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Recent discussion of the Community of Practice (CofP) ( Davies 2005 ) has suggested that there are certain limitations to the approach with regard to how it accounts for internal hierarchy and community membership. Eckert and Wenger (2005: 588) have suggested that the only way to evaluate such criticism (and avoid building an inappropriately rigid conception of power into CofP theory) is to explore how hierarchies operate within CofPs. This paper offers such an exploration. Using data from a long‐term ethnographic study of a high school in the north‐west of England, this paper will use narrative analysis (drawing upon the work of Labov and Waletsky [1967] 1997 amongst others) to explore the interactional space in which speakers actively negotiate their personal and community behaviour. The analysis focuses upon the role individuals play as narrators of community practice and illustrates that status inequalities between individual CofP members do not necessarily result in inequitable allocation of control within the CofP.  相似文献   
陌生化是俄国形式主义的理论,指人们对熟知的事物失去了兴趣和接触的欲望,转而对那些新奇的、陌生的事物产生探索的欲望和了解的兴趣。手机娱乐短信虽然简短,但因其有破有立,破传统文本规约之藩篱,立时尚文本多元之创意,迎合了人们渴望新奇、希望突破生活的常规、接触并了解陌生事物的心理而成为大众休闲阅读的新宠。手机娱乐短信通过自由间接引语、网络符号的借用、仿拟等修辞手法在内容和语言形式上体现了陌生化的效应,构建了一种有别于传统文本的鲜活的另类文本。  相似文献   

Starting from a behind‐the‐scenes tour preceding the opening of the recent Getty exhibition Icons from Sinai, this article seeks to destabilize traditional notions of sacred space as a territorially fixed entity defined through a binary opposition to the profane. Icons and other ‘travelling’ sacred objects are regarded as vehicles for the circulation and displacement of holy places outside of their physical boundaries and for the reconfiguration of sacred space in new, hybrid forms. The paper thus suggests a reconceptualization of sacred space in relational terms, as the product of human and non‐human interactions and networked flows, and of ‘sacred places’ as ‘reassuring anchors’ (both territorial and imaginative) within a world of fluid global networks.  相似文献   
The article presents a case analysis of Malala Yousafzai's transformation into a global injustice icon after she was shot in 2012 by the Pakistani Taliban for advocating for girls’ right to education. The analysis focuses on the political aspects of this process and is divided into three parts. The first looks at factors that facilitated Malala's iconization as she was undergoing medical treatment and was unable to participate in her iconization. The second part starts when Malala enters the global public sphere and begins to actively contribute to the iconization process. The third part identifies de‐iconizing resistance to Malala from Pakistani actors who see her iconization as a symbolic colonization in which Malala has become a vehicle of the West. Theoretically, the article is located within cultural sociology, but expands it in a political and global direction.  相似文献   
随着基督教的传播,偶像崇拜的成分逐渐渗入圣像崇拜中,使两者的边界变得模糊,难以确定圣像崇拜的性质。在如何看待圣像方面,教会内部存在分歧,经过长期辩论后,教会在公元787年召开的尼西亚公会议上达成一致意见,不再积极推动和参与圣像破坏运动,这是圣像破坏运动的前后两个阶段强度不一的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
隋文帝分舍利建塔活动是中国历史上空前绝后的一次弘法护教活动。从缘起、经过、献瑞、僧人四个方面考证和讨论了这次活动,特别是从《续高僧传》中发现了隋文帝第三次分舍利的诏书,从献瑞中分析了隋代舍利石函上的佛教造像题材。笔者认为隋文帝分舍利建塔,在很大程度上带有恢复曾被周武帝灭佛而废毁了的寺院与佛塔的目的等。  相似文献   
My aim in this auto-ethnography paper is to explore particular visual images that invent and secure the power of the nation. Looking at a specific photograph that portrays my daughter's classmates during a school trip, I inscribe the relations between seeing, memory and the culture of national stereotypes. The triangular/pyramidal structure of the picture and its warm-eye (low-angle) perspective – a common depiction of heroic nationalism –instantaneously activated in my mind a specific chain of ‘super icons’ representing Jewish-Israeli images of wars and settling of the land. By recognizing the paradigmatic structure of Zionism photographing itself, my analysis discusses the way in which a corpus of national iconic images casts the ‘empty’ denotative image of the trip photo into the national order, producing the photo's unseen violence as simulacrum in the process of subjection and identification.  相似文献   
定制Windows 98的图标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论Windows 98下桌面图标和开始菜单图标的定制方法。对用户图标可用标准方法更改 ,对系统图标要通过项目ID号改变。并探讨产生桌面图标动画效果的一种方法  相似文献   
三星堆文化中最能引起轰动效应的、最有地域文化特征的是其风貌独特的“人像群”,目前研究者认为它是出于巫术祭祀的宗教目的、服务于神入交通的主题的看法并未揭示其更深层次的意蕴。从其表现内容、表现形式等方面考察,“人像群”还意味着古蜀人的自我意识开始觉醒,是古蜀人用人的尺度建构艺术世界,通过人物造型的艺术符号借神扬人的尝试。人的张扬是潜藏于“人像群”中的理性内核,使之在审美风貌上表现为“张扬之美”。  相似文献   
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