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We conducted this research based on a qualitative approach to describe the opinions of older widows and widowers on remarriage obstacles. Based on purposive sampling and inclusion criteria, we chose 48 participants on maximum diversity of sex, age, education, employment, and socioeconomic status. Two thirds of the participants were female, 40% had spent more than 10 years widowed, and 65% were living with their children. We collected data individually through semistructured, face-to-face interviews. Based on conventional content analyses, 2 independent researchers implemented data analysis manually. Barriers to remarriage were finally categorized into 4 main themes: personal, normative, interactive, and financial factors. Results of this study showed that older people are more concerned about public opinions and social norms surrounding remarriage. As long as these thoughts and norms are not changed, the concept of remarriage among widows and widowers remains a vital taboo and concern.  相似文献   
Becoming alone in old age can be a decisive life event that brings major changes depending on various causes as health status, financial resources, family situation, and available welfare services. This article discusses the situation of older people in Sweden who have transitioned from a two-person to single-person household in recent years and what impact this might have on their everyday lives. Through in-depth interviews with 18 older people, age 67–90, their experiences about life conditions and opportunities were examined. Findings showed large differences between the men and women. They all tried to live as they always had done and they used the same personal life strategies that they always had. But the men could live as before on their own financial merits, while the women needed assistance from children, grandchildren and the welfare system. Transportation options were central and clearly related to both private economy and social services available. Shortcomings in the welfare state's way of caring for the elderly were clearly uncovered. The gap between social policy promises of opportunities for autonomy and independence to live an active life in old age and the everyday reality for older people still seems to be wide.  相似文献   
在清代,广义上的家产既包括了族产,也包括了个体家庭私产,有关家产的争夺主要围绕族人侵占族产,以及兄弟分家析产和绝户家庭的立嗣问题展开,同时侵夺寡妇产业也占有一定的比例。导致这一现象的一个重要原因在于清代人口压力日趋增大,资源日趋短缺,道德和宗族的约束力减弱,而归根结底还是在于争产者的贪婪。  相似文献   
清代丧偶女性通过嫁、守两种方式履行家庭责任,持家的中下层寡居者承受着巨大的心理压力,并可能遭遇节孝两难等伦理矛盾。家庭责任的压力和婆媳之间的矛盾影响着寡妇的性格倾向。  相似文献   
《孔雀东南飞》是一出家庭悲剧 ,但在中国封建社会的土壤中产生的这一悲剧在全世界却具有普遍性。在老年寡妇和她的儿子、儿媳所组成的非完整的扩大家庭中 ,婆婆和儿媳争夺她们共同关心的男子的情感 ,是这个家庭内的永恒难题。家庭内的情感争夺与社会制度和民族传统并无必然联系。  相似文献   
中国现代小说中存在着这样一类专制型寡妇形象,她们虽长年身受封建男权制压迫,却被其浸润同化,进而模仿男性权威在家庭中对子辈施行专制统治,成为不幸与悲剧的制造者,异化为男权忠臣。  相似文献   
巴比伦王国在它最后的王贝尔莎萨继位后短暂时期即倒塌了.而最后的国王贝尔莎萨的身世在历史记录中与”圣经”记录中不尽完全一致.众所周知的事实是,直到20世纪才证明贝尔莎萨是被垂帘听政的.本文将展现不同以往的观点,由如下三个角度,即1)从”圣经”中”但以理书有关他的记载;2)从贝尔莎萨一直被假设为尼布甲德尼撒王之子;3)综合证明贝尔莎萨与尼布甲德尼撤王无任何血缘关系;戏剧性地证明事实上贝尔莎萨是其寡妇母后(即前王后)与拿波尼达斯(宰相)的私生子.  相似文献   
清代加大了对守节妇女旌表的力度,但与此同时,大量处于社会底层的孀妇面对生存的压力,夫家的逼迫和他人的欺凌,选择了再嫁。而清代因为溺女之风盛行造成男女性别比例严重失调,有相当比例的适婚男子不能正常娶妻,这无疑又使孀妇再嫁变得更为普遍。这一切在巴县档案中都有所体现。  相似文献   
解析严歌苓《第九寡妇》王葡萄形象的艺术魅力,认为其审美价值一是塑造了一个与众不同的寡妇,即一个快乐的没有异化的寡妇。二是生动表现了这个寡妇的可爱,具体表现在她纯朴善良的天性、坚韧顽强的生命意志、大智若愚的个性和雌性十足的魅力等方面。  相似文献   
《第九个寡妇》是旅美作家严歌苓于2006年推出的一部新作,作品塑造了一个独特的女性形象——王葡萄。王葡萄将矛盾的个性——强悍与超脱很好地统一起来,这个性于她又是笼罩在混沌之中的,是融为一体的。她的强悍分为无忧无惧和泼辣好斗,她的超脱分为对政治、传统道德的超脱和对个人利害的超脱。王葡萄这一形象虽不乏戏剧化和理想化色彩,但她的存在自有其深厚的生活基础和现实依据。这一形象体现了作者在跨越中西视野下对理想女性或理想人性的思考。  相似文献   
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