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Although ‘doing gender’ has been recently defined as an accomplishment, an element of social practice, this understanding of the concept needs to be extended to coercive action such as subtle workplace discrimination. Even though great effort has been invested in revealing the dynamic of such social practices, the researcher's task is not easy for a variety of reasons. This type of study is difficult to conduct by following traditional research design and many alternative approaches have been tried. This article presents the possibility of using fiction as one possible and relatively unexploited venue of research.  相似文献   
杨万里是南宋著名理学家,他的知行观更有不可忽视的重要思想价值。他认为只要人有认识客观事物的主动性,世界是可以认识的。他还深刻地揭示了人的认识来源于客观世界,是客观世界的反映。特别强调后天学习的重要性,强调学以致用,只有学而有用的学问才是真学问。杨万里强调知行并重,倡导和弘扬力行精神,具有积极入世的品格和刚健求实的精神。  相似文献   
鲁迅小说藉着独特的形式,用精神分析法,以"不和众嚣,独具我见"的思想和艺术风格,把他对人生、社会、新事物的看法和感情表现出来;郁达夫的<沉沦>与佐藤春夫的<田园的忧郁>在叙事时间、叙事体态和叙事语式上表现出多种相似的审美特性,但是,文化特质的差异,使他们的作品又表现出了不尽相同的生活内容和社会内容.  相似文献   
This essay identifies parallels between the traits assigned to gender work roles and the teaching/research division of labor at research universities. The character and definition of undergraduate teaching at research universities is very similar to what has often been described as women's work.  相似文献   
西方价值判断现代模式的成因中中国文化因素之考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
17至19世纪,是西方人的价值观发生新旧交替的时期,其结果形成了价值判断的现代模式。在此过程中,中国文化被当作西方文化的参照系,它既参与了这一新的价值判断模式的形成,又成为这一模式的一个主要判断对象。这一跨文化的互动过程既比较全面地解释了西方价值判断模式转换的原因,也解释了中国文化在西方所遭遇的变化的原因。  相似文献   

The recent evolution of asylum and refugee policies in developed countries has been characterised by two apparently contradictory dynamics. Efforts to limit the number of asylum applicants have coincided with the strengthening of rights for asylum seekers and refugees inside existing protection systems. The ‘numbers vs. rights’ model seeks to explain such counter-veiling trends as a trade-off, as the result of attempts to manage costs within given budget constraints. The model suggests that high numbers of migrants will tend to go hand in hand with attempts to restrict their rights, while low numbers will typically be associated with more rights. This paper provides a critical analysis of the model when applied to asylum and refugee policies and examines its explanatory purchase through the analysis of longitudinal data on visa and asylum statistics. We argue that while the model provides an interesting framework through which to analyse executive decisions in this field, it underestimates the opportunities and constraints provided by the institutional context in which policy choices are made. We argue that ‘over-time’ variation in the influence of non-majoritarian institutions (in Europe, increasingly those operating at the EU level) provide a more compelling account of the dynamics of asylum and refugee policies over time than the political economy predictions of a ‘number vs. rights’ trade-off.  相似文献   
80年代 ,人类学曾经出现了一个引人注目的“写文化”大论争 ,其代表就是《写文化 :民族志的诗学和政治学》与《作为文化批评的人类学 :一个人文学科的实验时代》。其核心问题就是民族志写作中的修辞、叙事的政治和策略等 ,对传统民族志提出反思和挑战。之后 ,一些人类学家鉴于“写文化”基本只是提出问题 ,却没有提供答案 ,于 1998年结集出版了《写文化之后 :当代人类学的认识论和实践》 ,试图提出一些可能的方案。反观“写文化”和“写文化之后” ,我们可以看到一些对人类学理论和实践发展具有深刻意义的方面。  相似文献   
宋明理学在儒学的基础上实现了"儒、道、佛"三教的融合与会通。学界曾对宋明理学中理气关系、心理关系、心性关系以及知行关系等问题进行了普遍探讨和争论。从和谐的视角来看,过去人们简单地批判"理本论"而肯定"气本论"的观点,以及片面地评价"心本论"、"知行观"的做法都是较为偏颇的。宋明理学从三个方面进一步深化了中华和谐思想:一是"理本论"、"心本论"和"气本论"三大学派从哲学本体论上深刻论证了宇宙和谐和天人和谐的思想;二是以心性论为重点深化了儒家的心性本体和心性修养的思想,为自我和谐奠定了理论基础;三是以知行关系为主线,从不同角度揭示了知与行的内在和谐统一与人际和谐的关系。  相似文献   
唯利论是韩非政治法律思想的逻辑起点,他认为每个人都自私自利、好利恶害。韩非政治法律思想的展开是一个历史的辩证过程,他认为随着时代由“上古”到“当今”的转变,“人民众而财货寡”的矛盾日益尖锐,最终导致“唯利”的本性恶变为“为恶”的现实。于是韩非顺理成章地得出其政治法律思想的结论:要统驭这一人欲横流的“大争之世”,必须法、术、势三管齐下。  相似文献   
“知在先”与“行为重”:朱熹知行观探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱熹的知行观分为三个方面:一是知行相互依赖("知行常相须"),二是知先行后("论先后,知在先"),三是以行为重("论轻重,行为重").这三个方面是从不同角度立论的:知行相互依赖是总原则,知先行后和以行为重是具体操作;知先行后强调行以知为指导,以行为重突出知依赖行的贯彻.朱熹知行观的三个方面相互联系,缺一不可,因而不可将任何一个方面孤立或夸大.王守仁对朱熹的指责恰恰是犯了将其中的一个方面"论先后.知在先"孤立看待的错误.  相似文献   
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