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南宋心学创始人陆九渊对传统经学采取尊重与怀疑的辩证态度,这是由他立学的宗旨和问学的态度决定的。他主张自立、自得、独立思考、大胆疑问,也因此形成了“六经注我,我注六经”的精神,创立了心学一系。象山经学可说是传统经学的心学化。其心学开一代学风,对推动中国学术的向前发展具有重要意义和价值。  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to analyse the performance of Ecuador’s pension system and the challenges it will face in the future. Over the last 13 years, the pension system has made significant advances in terms of coverage and adequacy. However, demographic ageing is straining the financial sustainability of the contributory scheme. In this context, a number of public policy areas are identified, in terms of parameters and structures, which, together with the expansion of non-contributory coverage, could provide a more equitable and sustainable scheme.  相似文献   
缓和是冷战时期的特定阶段,美苏对缓和的认知影响了双方在中东地区的政策及解决中东危机的进程。1973年中东战争的爆发,既与美苏对缓和的认知与推动有关,也离不开埃及对缓和的追求。美苏缓和虽缓解了彼此间的紧张关系,但由于美苏对缓和的追求漠视了埃及的缓和努力与阿拉伯国家对被占领土的诉求,这成为促发战争爆发的外源性因素。美苏缓和对阿以僵局的维持,埃及缓和外交的失败与以色列的强硬立场,使萨达特放弃了外交努力而发动了斋月战争。  相似文献   
Notre contribution propose une grille d'analyse du régime wallon de l'innovation et des transformations dont il est l'objet. Nous mettons en évidence les dynamiques qui ont émergé en Wallonie entre les stakeholders de l'innovation et le régime existant, autour de la mise en place des pôles de compétitivité. L'originalité de notre article repose sur l'utilisation de concepts comme le “macro-récit” ou le “paysage socio-technique” pour interpréter les dynamiques d'une politique publique d'innovation et appréhender la complexité de l'univers discursif, institutionnel, historique, culturel, social et technologique des acteurs en présence. Notre analyse montre qu'une telle approche est nécessaire en complément à une évaluation d'impact traditionnelle pour mesurer les chances de succès de l'implémentation durable de la politique wallonne des pôles de compétitivité. Nous concluons que le modèle d'innovation qui transparait relève d'une appréhension systémique des modes de production de connaissance, mais reste cloisonné dans une logique instrumentale de l'innovation, insuffisante et peu réflexive, maintenant à distance la société et certains stakeholders de l'innovation.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the social construction of the problem, which emerged in France during the 1980s, of dilapidated condominium apartment buildings and on the public policy instruments that have been used. A sociology of organized action serves to analyze this twofold process, which has resulted from the formation of networks of persons unfamiliar with the legal aspects of condominium ownership. Linking the periphery to the center, these networks have crystallized around norms ensuing from housing policy. The concept of “field” in the Weberian sense explains this crystallization, and also applies to the symmetrical process of conserving civil law on joint ownership. Parties attached to this normative system denied the problem of dilapidated condominiums, when it was presented to them. By pursuing a social activity based on applying and producing rules, individuals in the networks related to housing policy and persons concerned by condominium ownership contributed to maintaining and, too, revitalizing rules and norms.  相似文献   
将古文中无反问语气标志的反问句当作陈述句进行标点的情况时有所见 ,给正确理解文意带来负面影响。中国古典文献中的一些实例 ,说明充分注意无标志反问语气对正确标点古文十分重要  相似文献   
自我概念对于个体保持内在一致性、对事物做出准确的判断具有积极作用。目前心理学界对自我概念的结构做出了不同的划分。文章从社会互动的角度,提出自我概念应包括"主我"、"客我"和"他我",并进一步探讨了自我概念在人际互动中的作用。  相似文献   
《中国佬》、《喜福会》、《甘加丁之路》和《典型的美国佬》这四部华裔美国文学作品具有鲜明的族裔意识,在颠覆话语陈规、重写历史和建构身份的过程中发挥了积极的作用。对这些个案进行分析,可以从不同层面阐释文化认同的复杂性和策略的多变性,揭露和批判种种表象背后所隐匿的话语霸权和意识形态性。  相似文献   
This new look at approaches to the labor market emphasizes that changes observed during the past twenty years are related to trends as much in supply as in demand. Analyzing both these sides is shown to be valuable for understanding the impact on labor market trends and shedding light on the tensions and contradictions between supply and demand. The mechanisms that have come into play during this period are analyzed in a local productive system, namely agribusiness in the lower Rhone valley in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region of France.  相似文献   
杰拉德·热奈特的类文本理论受到中西方学界的关注与重视,一些学者对该理论进行了一定的补充和修正工作,也有不少学者将其用于文学研究。类文本理论视阈下,文学研究的对象为环绕于文本边缘的类文本要素,如作者的署名、序言、献词、题记、版权页信息等。将作者重新纳入批评视野,类文本理论有效修正了文本理论将文本与作者相割裂的不当做法;将出版商引入批评框架,类文本理论不仅拓展了传统文学批评体系,还起到限制读者过度阐释的目的。同时,类文本理论促进了叙事学的进一步发展,使文学研究从文本中心走向文本边缘,并将文学的内部研究和外部研究相结合,从而推进了文学批评理论的发展。鉴于类文本与文本的互存关系,某些类文本和文本之间的界限模糊不清,它们在具备类文本属性的同时,又不乏文本的属性,而这一特性又恰恰佐证了类文本之于文本而存续的重要性。  相似文献   
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