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从Helen Spencer-Oatey 的和谐管理模式这一动态理论视角出发,考察说话者基于对言语互动中的交际需求、面子的敏 感性和行为期待的动态评价,对言语形式在礼貌程度上进行转换,从而获知不礼貌言语的转换机制。这一言语转换机制应用 于大学英语视听说课的教学,有助于增强学生的语用意识,引导学生有意识地将直觉产生的言语转换为意义相等但更为礼貌 的形式,顺利地完成日常交际活动。  相似文献   
While qualitative researchers increasingly accept online video interviews as a reliable method, many maintain concerns about rapport and data quality. Drawing on two separate interview projects conducted in private in-person settings, public in-person settings, and privately via Skype, we compare interview contexts with regard to rapport, suitability to sensitive topics, interview duration, and scheduling concerns raised by prior research. Analytical comparison of these two corpuses of data suggest, largely in contrast to previous literature, that (1) interviews conducted in private settings (either in-person or via Skype) result in more sharing of deeply personal experiences, and there is little difference in this exceptional disclosure between Skype and in-person private interviews; (2) interviewing via Skype produces neither reduction nor inappropriate excesses of rapport; and (3) Skype interviews are a popular choice among participants, did not result in shorter interview duration, and were not subject to greater rescheduling or cancellation.  相似文献   

In child custody cases, children oftentimes provide allegations of experienced trauma against one of their parents. Such allegations can happen before any investigative interviews (e.g., by the police or child protective services) have taken place. A central theme here concerns how to appraise such allegations and make certain that children’s accounts are taken seriously. In the current special issue, the focus is on new work on the functioning of children’s memory and its relation to trauma or work on children’s suggestibility and memory when they are traumatized. Specifically, key experts in the field of children’s memory provided contributions on: (1) the impact of interviewer support and rapport building on children’s testimonies, (2) the role of parental alienation in children’s testimonial accuracy, and (3) different types of false memories in children’s memory reports.  相似文献   
Based on data received from pension supervisory authorities, the article reviews 85 different pension schemes in 44 jurisdictions by looking at fees and charges as well as their legal ceilings and their development since 2014. A key finding is the observed decrease in fees and caps. The article presents jurisdictions according to clusters, i.e. by groups of countries with identical or very similar items already covered by pension fees, and analyses the extent to which various cost and fee elements are covered by fees charged to members. Finally, we calculate charge ratios for each cluster to quantify the impact of fees and charges on pension savings. Occupational defined contribution pension schemes and personal plans linked to employment tend to be much more cost effective than personal schemes that have no direct employment link.  相似文献   
La transformation numérique et la réorganisation des entreprises font apparaître de nouvelles modalités de travail fort éloignées de la relation de travail typique. Selon les partisans de la rupture numérique, le cadre juridique actuel n'est pas adapté aux formes de travail et modèles d'entreprises «innovants». Pourtant, la réglementation du travail peut faciliter l'innovation et la flexibilité, comme l'emploi typique peut être un moyen d'améliorer l'efficacité et de réduire les coûts. En effet, la relation de travail permet le plein exercice des prérogatives de l'employeur et le déploiement interne de la main-d'œuvre; c'est aussi un bon moyen d'assurer formation et montée des compétences.  相似文献   
Qualitative research ethics discussions have established a sound knowledge and practice base which advises on the protection and rights of the research informants. This paper, although supporting the primacy of informant safety, will highlight less visible research debates. The potential for vulnerability and harm of the social work researcher will be explored. The value of achieving heightened empathy and emotional resonance with research participants is considered as a process which the author suggests is likely to increase the richness of the research data, but also may accentuate researcher vulnerability or distress. The author's experience of doing personal research with vulnerable informants, and of being a social work research supervisor, will be used to reflect on processes and practices which she claims may make social work researchers particularly vulnerable to conflict and distress. Data from her recent research which explored the experiences of social work researchers will be used to illustrate these issues.  相似文献   
This paper examines a range of interactional activities participants carry out in the course of corner shop transactions in Quito, Ecuador. These activities include: phatic communication exchanges as traditionally conceived, that is, conventionalized forms such as how‐are‐you and health inquiries; individualized exchanges in the form of conversational work around a range of topics (e.g. politics, health, school); and creative language play activities (e.g. wordplay and linguistic play with names). These activities are described as reflecting participants' orientation to the maintenance of positive rapport or friendly relations ( Aston 1988a ) with the effect that the service transaction becomes a pleasant and even an entertaining encounter. Such orientation is described here in relation to the familiarity existing between shopkeepers and customers as a result of frequent contact in the context of the barrio (residential neighbourhoods) in Quito. As such the study lends support, from a different socio‐cultural perspective, to recent work in the area that highlights the centrality of phatic communication in task‐oriented interactions in English (cf. Coupland 2000a , 2000b , 2003 ), and brings to the fore a wider range of activities which appear to be employed for rapport‐building purposes in service encounters.  相似文献   

This paper examines the efficacy of sexual violence prevention education (SVPE) in the USA and Australasia: areas, which have some of the worst rates for sexual violence prevalence, globally. Paradoxically, they are also at the forefront of innovations in sexual violence prevention, compared to some European countries where SVPE is virtually non-existent or at the embryonic stage, such as the UK. Drawing upon the Authors’ previous research on the delivery of SVPE in New Zealand secondary schools, and literature reviews into these innovations, the authors argue that social work education is ideally placed to develop SVPE, due to the ways that some of these innovations, coalesce with social work theory, critical andragogy, and social work values. These synergies have the potential for transnational application through the ways that they can inform SVPE in those countries where it is delivered by social workers in schools, and via the ways it can enhance the social work curriculum to improve post-qualifying practice in addressing sexual violence (SV).  相似文献   
本研究以马丁·布伯的对话理论为背景,对初中课堂中的师生对话进行质性分析,以增进当前的师生关系。在分析中,一种亲和的、对话式(布伯称之为“我—你”关系)的师生关系呈现出来。结果显示,互惠的对话是建立亲和型师生关系的桥梁和纽带。在对材料进一步挖掘和分析后发现,欲实现“我—你”的师生关系,教师须在其精神层面具有较高的自我意识和存在意识。研究对象———教师L,其作为学者和教师的精神追求促使其实现与学生之间真正的对话关系,同时也帮助学生提升了自我意识。  相似文献   
基于“孔庙世界”在根源的提问下成为一个学术上可以展开的议题,从孔子“祭如在”出发,通过诠释周濂溪、朱熹、黄干等对于孔庙与乡祠中祭祀先圣先贤的追问,认为对古圣先贤所书写的文本典籍的阅读,与圣贤在精神上“相通”,通过在孔庙、乡祠内对先儒圣贤牌位、画像或塑像的祭祀,用“道统”超越“血缘祭祀”的局限,实现与先圣先贤在“气”的“相感”。“孔庙世界”中的“祭如在”是将先圣先贤模仿为生者进行“致敬”“致孝”,将先圣与后学“共在”于“共在世界”。  相似文献   
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