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自恋情结与当前的中国文学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自20世纪80年代中期以来,中国文学中的自恋已有所表现,且逐渐形成一种自恋情结。当下中国文学的自恋情结主要表现为身体自恋、精神自恋、自我迷恋与叙事自恋四种形态。这种新型自恋叙事伦理的产生,有其文化语境变迁、作家主体性嬗变等主客观因素。作为当下中国文学的重要现象,自恋情结给文学发展造成了明显的障碍和伤害,成为许多作家创作的瓶颈;作品独立性、思想性以及文化深度和崇高感在作家心目中日益坍塌,文学的想象空间愈加逼仄,文学面临着创造力匮乏的危机。自恋的膨胀还使文学丧失了真诚,虚伪和矫饰横行,带来了病态的叙述、语言和浮躁喧哗的文风,并进而造成了文学生态的混乱。可见,只有自觉调整自恋心态,才能有利于文学的健康发展,这既需要作家自身的调整与提升,又有赖于整个社会、文化、文学和制度生态的多元协调。  相似文献   
"个人化"写作是20世纪90年代文学的一个关键词.它意味着以个人的姿态反抗集体意识形态的宏大叙事,为主体独立和人性自由赢得了一定的美学空间.同时,它专注于个体私人经验和欲望体验的表达,无可避免地堕入了文学自恋的泥潭,又在一定程度上迎合了市场运作的消费规则.  相似文献   
知青文学从"自恋"走向"自省",说明他们已经开始从早期的幻想式回忆中,学会了真诚地对自己进行反思.但在知青运动三十周年前后出现的知青"反思"文学,并没有产生知青作家所预期的社会轰动效果,其真正原因在于缺少真正发自灵魂深处的"自省".因此,在知青运动四十周年即将到来的时候,关心知青文学的人们希望看到的,就是知青文学能够真诚地通过"反省"向世人敞开自己的灵魂.  相似文献   
In this paper, we examine the relationship between people's actual interpersonal sensitivity (such as their ability to identify deception and to infer intentions and emotions) and their perceptions of their own sensitivity. Like prior scholars, we find the connection is weak or non-existent and that most people overestimate their social judgment and mind-reading skills. Unlike previous work, however, we show new evidence about who misunderstands their sensitivity and why. We find that those who perform the worst in social judgment and mind-reading radically overestimate their relative competence. We also find origins of these self-estimates in general narcissistic tendencies toward self-aggrandizement. We discuss evidence from two studies, one involving the Interpersonal Perception Task (the IPT-15) and another focusing on inferences about partners after a face-to-face negotiation exercise. In both cases, actual performance did not predict self-estimated performance but narcissism did.  相似文献   
There are patients who present in treatment with depression that is chronic and unmoving over many years. This article proposes that this type of patient is attached to and defensively uses the symptom in a way that may be described as narcissistic. The amelioration of the symptom is experienced as a threatened loss that must be defended against, despite the patient's unbearable suffering. This dynamic is illustrated as it appeared in three cases treated at a community-based mental health clinic. In each, modification of the symptom was aggressively resisted, creating an insurmountable impasse in the guise of seeking treatment.  相似文献   
通过考察变态心理在女性创作中的表现,发现无论弑父、自恋还是同性恋都表现了女性对男性的失望和抗拒。由于女性作家历史上就没有自由书写的权利,当她们用文学来反观自身时,更容易通过变态心理的揭示,对压抑女性的男性中心话语方式予以反抗,因而,女性创作中充斥着大量恋父—弑父情结、自恋—同性之恋等深层心理经验,形成独特的潜意识的书写模式,这为研究者观察女性文本、触摸女性思维提供了独特视觉。  相似文献   
This study examined the moderating role of social intelligence (SI) in the associations of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism (VN) with peer-reported overt and relational aggression (RA). The sample consisted of 286 adolescents aged 15 to 19 recruited from a residential program for youth who have dropped out of school. Results showed that whereas grandiose narcissism (GN) was related to both forms of aggression, VN was related to neither overt nor RA. However, SI moderated the relation between VN and both forms of aggression such that SI works as either a risk or protective factor for adolescents with higher levels of narcissism depending on the subdimensions of SI and aggression. The findings indicate that SI may play a role in how adolescent peers perceive the behavior of relatively narcissistic individuals.  相似文献   
This article develops the concept of “olfactory narcissism” through an analysis of Boris Raux’s multi-media artworks. Approaching narcissism through the sense of smell, Raux frames the self in insistently material, trans-corporeal terms. His olfactory projects thus explore questions about the porous self and the ethical and environmental stakes of “deodorization” and olfactory self-fashioning. The paper explores how olfactory aesthetics can contribute to a deeper understanding of modernity’s atmospheric practices as well as their implications for subject formation, social relations, and environmental health.  相似文献   
Objective: This study fills a gap in the literature by examining the relationship between two types of narcissism, vulnerable and grandiose, and five alcohol-related outcomes (ie, alcohol use, alcohol problems, evaluation and expectancies of problems, and readiness to change).

Participants: 345 college students (28% men, 72% women) from a Midwestern university were recruited from undergraduate psychology courses from April 2015 to October 2016.

Methods: Participants completed an online survey with questionnaires measuring the variables of interest. Multiple regression analyses were used to test the hypotheses.

Results: Grandiose narcissism was a positive predictor of alcohol consumption and a positive (ie, good) evaluation of alcohol-related problems. Vulnerable narcissism was a positive predictor of alcohol-related problems, problem recognition (ie, readiness to change), and problem expectancies.

Conclusions: The results speak to the effects that different types of narcissism have on alcohol use, alcohol problems and attitudes towards alcohol problems among young adults.  相似文献   

关于《红楼梦》中女性问题的研究,已经成为了"红学"研究的热点.自比较文学日渐成为显学以后,国学往往被强行拉来与西学作一番对应,《红楼梦》研究中"性别平等"的神话也就因此产生了.本文通过对大观园中女儿们的生存状态、贾宝玉的文化角色、曹雪芹的自我救赎之路的考察,对"性别平等"的说法提出了质疑.  相似文献   
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