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<红楼梦>以高超的手法描绘了贾府众多宴饮.这些描写不仅表现出各种人物的性格,反映了这个封建大家庭由盛而衰的变化,更折射出中国饮食文化的深厚内涵,其特征可概括为精美、和谐、典雅.  相似文献   
The high-end restaurant segment in Britain and Germany has long been shaped by the cultural hegemony of French haute cuisine, perpetuated by multiple processes, including the influence of the Michelin or Red Guide. Traditionally, this hegemony has been expressed in the prevalence of French expatriate chefs, culinary techniques and style and even restaurant culture. This paper investigates whether processes of globalization have weakened or even undermined this French cultural dominance in fine-dining restaurants and their culinary culture. To this end, the study identifies the various forms taken by globalization processes in this industry segment and then assesses their impact on the dominance of the French paradigm of culinary culture. The investigation focuses on British and German Michelin-starred restaurants, underlining both commonalities and divergences in the process of interaction between French, global and local influences. The study employs a qualitative method, using a number of case studies to discern cross-industry patterns. All chefs with two or three stars in the two countries, i.e. 45 chefs, were selected for the analysis of their cuisine.  相似文献   
作为中国八大菜系之一的湘菜,从产业角度来讲,不仅是湖南省经济社会发展的重要组成部分.而且更是展示湖南文化软实力的精美名片。但随着餐饮业的快速崛起,湘菜也面临着一系列亟需解决的实际问题.诸如高档莱肴不突出,个性不鲜明,传统菜肴与当今人们健康养生追求不同步,湘菜产业与关联产业的融合度不高等等。因此,探讨湖湘菜系发展历程及其特色,全面分析影响其发展的主要因素,具有十分重要的现实意义。为了促进湖湘菜系的健康快速发展,采取以下几个方面的措施与对策应该是比较理想的选择:一是进一步增强政府对湖湘菜系发展的重视与扶持力度:二是进一步加快湘菜企业的创新发展;三是进一步强化湘菜产业的营销创新;四是充分发挥好关联产业的相互促进作用。  相似文献   
文章以鄂西土家族春节期间的饮食文化为核心,从对土家族饮食文化的概况和形成因素出发,对春节特色食物进行归类,进一步阐明食物作为特殊民俗符号在特定时间点上的象征意义。从土家族大年三十团年饭上的祭祀仪式、进食仪式和饮食禁忌三个方面进行探究,食物通过自己特定的表达方式完成象征意蕴的表达,强调饮食民俗的文化功能,健康优秀的饮食文化应该得到保留和发扬。  相似文献   
汉语的常规焦点位于语言单位的末尾,在中式菜名中,人们通过语序手段将重要食材作为焦点,但是在家常菜名短语中有些焦点并不严格居后,食材的位序可以调换。家常菜名中食材的位序不仅受焦点原则制约,还受到原料价值、烹饪方法、菜名使用频率等因素影响。  相似文献   
人才的竞争是餐饮企业竞争的核心,正确、有效的使用人才是人才竞争的关键。基于川菜企业的调查访谈,通过对调查结果进行统计分析,对川菜企业核心员工职业生涯管理的现状及问题的探讨研究证明:核心人才是企业获取核心竞争力的关键;是餐饮业形成核心竞争力,保持企业持续成长的重要问题。企业在经营管理过程中注重这些核心人才的获取、激励、保留,是现代企业解决这一问题的有效途径。由此提出川菜企业实施核心员工职业生涯管理的策略和建议,以谋求川菜企业目标的实现和持续发展。  相似文献   
巫术与东北汉族的饺子食俗紧密相连。逢年过节、喜庆时日及日常生活中 ,东北汉族不仅视饺子为美食 ,而且还相信饺子能与神秘的力量发生巫术交感作用 ,对外界客观事物及行为产生影响。于是 ,结合了巫术成分的饺子食俗被巩固、深化 ,而渗透在食俗之中的巫术观念也进一步扩展 ,一代代人将其习俗化  相似文献   
中餐菜谱的翻译原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中外交流中,中华饮食文化扮演着越来越重要的角色。但由于各国餐饮和文化的巨大差异,翻译中文菜名并不是件容易的事情。笔者从中餐菜名入手,结合翻译目的论,提出了中餐菜谱英语翻译中的一些问题和应遵循的求实、简洁、音译和增补等基本原则。  相似文献   
本文对中国菜谱翻译方法的相关问题加以论述。  相似文献   
How are patterns of cultural production informed by the nature of the field? In particular, I am concerned with how the mode of cultural production mediates relations among creators and, in turn, how these relations affect cultural production. I also inquire into how these two sets of relations are influenced by the connection between the field of cultural production and the larger social world. I rest my inquiry in the field of culinary arts. Drawing on ethnographic research with elite chefs in mid‐ to high‐status restaurants in New York City and San Francisco, where I have conducted 45 in‐depth interviews and observation in their restaurant kitchens, I analyze how actors subjectively manage the institutional conditions of authorship and differentiation through their discursive practices on the mode of cultural production and on their relations with other creators. By analyzing how chefs manage these issues, we will also observe how they subjectively deal with their objective position in the field.  相似文献   
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