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目前,我国法学界对检察机关职权配置问题存在着激烈的争论。争论的主要问题有三个。其中,检察机关是否有侦查权是个伪问题,其本质是检察机关行使侦查权时由谁来监督;检察官不是“中立及超然”的司法人员,不应当有对强制措施的批准权;检察官不应当以居高临下的“法律监督者”的身份监督审判程序,而是应当通过程序动议权和上诉权监督审判程序。目前主张维持检察机关职权现状的学者,有严重的部门本位主义,检察权改革应当摒弃部门本位主义。  相似文献   
重视国家行政机关法律责任问题的研究,对加强我国的行政法制建设具有重要意义。本文阐述了国家行政机关作为表现国家意志的机关,具有特殊法律地位;国家行政机关法律责任是国家责任的重要内容,其责任内容和责任形式取决于国家的性质、目的和任务;而国家行政机关法律责任制度是否健全,亦成为国家责任制度是否完善的重要标志。当前,我国传统的封建文化意识和现行政治体制中的缺陷是阻碍我国行政机关法律责任制度健全和发展的重要因素。社会应当关注这个问题,以促进我国社会主义民主法制的完善。  相似文献   
为了对行政权进行有效的监督和制约,实现行政诉讼的宗旨并与国际立法接轨,有必要赋予检察机关提起行政诉讼的权力。建议立法上对检察机关提起行政诉讼的案件范围、法律身份和地位以及适应的诉讼规则等问题作出特殊规定。  相似文献   
文章对人体器官捐赠行为的法律性质进行了概述,分析了人体器官捐赠行为生效的要件是完全民事行为能力人、意思表示自愿和真实、不得违反法律或社会公共利益。并试图进一步明确人体器官捐赠行为的法律效力:捐赠人的权利包括自主自愿权、生命健康权、知情同意权、隐私权、获取补偿的权利,捐赠人有如实告知自己健康状况的义务;受赠人的权利包括生命健康权、知情同意权、隐私权,受赠人有支付医疗费和对供体补偿的义务。  相似文献   
脑死亡与器官移植   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1967年南非医生班纳德(Banard)成功实施首例心脏移植手术以来,人们逐渐认识到,心肺死亡并不能等同于整体的死亡,而脑死亡才具有不可逆性,脑死亡的问题首次被提了出来。直至今日,其已为众多国家地区的医学及法律所确认,并制定了一系列脑死亡标准。脑死亡的确定,极大的提高了器官移植的例次及成功率,为器官移植的发展提供了坚实基础。而中国至今未制定脑死亡标准及脑死亡法,为了适应于国际趋势的需要,制定脑死亡及器官移植法迫在眉睫。  相似文献   
抗战时期,湖南人民积极开展募捐活动,慷慨解囊。募捐的主要形式有献机运动、征募寒衣、义卖、献金、出钱劳军等,并表现出形式多样、范围广泛、组织有方、数额巨大等特点。湖南的募捐,鼓舞了抗日将士的士气,有力地支持了全国的抗战。  相似文献   
This study interviewed adolescents conceived using sperm donation to examine their experiences of contacting and meeting ‘same‐donor offspring’ (i.e. donor‐conceived offspring raised in different families who share the same donor), their motivations for this contact, and how they make meaning of these relationships. This in‐depth qualitative study involved semi‐structured interviews with 23 young people aged 12–19 years (mean = 14 years). Interviewees were motivated by curiosity about their biological relations and by wanting to extend their family. Contact with same‐donor offspring was described as being either normal/neutral or as a unique experience that was integrated into their identity. This study highlights the importance of contact between same donor offspring, particularly during adolescence, a developmental stage associated with identity formation. The findings have important policy implications as they suggest that donor‐conceived individuals may benefit from contact with others conceived using the same donor prior to the age of 18 years.  相似文献   

As economies become more reliant on innovative, knowledge-intensive firms, understanding the interaction between knowledge and improving innovation performance is increasingly important. Although most UK businesses are micro, small or medium-sized enterprises (micro/SMEs), knowledge management research has tended to focus on large companies Knowledge sharing can be critical for innovation performance, especially for smaller players with limited resources. Our study presents an insight from micro/SMEs operating in the highly knowledge-intensive and innovative games/entertainment software development sector. Using a mixed method approach, we investigate knowledge sharing and its contribution to firm innovation performance improvements. Our findings suggest that micro/SMEs are at the forefront of the creative sector precisely because of their smaller size. Our study reveals evidence of knowledge donation but limited evidence of knowledge collection in the knowledge sharing process. We develop a model highlighting the importance of industry context, individual knowledge and organizational size in knowledge sharing for innovation performance.  相似文献   
知识转移是企业保存知识、提升创新能力的重要途径,中介机构在转移过程中发挥了重要作用。本文以联盟企业间知识转移为研究对象,考虑了企业的不同心理压力,首先建立了联盟企业双方的讨价还价博弈模型;其次构建了考虑中介机构参与知识转移的博弈模型,分析和讨论三方收益变化的影响因素及策略选择。结果表明,在直接知识转移博弈中,转移主体的收益大小与自身的心理压力呈负相关,而与对方的心理压力呈正相关,同等心理压力下知识转出方占优;中介机构参与博弈情形下,中介机构作为协作角色的博弈收益仅受博弈双方心理压力影响,且与知识接收方协作可获得更大收益,而主导角色博弈情形下收益受到三方主体心理压力的综合影响,并在主导知识接收博弈时获得收益更大;中介机构的角色选择与知识转出方心理压力变化相关性不明显,主要受到知识接收方及自身心理压力影响。  相似文献   
Many optimisation problems arise in managing the Blood Donation (BD) supply chain. Most of them have been addressed in the literature, while other problems, e.g. donation scheduling, have not been sufficiently addressed so far. However, blood collection from donors may have a disruptive impact on the entire BD supply chain if not properly managed. For example, scheduling donation appointments based on some system metrics may improve the flow of blood units through the BD supply chain and increase the quality of service perceived by donors. In this short communication, we present the donation scheduling problem and highlight the lack of work in the literature that deals with this problem. Then, we analyse the impact of an unbalanced flow of blood units on the BD system and the benefits that may derive from a suitable appointment scheduling. Finally, we propose suggestions for future research in BD collection scheduling that may improve the BD process.  相似文献   
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