验证性因素分析表明量表的4个因素结构模型拟合良好;(4)情绪化进食量表的信效度良好,信度分析表明总量表的α系数为0.879;(5)女生在积极情绪方面显著高于男生,在抑郁情绪、焦虑情绪、敌对情绪3个因子上差异不显著。总之,EES中文版具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为测量情绪加工的有效工具在黄山学院大学生中使用。  相似文献   
This paper examines some central themes about change in consumption behaviour through an empirical investigation of the practice of eating. It analyses patterns of food consumption in the UK using time diary data from 1975 and 2000. The practice of eating is decomposed into four component activities which are used to explore systematically the inter-relationships between social processes - such as commodification and temporal fragmentation - and ways of providing and consuming food. It charts the expansion of eating out, the degree to which it substitutes for other eating activities, and the implications of its development for social relations and the temporal organization of daily life. Analysis reveals that food consumption continues to be differentiated along established lines of social division, although the content of those divisions has changed and varies across components of the practice. Increasing commodification of the food chain is documented, but without appearing to have a corrosive impact on household organization or social relationships. While tendencies indicative of temporal fragmentation are revealed, counter-tendencies exist which suggest that the practice of eating is resilient to many forms of external pressure. Finally, the application of a practice-based analytical approach permits critical evaluation of theories of social transformation.  相似文献   
Small Steps are Easier Together (SS) was a pilot environmental intervention in small rural worksites in Upstate New York in collaboration with Extension educators. Worksite leaders teamed with co-workers to select and implement environmental changes to increase walking steps over individual baseline and to choose healthy eating options over 10 weeks. Participants were 226 primarily white, women employees in 5 sites. A mixed methods process evaluation, conducted to identify determinants of intervention effectiveness and to explain differences in outcomes across worksites, included surveys, self-reports of walking and eating, interviews, focus groups, and an intervention log. The evaluation assessed reach, characteristics of recruited participants, dose delivered, dose received, and context and compared sites on walking and eating outcomes. Emergent elements of participant-reported dose received included: active leadership, visible environmental changes, critical mass of participants, public display of accomplishments, accountability to co-workers, and group decision making. Participants at sites with high reach and dose were significantly more likely than sites with low reach and dose to achieve intervention goals. Although this small pilot needs replication, these findings describe how these evaluation methods can be applied and analyzed in an environmental intervention and provide information on trends in the data.  相似文献   
地域性的欣赏心理、价值取向在语言中有着非常明显的体现。汉语西宁方言中表现血缘观念、“重食”意识、禁忌心理等词汇反映出了明显的传统地域文化特征,文章对此进行了考察与描述。  相似文献   
考察怪诞的命名,梳理从古罗马到现代对怪诞的论说,可归纳出关于怪诞的种种说法:反常说、滑稽说、凶险说、狂欢说和象征说.对其综合研究,可知,怪诞不是单面的,孤立的、封闭的,而表现出多重性和包容性,具有一种动态的建构趋势.  相似文献   
唐人以饮食量大、食物巨大、饮食方式和环境竞豪。饮酒也在于全民性及酒食合欢氛围的刻意营构。饮茶也喜豪饮。所谓“量”体现了以武勇竞豪的一种身体性、生物性的替代表现;以饮食方式的粗率豪放,表现的是特定的开放时代那些更加人性化、情感化的内容。这也是对于刻意文饰自己的饮食方式不满,有意与南朝社会崇尚柔弱的流俗表现不同,从而适应和张扬了唐代尚粗豪的时代风习和个体情性。  相似文献   

Nudge theory describes how indirect suggestions and positive reinforcement can influence decision-making. We used nudge theory to implement a traffic-light labeling and choice architecture (modifying product placement) intervention at Harvard University cafeterias, but found no significant change in sales. Survey and focus group data showed that some students thought the labeling may exacerbate eating disorders, however, there is extremely limited research on potential negative consequences of labeling. One way to describe these findings is through 20th century philosopher Michel Foucault’s concept of biopower. Biopower manipulates cultural norms and nudges individuals to engage in self-surveillance and self-discipline, de facto subjugating themselves to certain ways of being. Biopower may lead to the creation of an in-group and an out-group based on who can adopt the new behaviors, such as healthy eating. Those in the out-group may face additional unintended consequences, highlighting the need for mixed-methods research to better evaluate public health interventions.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the present study was to explore common and differential relationships between nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), risky drinking, and disordered eating attitudes and impulsivity, emotion dysregulation, and alexithymia. Methods: We investigated these associations in a sample of 951 college students (79.4% female, Mage = 21.86?years) by means of self-report questionnaires assessing the constructs of interest. Results: Overall, 28% of the students reported a history of NSSI, one third engaged in risky drinking, and less than 5% reported disordered eating symptoms. Negative urgency and difficulties in emotion regulation were both related to each of the three behaviors and can be considered as common transdiagnostic mechanisms. Conclusions: We discuss the implications of transdiagnostic mechanisms involved in these three dysregulated behaviors with respect to their assessment and treatment in college counseling settings.  相似文献   
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