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根据马克思主义政治经济学和技术经济学理论,笔者认为,人类社会发展过程的时代划分和人类经济发展过程的时代划分是有区别的,前者以“单形态论”为主,后者以“复合形态论”为主。本文首次提出了一元经济时代、二元经济时代、三元经济时代、四元经济时代的“四大经济时代理论”和第一时代、第二时代、第三时代…第十时代的“十个经济时代理论”,并提出了每个时代的定量评价标准。  相似文献   
赫西俄德在《工作与时日》中,详细地论述了人类经历的五个时代。国内外学者,从各个角度来剖析这一时代神话,希冀寻找出其潜在的含义。一些学者认为,赫西俄德的五个时代,代表了一种持续衰退的史学观念,这种说法是有问题的。因为他们没有看到在这种衰退中存在着一些进步的因素,悲观中带有一定乐观的因素。赫西俄德通过对五个时代的神话的描述来证明劳作是正义的基础,唯有正义,社会才能维持正常的秩序。  相似文献   
蠲免政策作为封建社会的一项重要农业政策,在皇权政治空前强化的康雍乾时期,达到了中国古代蠲免发展的鼎盛阶段。清代皇权政治的巩固和发展是蠲免政策实行的首要条件,蠲免政策是当时皇权政治深刻而真实的反映,也是维护皇权政治的工具和手段,可以说,二者是相辅相成、互相促进的,其有力地维护着清王朝的统治。  相似文献   
Despite some macro level concern with the concepts of tradition and ‘detraditionalization’, sociologists for the most part have paid relatively little attention to the everyday realities of family traditions as they are experienced and narrated in people's lives. Based on a qualitative study of ‘Family Backgrounds and Everyday Lives’, this article explores people's experiences and narratives of family Christmases, and examines how traditions are conjured up and evoked in multi‐dimensional, embodied, emplaced and sensory ways. The article argues that in recognizing and conjuring up family practices and happenings as ‘traditions’, people create a vivid and potent sense of generational eras, atmospheres and family styles. These have a moral currency that matters – sometimes quite profoundly – in people's lives, and are the subject of debate and negotiation between, as well as within, generations. Christmas traditions, it is argued, are central in the constitution of eras not least because they enable the bundling up of time – past, present and anticipated for descendant generations – into packages of generalized ‘time out of time’, characterized by distinctive atmospheres, and around which memories can coalesce and about which stories can be told. These atmospheric eras – more than broad or macro understandings of ‘tradition’ – are central in how generational dynamics and personal family histories take shape, and how memories are ‘indexed’ in and through time.  相似文献   
中国儿童文学产生于五四时期。百年中国儿童文学的发展 ,以 1 94 9年为界 ,分属两个时代 6个阶段。新世纪的儿童文学发展面临着机遇与挑战 ,百年来的历史经验与教训可以作为今天的借鉴 ,提醒人们因势利导、扬长避短、创造条件、与时俱进  相似文献   
文学接受的合对象性的实质在于读者与文本之间是否具有“同一”的“文化关系”。文学接受的合对象性包含合倾向性与合形式性两个命题。文学接受中的不合倾向性与不合形式性 ,究其原因 ,是文学文本中的文化价值观念、审美倾向与读者的文化价值观念、审美情调形成“错位”或“逆反”态势。文学接受的合对象性问题的背后隐伏着文化背景转换 ,也就是“文化时差”问题。文学史或者说文学接受史是人类文化价值观念对其影响的效果史。不同社会历史阶段文化价值观念的生成、演变、发展 ,导演了人类文学接受史上一幕幕精彩活剧  相似文献   
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):39-62

The beneficial effects of social support on well-being have been shown in various studies. Less is known about factors which constrain or enhance the availability of social support. The present study profiles social support among women veterans and attempts to identify factors which enhance or constrain perceptions of support and social integration for women of different military eras. Data are derived from a national sample of women veterans who had at least one VA out-patient visit during a one year time period. Twenty percent of women veterans report having no one to depend on. Social support is lowest among Vietnam and Post-Vietnam era women. Chronic strains (such as having problems with relatives, housing, and paying bills) are important factors which are associated with levels of perceived support. Factors related to loneliness/alone status appear to be associated with constraints in group activities and perceived support. This research illustrates the importance of examining factors which constrain and enhance supportive activities and relationships.  相似文献   
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