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现代歌词中的诗歌形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
歌词与诗歌合一是一部既往史,如今歌词已从诗歌中分离出来成为独立的文学体裁,然而,二者仍然有着密切关系.诗歌可成为歌词和歌词可以是诗歌的情况并不少见.现代歌词中的诗歌表现为三种形态,即诗歌被谱曲而成为歌词,古诗今译成歌词,歌词原作即诗歌.  相似文献   
元初南宋遗民词人是一个颇具特色的群体,南宋遗民词中的隐逸词是宋亡后士大夫心理与境遇的反映。南宋遗民词人的心奥,南宋遗民词中隐逸词的新特点,是在宋末元初那一特定历史时代的产物,是其时的特有文化现象。  相似文献   
贺寿之辞自先秦始,至南宋蔚为大观,但多言富贵荣华,情感苍白。南宋词人方岳因为国为民屡遭构陷,仕途坎坷,他将身世之悲、家国之痛融入到类型多样的寿词创作之中。贺长官词展示了他奇特的艺术构思与创作才能,贺亲友词在真挚祝福中流淌出对现实人生的感悟,那记载生命历程的自寿词背后则是盛年难再、壮志成空的无奈。南山虽好而庙堂难离,种种复杂的情感汇集于他的寿词创作之中,使其作品展示着独特的艺术魅力与审美价值。  相似文献   
中唐以后,除了民间广为流行的长短句外,还出现了文人亲自创作的长短句。文人的长短句到底起源于哪里?假定文人的词是受民间词的影响而产生的,那么什么原因使文人对长短句保持持续不变的关心,并给予了词的地位?民间词的内容和风格是以怎样的方式传达到文人那里?解决了这些问题可以帮助我们更好地理解民间词文人化过程中文人词的形成原因,同时可以对定论词的性质提供参照。  相似文献   
近20年来,词学研究有所进展,但仍存在一些问题。词学研究应在多重网络中展开。首先,词学是专门之学,但研究者仍需建构开放的知识网络。词乐研究虽有不少成果,但仍处于相对低潮。这与研究者受限于音乐知识,无法有效介入有关。词谱、词律等专门之学亦是如此。其次,可以尝试词学研究的时空延展,打造通观的“全息网络”,通过长时段的、大量的文本分析发现新话题。同时,注意域外汉籍,因为它们可以提供新文献,启发新视角,丰富文本网络。最后,要注意数字人文的发展趋向,要建设词学检索库,善用新技术,更新研究理念,以便及时因应。但数字人文终究只是辅助研究手段,技术取代不了阅读与思考,只有在传统研究的基础上,技术才能发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   
作为诗体的元杂剧曲词,无论就其本身来说,还是就其在舞台表演的功能而言,都是以抒情为主体的。但是,这种非常突出的抒情功能,却是叙事为其根基的。这种叙事根基上的抒情,不仅有着显性叙事与隐性叙事的不同形态,而且有着特殊的文学意义与舞台价值。  相似文献   
女诗人古筝非常重视对外国文学和文化的研究与学习,在与外来文化的交流与碰撞中,古筝逐渐形成了自己的诗歌观念和审美追求。古筝借鉴西方现代诗歌的创作理念和写作技巧,形成了自己个性化、陌生化和冷抒情的创作风格。  相似文献   
艾青是极少数把“诗”与“歌”区分开的现代诗人之一。诗更通画,强调意象的新异,歌词更通乐,强调语言的流畅动听。诗可以有更多的内心独白,歌词却需要更多地面对听众,使倾诉与倾听同步共鸣。歌词是需要包含诗意,又富有乐感的双重愉悦。一首好的歌词应该是带有音乐特色的文学美和闪耀文学光彩的音乐关,集文学美与音乐关于一身。艾青创作的歌词尽力做到表达意旨的准确性、抒情状物的生动性、造成形象的鲜明性、搏动情绪的感染性、节奏旋律的和谐性。现代歌词以其通俗性与大众化特征影响着中国的新诗,乃至20世纪文学革新的思想理念与艺术取向。  相似文献   
This paper examines the construction of prisoners’ identity through rap in England’s high security prisons. While hip hop studies has often addressed rap’s connection to the social practices of criminalized youths, prison rap cultures have received scant attention. This paper draws on a series of rap workshops and interviews with prisoners to investigate the experiences of black prisoners in high security prisons and how identities are produced and negotiated through rap. Rap is associated with the production of a range of identities and identifications, enabling prisoners to accommodate themselves to the conditions of their incarceration and to challenge aspects of the criminal justice system that they experience as unfair or illegitimate.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of an academic debate surrounding the relationship between youth and the ‘new media’, with a particular emphasis on the social uses of different digital technologies within the sphere of youth activity. A specific area of research has been dedicated to studying the use of digital media in the context of the so-called youth subcultures. With this article we expect to contribute to this ongoing debate, by examining the problem through an analysis of two interconnected case studies: protest rap and illegal graffiti. Both cases may be defined as subcultures, insofar as they are characterized as alternative, subterranean, and to a certain extent, subversive movements. The empirical ground for this discussion is based on several investigations, with a qualitative basis, carried out by the authors in the course of over a decade in Portugal. This extended time frame allowed ample access to a diversified and matured analytical material and enabled a better perspective of the developments and the mutations involving the appropriation of the digital media. Our researches have shown that digital media and technologies have been gradually integrated in these urban youth subcultures, accomplishing several strategic roles.  相似文献   
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