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This article examines the representation of a transnational archive of queer books in Alison Bechdel's graphic memoirs Fun Home and Are You My Mother? for the insights it provides into the role of reading in making sense of the often difficult “felt experiences” of lesbian life. In both memoirs, books serve an important narrative function in the portrayal of Alison's lesbian identification and its complex emotional entanglements with the lives of parents who are trapped—killed even, in the case of the father—in the wastelands of patriarchy and heterosexual expectation. The article argues that in this complex family dynamic in which “sexual identity” itself is a problem and emotions remain largely unspoken, books act as fragile conduits of feelings, shaping familial relationships even as they allow Alison to contextualize her life in relation to historical events and social norms. Reading books allows her to understand the apparently U.S.-specific history of her family in relation to a wider queer history in the West.  相似文献   
改革开放后,工业化和城镇化发展加快,城市涌现了大量的农民工兄弟,导致农村出现了一个独特的群体——留守妇女。农村留守妇女参与娱乐性"赌博"现象引发了一系列社会问题。通过社会调查,收集了有关农村留守妇女参与娱乐性赌博的资料。通过数据分析,了解到农村留守妇女参与赌博现象背后更为复杂的社会原因。并对农村留守妇女娱乐性"赌博"现象进行了深入分析,研究该现象导致的婚外情不正当关系、家庭暴力的法律问题;最后,针对农村留守妇女娱乐性"赌博"现象引发的一系列法律问题,结合农村的具体情况,从立法和法律实施角度提出了减少和消除农村留守妇女娱乐性"赌博"现象的几点建议和对策。  相似文献   
Reasons for including investigations in a first course in statistics are presented. Investigations create an environment of participation and give the student the opportunity to experience statistics in action. This participation highlights the interaction between science and statistics. Suggestions are made regarding the integration of investigations into a formal course environment. One investigation is presented in detail. Thirteen other investigations are outlined. Emphasis is placed on experiments that require minimal set-up time yet illustrate important statistical concepts.  相似文献   
现行初中阶段人教版七年级《语文》教材中题目为《童趣》的一篇课文,是从清代文学家沈复《浮生六记.闲情记趣》中节选的文字。教材编著者对文中"物外"一词注释为"超出事物之外"。这个注释是不对的,颇值得商榷。因为照这样解释,文中"物外之趣"就成了"超出事物之外的乐趣",而这样的乐趣是不可思议的,也是不存在的。"物外"应解释为"超出世俗之外"或"不寻常的"。"超然物外"是很有特色的道家思想。《浮生六记》的作者沈复受到道家"超然物外"思想影响,所以"物外"一词应当依道家思想来解释,不能望文生义,否则会误导学生。  相似文献   
苏州西山“农家乐”近年来发展迅速,对促进当地经济发展、留住更多的劳动力以及推动新农村建设具有积极意义。但是目前西山“农家乐”发展仍存在诸多问题,如缺乏系统有效的宣传和营销;内容单一缺乏特色,整体素质低,服务质量难控制;利用率不高;设备设施欠缺,经营模式单一等。因此要促进西山“农家乐”的可持续发展,应采取有效的措施:丰富农家乐的活动内容以及特色;扩展景区季节旅游;探索多样的经营模式,丰富营销策略;加强生态环境保护。  相似文献   
在风格多样化的元代中后期诗坛上有两种风格追求是占据主导性的:一是雅正化,二是险怪化。但这两种貌似迥异的诗风追求背后却隐藏着共同的心理动因——私人化创作心态,且表现出同样的审美情趣——"逸"趣。所谓私人化创作心态,主要表现为两点:一是内容的狭隘,"哦风月、弄花鸟",而较少关注社会人生;二是境界的狭隘,体现为诗歌大多缺乏力度,缺少感染力。这种私人化创作心态的形成,是与元代中后期特殊的文化背景紧密联系的。而两种迥异的风格追求流露出同样的审美情趣,则在一定程度上反映出元代中后期文人尤其是汉族文人政治边缘化的尴尬境地。  相似文献   
《受活》之所以获得较高赞誉,主要得益于叙事策略上基于现实主义又力图超越现实主义的大胆探索,具体体现为关注苦难生命存在的叙事向度的持守,"超越主义的现实主义"叙事姿态的运用,以及充满荒诞魔幻、新奇想象的叙事智慧。  相似文献   
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