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美术作品的民族性和时代性兼备是每个画家终生追求的目标,也是美术品能流传后世的必要条件,因此从事中国美术的创造,必须在突显艺术家个性的同时,始终保持民族特色,并具有鲜明的时代特性.  相似文献   
何天明 《阴山学刊》2004,17(6):36-40
在内蒙古建设民族文化大区要以科学发展观的这一思路为指导,站在时代的高度,面向世界,面向全国,将文化的时代性同地区性、民族性结合起来,树立解决文化与经济发展及各类文化间的不平衡问题的宏观战略目标,把微观的诸多目标统一到社会发展对文化提出的要求上来.  相似文献   
《Sociological Forum》2018,33(3):735-756
Until recently, sociologists have paid surprisingly little attention to the relationship between emotions and nationalism. Existing accounts remain homogeneous, linear and nonrelational. To remedy this gap, this article compares public controversies in Turkey over the Armenian genocide at two historical moments: its semi‐centennial anniversary in 1965, and the publication of an article in 2004 by the Armenian‐Turkish journalist Hrant Dink that led to his assassination in 2007. It demonstrates that the genocide, and the conflicting epistemic structures that it incites, is a source of anxiety for Armenians due to their actual displacement within the nation. It is also a source of anxiety for Turks due to the perceived threat of displacement within the nation. These relational anxieties over the nation played an important role, during these two events, in reproducing hierarchical and exclusionary configurations, experiences, and representations of nationhood. During the 1965 semi‐centennial, Armenians reacted to the mainstream Turkish public's anxieties by pledging their loyalty to the state. Dink's assassination in 2007, on the other hand, showcases how an attempt by the excluded to redefine the what and who of the nation united otherwise separate social sections around a nationalist front.  相似文献   
This article argues that Russia and Turkey radically reframed their projects of nation-building around the turn of the twenty-first century, and the migration patterns between the Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East, Russia, and Turkey reinforce these new projects of nationhood, aimed at reshaping society and building a new collective identity. By focusing on the nineteenth and the early twentieth century, most studies of nationalism and nation-building overlook the decisive transformations nation-building projects have been going through, particularly in Eurasia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is an observable and major change in the definition of the nation not just in post-Soviet Central Asia and the Caucasus where it is somewhat less surprising but also in Russia and even in Turkey which was not part of the Soviet Union. At the turn of the twenty-first century, Russia and Turkey embarked on different nation-building projects. This article argues that despite, or perhaps because of, the stark differences in the policies adopted by various states in post-Soviet Eurasia, the patterns of emigration and immigration reinforced the new nation-building projects underway in Russia and Turkey.  相似文献   
作为战后英国戏剧第二次浪潮的主要人表人,霍华德·布伦(Howard Brenton)(1942-)以其经典作品《罗马人在英国》而著称,它反映了布伦顿在经历了七十年代政治理想的幻灭之后对英国历史文化的反思。在这部作品中,布伦顿用历史学家的目光,从非传统的角度出发,重新解读历史和它的神话,将颠覆和批判和矛头直接指向了英国的民族性。在他的笔下,两千多年的英国历史不再是一个演绎文明的过程,而是一个以征服为主题的暴力史:在这一主题之下,人们所看到的不再是文明车轮的滚动,而是奴役与反抗的交替和人类梦想的无限延宕。   相似文献   
高奇琦 《民族研究》2012,(2):1-12,108
近年来兴起的日常民族主义理论已经在西方民族理论领域产生较大影响,并且正激发出两种不同路向的新思潮:日常次民族主义和日常超民族主义。日常民族主义理论的提出将原生主义开启的微观民族分析推进到一个更为规范化的分析阶段,其意义在于部分消解了宏观民族分析中内在的冲突性和爆炸性,同时也展示了一个以民族成员个体为中心的民族意义世界。该理论的困难主要集中在其缺乏对精英功能的考虑及对历史变迁的整合这两方面。笔者尝试引入西方社会学理论中的成果来克服这一困难。在美国社会学家柯林斯仪式互动链理论的启发下,笔者提出一个族内互动场的分析框架,以期从社会学的视角对西方的日常民族主义理论进行总结和概括,并对日常民族主义理论进行一些补充和发展。  相似文献   
和亲政策是唐王朝治理边疆的一项重要举措,在其影响之下,边疆民族与唐朝统治下的中原汉族形成了双向的文化认同,且边疆民族对唐王朝的国家认同也在逐渐加深。两种认同受到历史条件的影响,既存在统一又相互矛盾,存在着明显的局限性。文化认同和国家认同淡化民了族间的差异与隔阂,推动了民族同化;加速了民族间的交往与联系,增进了民族情感;促进了边疆地区经济文化教育的发展,在中华民族多元一体格局的形成过程中发挥着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   
This article considers the relationship between people and place in the everyday production of the local. Based on empirical research with young people in Russia's far north it offers an empirically substantiated argument that processes of deterritorialization do not necessarily imply the disembedding of people from either the national or the local. Drawing on discursive psychological approaches to the construction of nationhood, the article demonstrates how national and local patriotisms are produced through a post‐Soviet project of nationalism and an active programme of flagging the city by the city administration. Through an exploration of the everyday manifestation and articulation of ties between people and place, however, it also suggests some of the limitations to theories of the everyday discursive production of nationhood. Connections to place, it is argued, are not only unconscious or linguistic expressions of discursively produced subjects, but emotional and sensual responses to the material (urban space, nature, climate) and symbolic (hymns, flags, historical narratives) environment. This suggests the need to conceptualize place as a site of the active production and enactment of subjectivity, which is itself not only the product of language and discourse but of experience, affect and ‘matter’.  相似文献   

This article examines the roles and functions of narratives in the conduct and prosecution of the Falklands War. It looks at how, and with what degree of success the Falklands conflict was emplotted into potent definitions of national identity; how it was constructed as the embodiment of certain cherished ideals of nationhood, and thus slotted into what Patrick Wright calls the ‘mythical Histories’ of Britain and Argentina. It considers how the languages of diplomacy and sport were articulated within a discourse of war. It examines how participants in the conflict, journalists and combatants, made use of narratives cognate with the tradition of the romance quest in an effort to make sense of the conflict, promote its aims and provide themselves with reassurance at times of uncertainty, if not naked terror. It also considers how opposition to the war, dissenting opinions about the legitimacy of its aims and prosecution, and a more critical view of its costs, was most often and most effectively articulated in narratives which contested and deconstructed the discursive norms of the romance quest, or which challenged the coherence of the narrative or the narrative subject itself.  相似文献   
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