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The study on which this article is based addressed the issue of the proportion of adult day care centers (ADCs) existing in 1986 that would qualify for Medicare funding under the 1989 U.S. Senate Medicare Adult Day Care Amendments. It also estimated the impact of the criteria on two policy-relevant subgroups of ADCs-that is, Alzheimer's vs. non-Alzheimer's and rural vs. urban-using data from a 1986 national census survey of ADCs. The five proposed Medicare criteria and the percentage of ADCs meeting hem were: services to be provided directly, 14.6%; multidisciplinary team, 20%; services to be provided directly or indirectly, 16%; program activities, 42%; and other, 53%. Only 3% met all five criteria while 13% met four out of five. Alzheimer's centers met the criteria more often than non-Alzheimer's centers, while urban centers qualified more often than rural centers. Based on the findings. implications for Medicare funding policy are discussed.  相似文献   
“80后”作家群有着自身独特的成长经历、社会背景与心理体验;由“心理延续偿付期”导致的一些普遍特征诸如:对亲密关系的索求,情绪上的肆意宣泄等,使“80后”作者群在创作心理上表现出集体退向儿童心理的后撤倾向、  相似文献   
1982年通过的商业捕鲸禁令是国际社会对捕鲸活动进行管制的重要举措,也是国际捕鲸机制变迁过程中的里程碑。日本在商业捕鲸禁令生效后继续以“科研捕鲸”为名进行捕鲸活动,并采取一系列行动力图推翻商业捕鲸禁令,这包括使国际捕鲸委员会“正常化”、通过“金元外交”购买选票以在国际捕鲸委员会中获得更多的支持、在国内建构“捕鲸文化”、“吃鲸文化”等。反商业捕鲸的国家应该提高警惕并行动起来,以挫败日本对商业捕鲸禁令这一国际规范的挑战。  相似文献   
《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(4):7-31

While poverty is suspected to be the major reason for birth families relinquishing their children for international adoptions, little is known of the impact of the interplay among the economic, familial, and cultural aspects of a particular sending country which culminates in the adoption decision. In this study, the authors studied 73 birthmothers in the Republic of Marshall Islands, a small Western Pacific island nation with a total population of 68,000, to explore the influences that led to their adoption decision. Their findings reflect an environment of extreme poverty, the breakdown of traditional family support systems, and the exploitation of the cultural understanding of adoptions.  相似文献   
破产法的发展呈现从惩罚到拯救的样态,拯救文化的兴起和迅速发展使得对危困企业的拯救成为破产制度构建的一个关键点。英国《2020年公司破产和治理法案》是对拯救文化的进一步弘扬和落实,其中包括对破产制度的常态化改革及应对新冠肺炎疫情的暂时性规定,建立了临时中止制度,引入了重组计划,并加强了对货物和服务供应的保障。该法案的暂时性规定包括暂停不正当交易条款的使用和对清算申请的暂时限制等。我国破产制度的修改和完善应更加关注拯救文化,将其作为企业拯救制度构建的出发点和落脚点,以加强相关立法的内在一致性。同时,应审时度势,通过迅速采取相关临时举措对特定历史时期的重大经济社会情势作出有效回应。  相似文献   
论大学生自我同一性发展:基于“合法延缓期”的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我同一性发展是青年期发展的重要任务,宴关乎个体的心理健康、职业定向、价值取向等多个方面。大学生处于青年后期,正是自我同一性进一步完善的时期,而大学生自我同一性发展状况不容乐观,多数大学生处于同一性延缓状态。通过对大学生自我同一性发展特点与任务的分析,从合法延缓期的角度提出建议,倡导大学生改变教育与学习观念,激发内心力量进行自我教育。  相似文献   
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