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汉代画像石 (砖 )有大量的表现汉代妇女生活的画像 ,主要有神话传说中的妇女形象、贵族妇女形象、劳动妇女形象、历史故事中的妇女形象、侍女形象、乐舞百戏中的艺伎形象六种类型 ,在不同程度上反映了汉代妇女在社会生活、生产中的地位。  相似文献   
用透射电镜观察了紫彩血蛤(Nuttallia olivacea)的肾脏和围心腔腺的超微结构.在肾脏中观察到4种细胞:具液泡的立方形细胞、具液泡的长柱形细胞、吞噬细胞和肌细胞.在围心腔腺中观察到3种细胞:柱状上皮细胞、实质细胞和吞噬细胞.肾脏中除了肌细胞外的3种细胞及围心腔腺中除了柱状上皮外的2种细胞内均有色素颗粒,它们能将色素颗粒转化降解.  相似文献   
汉代“鼓吹”与“骑吹”的区别是乐府学史上的疑难问题。以出土汉代画像材料为证,“鼓吹”与“骑吹”之所以容易混淆,主要在于它们都以骑载的方式用于道路。骑载“鼓吹”与“骑吹”的区别,应该主要在于前者必须有鼓有吹,而后者则是有吹无鼓。“骑吹”可以视作低配版的骑载“鼓吹”。“骑吹”的出现与骑载“鼓吹”的表演难度有关。  相似文献   
作为解构主义美学的核心观念.解构指向的是一种本体性的、生生不息的、蕴含着极大颠覆性与创造性的内驱力。解构产生于结构成为结构的那一刻,是对他者性召唤的肯定性应答,是对结构等级制秩序的颠覆。解构在解放他者的同时也解放了他者的对立面,它不知疲倦地从一种结构奔向另一种全新的结构,以致无穷。解构性事件就是这从一个结构转向另一个结构的关节点。解构特有的自由、民主精神使得解构主义美学成为一种批判的理论、一种肯定的理论,同时它还是一种辩证法。  相似文献   
Objectives: Metabolic syndrome (MtS) and kidney stone are two common aging diseases with male dominant. This is the first study regarding the potential impact of MtS and its components on kidney stone in aging Chinese population.

Methods: A total of 694 males with a mean age of 55.6 years were enrolled. The definition of MtS was according to the modified criteria developed by the Bureau of Health Promotion in Taiwan. Subjects were classified as having a disease of kidney stones according to diagnosis by a physician with available medical records or evidence from ultrasonography judged by an investigator of urologist.

Results: Using age-adjusted multivariate logistic regression analysis, our results showed that subjects with kidney stone had significantly higher prevalence of MtS (p?=?0.04, OR?=?1.74, 95% CI: 1.0 1–3.00). The presence of MtS had significant correlation with kidney stone (p?=?0.01, OR?=?1.83, 95% CI: 1.1 4–2.93), which were associated with the increment of MtS components (p?kidney stone among the MtS components (p?Conclusions: In aging Taiwanese males, the presence of MtS and its components are strongly associated with kidney stone. Abnormal BP is the most significant risk component of MtS for kidney stone.  相似文献   
东女国是沟通唐朝与吐蕃之间的政治和经济联系的重要桥梁,当然,在唐朝和吐蕃政治、经济、宗教、社会习俗等综合因素的影响下,加之东女国自身社会生产力的发展变化,东女国的经济生活逐渐形成了自己的民族特色,而这种民族特色不仅被保留了下来,而且作为一种文化资源和旅游品牌,它在振兴西部经济的伟大战略中必将发挥着越来越突出的"鼓手"作用.  相似文献   
袁琳蓉 《民族学刊》2014,5(3):59-66,126-127
宗教现象是民族学者了解羌族文化的一个极重要的方面,对羌族宗教研究作回顾与反思有重要价值。二十世纪初,英国传教士、民族学者陶然士以传播论为依据,认为羌族是希伯来人的子孙后代和一神论者。三十年代,美国学者葛维汉以鲍亚斯的文化相对主义研究羌族宗教信仰,批评陶然士的观点。中国民族学家胡鉴民以功能论来论证羌族原始宗教是羌族文化的本质。从五十年代到现在,中国民族学者结合了欧美以及我国民族学的传统,对羌族宗教信仰进行研究,基本上与前辈一脉相承。不同之点,过去是筚路蓝缕,现在是日渐茁壮。胡鉴民认为宗教是“羌族文化中最可宝贵的一部分”的概念,促成了一种新形态的研究模式,其影响是深远的。学界对白石崇拜信仰研究已逐渐成为羌族研究里的显学。  相似文献   
Owing to the worldwide shortage of deceased‐donor organs for transplantation, living donations have become a significant source of transplant organs. However, not all willing donors can donate to their intended recipients because of medical incompatibilities. These incompatibilities can be overcome by an exchange of donors between patients. For kidneys, such exchanges have become widespread in the last decade with the introduction of optimization and market design techniques to kidney exchange. A small but growing number of liver exchanges have also been conducted. Over the last two decades, a number of transplantation procedures emerged where organs from two living donors are transplanted to a single patient. Prominent examples include dual‐graft liver transplantation, lobar lung transplantation, and simultaneous liver‐kidney transplantation. Exchange, however, has been neither practiced nor introduced in this context. We introduce dual‐donor organ exchange as a novel transplantation modality, and through simulations show that living‐donor transplants can be significantly increased through such exchanges. We also provide a simple theoretical model for dual‐donor organ exchange and introduce optimal exchange mechanisms under various logistical constraints.  相似文献   
党项与西夏碑石刻主要由夏州拓跋部家族及其幕僚的墓碑、西夏时期的佛事碑、西夏陵残碑以及西夏遗民的碑石刻等部分组成,它是“中国藏西夏文献”的特色所在,为研究西夏政治、经济、军事、文化、民族、宗教、国名、纪年、语言文字等提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
石头崇拜与中华玉文化的形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在遥远的旧石器时代,先民们在打造石器的过程中发现了玉,玉石分途,玉便进入了人类的日常生活之中,并逐步成为中华文化的一个重要组成部分。玉的文化功能表现在祭祀、政治、风俗、礼仪等多个方面,具有祭器、权器、礼器和玩器多种文化内涵。中华玉文化的形成,有着原始石头崇拜的深厚背景。  相似文献   
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